I've been following this site for a while, and have been going to yacht shows up and down the West Coast for three years. My goal is to buy a boat that I can single-hand but big enough for at least 3 staterooms. I want to be able to go from Alaska to Mexico and beyond, and live on the boat most of the year. Here is the question, and I think I know what many of you will say. Should I get a boat loan and buy a good boat now, or work five more years and buy a great boat with mostly cash? I have a good income from my military retirement, and about a $500k budget either way. I'm just getting tired of working and spending a few weekends a year on my small Rinker. And... I just turned 50.
Wifey B: Heck if I know. I can make such decisions for me, but I don't know you or what works for you. I don't know your tolerance for debt or your health or your retirement income. You don't mention family at all. Or house. Or experience in anything other than your Rinker.
Based on how little I know about you, I'd recommend starting to explore, to learn, to evaluate but would not recommend jumping into anything. Do it like Wayfarer has. He had plans for the future, started just exploring the ideas, got comfortable, intended to wait a bit longer but then the perfect boat showed up and he bought it early.
If you retire now, are you sure you'll never need to work again and you'll be able to support your boating?