Seattle Sewage Dump

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This whole warming thing is a hoax and its been proven by the release of phony documents and hurried up data not validated and shoved forward to the idiots that are trying to create some fair world for all, a Utopia. Its just stupid.

Forrest Gump.
Now - back to our regularly scheduled program.

From an EPA presentation at a conference I attended in 2012: 25.000 to 75,000 POTW (sewerage plant) releases per year, producing an aggregate 3-10 billion gallons of untreated sewage release. Straight into the lake, river, coast. Stuck with me as I had a boating friend who had recently been whacked hard by Florida water cops who would not accept his installed tie-wrap lockout on his Y valve.

EPA is the classic 90/10 situation. Back in the early days, they did a lot of good with major issues (some may remember the Cuyahoga River Fire). Air and water are irrefutably cleaner today, by significant margins, due to early EPA and EPA funded (in most states the department of environmental quality gets 90-95% of its funding through EPA) rule making and enforcement.

Today - three times the staff and budget are devoted to the last 10%. The hard core scientists and engineers that started the agency are long gone, replaced with career civil servants with either law or "environmental" degrees. During the Clinton administration, under the leadership of Carol Browner (lawyer), EPA abandonded science (if data won't support the desired program at the 95% confidence limit, we'll just lower the data reliability threshold to 90%) and adopted feel good as the guiding policy. That has continued to the present day.

EPA now has 200 commissioned and armed "special agents" and spends $75 million a year on guns, body armor, camouflage equipment, unmanned aircraft, amphibious assault vessels, radar, night-vision gear, and military weaponry.

We must still be making progress, eh?

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