Seen in the CA delta

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Truth is though, that after living in China for a few years, I drive as slow as they do -45mph feels like I'm flying :eek:

Turkey vultures on top of an old water tank house.
Dub-if you are driving in China, you have my sympathies. We did try driving a bit in Beijing, that was pretty close to a nightmare. We were in the country in Southern Guangzhou province and I would not have driven there for all the tea there. It was every man for himself along with bicycles, scooters (with full families aboard!), the farmer's "iron donkeys", trucks, buses and a few cars. Approaching trucks and buses were a constant game of chicken.


  • 2016-09-04 10.02.10.jpg
    2016-09-04 10.02.10.jpg
    82.3 KB · Views: 105
Fugitive owners. Unlicensed captain. no registration, likely no insurance, no nothing. Guys should go to jail along with whatever government agent that let this thing escape the scrap yard a few years ago. I recall seeing this thing stuffed back into some tules somewhere near fern island and headreach island. I just cant remember exactly where it was. It was so far into some flooded island, i did not even want to go in there with my trolling motor.
not certain of the facts here, but I think this "Spirit of Sacramento" is not the original of movie fame, but a newer boat of the same name.
not certain of the facts here, but I think this "Spirit of Sacramento" is not the original of movie fame, but a newer boat of the same name.

That is correct. The original Spirit Of Sacramento which was owned by John Wayne and used in movies is sitting on the Sacramento River east bank north of Sacramento, near the airport.
The Delta as anywhere else if you are looking for crap you will find it, but also if you are looking for good folks, a lot of fun, and adventure the Delta's got it by the bucket full. I bought my first boat at 16 in so cal, cut my teeth in a 16' glasspar running between la harbor and catalina and up and down the coast between Marina Del Rey and Newport and boaters are the same everywhere!!!!
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