Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

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I knew the USA would respond with emergency services and humanitarian relief effort, thank god.
I wonder what services will be expected from us for rebuilding efforts?
Jack, knowing the Bahamas I would expect they will be happy to take whatever we offer. You might be working over there enjoying Kalik beer.
Not sure you would really see resort level development in the Abacos, doesn't seem to have the full winter climate of that of the Caribbean.

Watching people lined up at small runways makes me think many are just getting off, even with aid its not like you can rebuild quickly, the vegetation will take a while to come back after that salt water dosing.

My heart goes out to them.
FEMA is also their with supplies and helping with distribution. The US will do much to help rebuild, what country do you think will do more? Americans are generous to help and our government is proving that. As you said the CG is doing yeoman's work.

I am not aware of FEMA doing anything for the Bahamas. Please provide any links you have.

Americans are generous. You see it in the many aid programs pulled together quickly. Our government is not generous and has recently threatened more cutbacks to humanitarian aid. I didn't say they should help or anyone else would help more.

The CG proves it's mettle on a daily basis in so many ways and their help in the Bahamas is huge. Now, recognize there is an ongoing relationship and obligation so it's not something that required a special authorization or approval. Still, proud to have seen them first on the scene and I'm sure they saved a few lives in the process. Of all they do, saving lives may be what they are absolutely the best at.
BandB said “Our government is not generous”.
Really, name another government that is more generous. We do more for the world than anyone else. I can never understand people who want to put the USA down. I have friends who left the US to save taxes but they all say the US is the best place to live, unfortunately they can only live here a number of months per year.
Jack, knowing the Bahamas I would expect they will be happy to take whatever we offer. You might be working over there enjoying Kalik beer.

The Kalik logo looks pretty good on a hat or tee-shirt, but you have to admit it's pretty bad stuff. I would just as soon drink the malt Bushcrack
Gdavid. I’m not a beer expert, perhaps I drink 6 a year but I like Kalik. ��
I’ve had a few and didn’t find them terrible. If I had a choice I would pick a Sands light however.
BandB said “Our government is not generous”.
Really, name another government that is more generous. We do more for the world than anyone else. I can never understand people who want to put the USA down. I have friends who left the US to save taxes but they all say the US is the best place to live, unfortunately they can only live here a number of months per year.

BF, I believe he was referencing the current administration, not the US in general.
BandB said “Our government is not generous”.
Really, name another government that is more generous. We do more for the world than anyone else. I can never understand people who want to put the USA down. I have friends who left the US to save taxes but they all say the US is the best place to live, unfortunately they can only live here a number of months per year.

How we define “generous” and whether our government meets that definition would likely take this thread far afield and off the rails.
Dave, you first. Easy compare it to any other country. Name another country that does or gives more than the US when disasters strike.

Menzies. I don’t want to turn this into a Trump vs the squad of socialist. I’ll be silent and bite my tongue.
Dave, you first. Easy compare it to any other country. Name another country that does or gives more than the US when disasters strike.

The US gives more $$$ to development assistance aid than any other country. The US is also last among the 27 wealthiest countries when it comes to development assistance aid as a percentage of GDP. The US gives about .18% of GDP. Sweden, the most “generous”, gives 1.41% GDP.

That is why I said even defining what “generous” means is difficult. If I send $1,000 to the Red Cross for assistance to Bahama, is that more generous than some homeless woman who collects bottles for a week to get $20 to send to the Red Cross? I might give more but am I really more generous?

Now, those amounts only reflect development assistance and I don’t know how that relates to disaster relief such as food, water, medicine, temporary shelter etc... in the aftermath of a disaster. However, development giving tends to go up about 18% to a country after it is affected by a disaster.

I don’t know know where to find information as to the amounts, absolute or relative, of aid given by different countries for emergency aid.
My response to the last two posts.

The Bahamas are part of The British Commonwealth. As are most of the West Indies and Caribbean Islands.

This isn't a question of being jingoistic about who is giving more, or less.

I think you will find that many other countries, other than the US, are getting behind this. You will in all likliehood not hear about those efforts because US media will be focused on US efforts (kind of like all of the media coverage of the Olympics is on US athletes regardless of who us actually winning, or on Tiger in golf regardless of who is actually winning). The media focuses on what will sell copy and clicks.

So please don't get into the "look what we are doing", or "why should we", or "why isn't everyone else" conversations.

Just don't. Do what you personally can. Now and next year, and the year after that, and the years after those. Be what you are, don't be what others are saying you are.

Not sure. Once I get my feet on the ground over there I can make an assessment and move forward.

Sounds like you know the people and community over there pretty well. My family and I have discussed how to we could help over in GTC abacos or MOW. One idea that was brought up was if we could "adopt a family". A family that needs to rebuild their home there and needs help. If you know of any and they are ok with it we would love their contact info or we could give you ours in PM.

Sounds like you know the people and community over there pretty well. My family and I have discussed how to we could help over in GTC abacos or MOW. One idea that was brought up was if we could "adopt a family". A family that needs to rebuild their home there and needs help. If you know of any and they are ok with it we would love their contact info or we could give you ours in PM.


Bud, that is a VERY interesting idea. Thanks for bringing it up.

I am not sure that they are ready for that yet. But I would like to revisit this after a period when the relief effort is well under way. The efforts will be broad and general. I would be interested in involvement in a family specific effort then.

Importance will be in making sure that that family we "adopt" will get the direct help.

Watch this space.
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Anything done right now needs to be through organizations that have cleared their entry and aid program with the Bahamian Government. I don't personally know, but know from a friend who I consider a good source of one boat that tried to jump the gun and go over with supplies in a center console because they had family there. It didn't end up well for them. Supplies and boat gone. A larger boat was turned back by the BRD.

There are going to be people trying to take advantage of a chaotic situation and of attention being diverted. They may be Bahamian and remember "Desperate people will do desperate things." Or they may not even be from the area but just opportunists. Also remember, there is always someone ready to try to capitalize on the problems of others.

Work with organizations that are working with the authorities or work directly with the authorities. Don't just load up and head there.

Yes, they need food and supplies and hopefully are getting some, but they're still combing through rubbish searching for bodies and pulling out those they see.

We were out on the water today and as we were going to and from Miami we were longing, wishing we could just go across the the Abacos. We're not even going to go to Nassau though. We will help get supplies sent anyway we can but there are organizations that know how to get them there and we don't.
The deal for Greenland fell through, maybe The Bahamas can be bought.

The gulf coast hurricanes led to the largest land grabs since the The Reconstruction. Suspect The Bahamas are in for similar grabs. People who grew up there won't be able to afford to live there. Same in many areas of the US.
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The insular and theme park nature of these megaresorts give me a creepy feeling, however it arguably provides the best economic benefit for The Bahamas for the following reasons: The resorts generate tax revenue for the nation which is a shared benefit to all, the environmental impact to the beautiful waters and resources of the country are minimized by keeping the large volume of tourists in the bubble or the resort, most don't do excursions or venture out to the less developed areas, these mega resorts provide lots of jobs from entry level to upper management positions. The infrastructure and supply required for these resorts benefit the communities by dramatically subsidizing the cost for utility repairs, upgrades and new service as well as lowering the cost of imported food by driving up the supply volume.

Would you enjoy the outer islands of The Bahamas as much if all of the cruise ship patrons and average Atlantis tourist was bumbling about or do you think you benefit from them being corralled in one place?
The deal for Greenland fell through, maybe The Bahamas can be bought.

The gulf coast hurricanes led to the largest land grabs since the The Reconstruction. Suspect The Bahamas are in for similar grabs. People who grew up there won't be able to afford to live there. Same in many areas of the US.

Sadly may be true, but there are many islands in the Bahamas available and they've not been selling. I'm not sure the demand for Abaco will be any better. Walker's was a well known fishing haven and, yet, sat with no buyer for years. Bakers is an example of land acquisition and building but it's definitely the exception, not the norm.

Also, if you're going to grab and develop, you need a lot of land and piecing it together from a lot of small parcels could be difficult.

I've looked at investing in the Bahamas before and I couldn't make sense of it. Perhaps some will.
The deal for Greenland fell through, maybe The Bahamas can be bought.

The gulf coast hurricanes led to the largest land grabs since the The Reconstruction. Suspect The Bahamas are in for similar grabs. People who grew up there won't be able to afford to live there. Same in many areas of the US.

Are you seriously suggesting the US should try to “buy” the Bahamas after this tragedy? If so, you are stupid beyond reproach.
Are you seriously suggesting the US should try to “buy” the Bahamas after this tragedy? If so, you are stupid beyond reproach.

Wouldn't his first sentence tell you he wasn't seriously suggesting it? Oh wait, someone did suggest buying Greenland and was serious. But I don't think Boat was. Then he simply indicated he thought there might be land grabs.
Are you seriously suggesting the US should try to “buy” the Bahamas after this tragedy? If so, you are stupid beyond reproach.

No, not serious. Boat was serious about outside money taking advantage of the Bahamians who have lost everything. I would agree with him.

Flip side of course, something another member mentioned earlier, is that if someone has lost everything in the Hurricane and it may take 1 or 2 decades for Abaco to recover, likely the only thing they may have of value is the ownership of the land they own. Getting what value they can out of their equity may be the only thing that will help them relocate in a place where they can start over again.

So in that case would the investors be opportunistic, Angels, or both?
Ahh OK, I guess I misunderstood that post.
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I believe he was trying to be funny.
The cleanup costs alone, are going to be enormous, and quite daunting logistically. I’ll throw out the unspoken scenario. A large part, or all, of the Abacos, may not ever be rebuilt.
The cleanup costs alone, are going to be enormous, and quite daunting logistically. I’ll throw out the unspoken scenario. A large part, or all, of the Abacos, may not ever be rebuilt.

It has happened previously to areas of the Bahamas with far less damage, but those areas had fewer businesses and were dependent largely on one business.
It has happened previously to areas of the Bahamas with far less damage, but those areas had fewer businesses and were dependent largely on one business.

Look at Walker's Cay. Carl Allen was just about to start rebuilding there. But, I'm sure that Walker's probably got the same twenty plus foot of storm surge, and has probably caused some second thoughts about that whole idea.

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