So many to choose from...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mr. C. THANKS A LOT PAL! I thought that would be our secret. It's getting so you just can't trust anyone now-a-days....
This thread is about Mr. 3377 remember.

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RT and all others... What Have I Started??? :hide::hide::hide: :D :socool: :ermm: :angel:
RTF's secretiveness has always bugged me.
RTF's secretiveness has always bugged me.

Wifey B: Makes him more endearing to me.....YAY, RTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rofl:

I like a little mystery. Who lurks behind the persona known as RTF. What is the strange man really like?

I accept and welcome him just as he is. I don't have any need to know more than he cares to share. It's none of my business. :D
Mr. C. THANKS A LOT PAL! I thought that would be our secret. It's getting so you just can't trust anyone now-a-days....
This thread is about Mr. 3377 remember.


That's hilarious, RT
Heading to Stuart the end of the week to walk the docks and take in Trawlerfest. It'll be our first REAL opportunity to climb aboard a few and really start developing our opinions, likes and dislikes (aside from Internet/yachtworld surfing). From there its over to Naples for the annual R&R week with the family on Vanderbilt Beach. Hope to sneak in a couple private showings the following week in Ft. Meyers, Cape Coral, and Long Boat Key. Thanks again for all the comments and responses on my original post. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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