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For Sale: Sold-Ebbtide is for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Can a well-found 32’Grand Banks with an asking price of only $35,000 actually exist in this market? The answer is YES. Prospective buyers should not be suspicious of the below-market price. Ebbtide is a handsome, honest boat. All upgrades are high quality and as described. She shows well and will certainly become the “pride and joy” for the next lucky owners.

Allow me to add that Bob & Jill are the warmest people you will ever meet. We were treated to a very enjoyable sunny afternoon cruise of Bellingham Bay.

Unfortunately, the engine space access of a 32’ Grand Banks is intended for younger folks without knee and hip joint issues. If this were not the case we would already be the next lucky owners!

Don Miner
7 Knots

Without any intent to change the mind of 7 and with much respect to those of you who like to spend lots of time in the mechanical spaces of your boat, I offer this perspective as a form of 'the minority report' on the above comment.
Boats are compelling from any number of perspectives to include living and spending time on the water, cruising for the sake of cruising or going places you like or have not yet been, and as pieces of equipment to exercise your mechanical hobbies on. For me, the first two apply and the last one does not.
I was trained and am accomplished in the natural sciences. I enjoy that activity to no end partly, I am sure, because I am good at it. I am not naturally mechanical, am not good at it, and do not particularly enjoy it likely for that reason. I can certainly earn more in the natural science activity than I can save by doing my own service or repair work.
So that leaves the risk or problem of that kind of work necessary while cruising. I will certainly do my best even in a tough compartment in this case but the reality is I will only have so much potential to change the outcome.
So what? With all due respect to Ebbtide as I love this boat, she is unlikely to ever venture real far from help. A tow subscription and a checkbook....we are back in business. See avatar, this is coming from a man that has an engine room that at least four grown men can stand up in at one time so I am not defending my own turf here.
But consider that I have spent many multiples of Ebbtides asking price for that luxury. With the difference, I can pay for anything that will ever need doing in the mechanical spaces of Ebbtide.
And that is my long winded point here. I feel like Ebbtide is a great well found boat at an incredible price which by many accounts has seen exemplary care. That is a rare and precious combination. If her mechanical space is the one negative among many pluses, that almost endears her more to folks like me. Now I have an excuse to pay someone else with the money I have in my pocket from an incredible value offering like this.
For the record, I have never met Bob and Jill though I wish I had. Not being a fly bridge guy but appreciative of the Grand Banks look and quality, I think this might be one of the best boat offerings in terms of value that I have ever encountered. Good luck to her and her owners, current and future.
I hope she stays around B'ham.
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Bob & Jill
Patience young man. It’s only been two weeks. :)


Your buyer is out there. Patience, grasshopper. :thumb:

Bob, I missed whether or not you have her listed with a broker. When I sold my sailboat years ago (a serious blue water...expensive...cruising boat) I tried to do it myself and ended up putting her in the hands of a broker. It immediately sold to a guy from Atlanta, GA...who found his dream boat in Bellingham via a broker in Gig Harbor. :lol:

Best wishes!
The sigh is more about the reality of having to let her go. The bright side is the right person is going to get one heck of a great boat.
The sigh is more about the reality of having to let her go. The bright side is the right person is going to get one heck of a great boat.

That's tough, man. I feel for ya. I remember when we had to sell our boat when I was a kid. We cried all the way home from the marina. It was like a beloved pet had died or something.

I wish I was in the market for a boat like yours. I've always admired her. I'm really looking forward to seeing a chop-topped GB36 in a few years. In the mean time, good luck with the sale, and the big move!
And so as soon as I read that Ebbtide is a "woody", I could not go further.

We all know the horror stories and "huge expense" of woodys....so, I'm gonna bite.

What really is the difference to have a woody boat?
I have only owned FB, so I really do not know firsthand.

How differently would I have to care for a woody hull?
Is the PNW good for woodys and say, in FL not good?

I wonder how many who have read your ad, like me, as soon as you said "woody", walked away.

Thanks for the insight.

And so as soon as I read that Ebbtide is a "woody", I could not go further.

We all know the horror stories and "huge expense" of woodys....so, I'm gonna bite.



What!!!!!! Um I could send you pictures of fiberglass horror stories. I think you were probably not hearing stories but cliches passed on from one unknowledgeable person to another. Wood boats are great and easy to maintain as compared to fiberglass. I think what people mean if and when they say "fiberglass is easier to maintain" is "fiberglass is easier to not maintain". I guess I would agree that it is easier to not maintain but once not maintained its harder to dispose of , has no beauty of its own and alas should the time come fiberglass cannot be recycled to make beautiful mahogany tables ;-) (Have you priced mahogany and or teak lately?)
Sea trial complete and haul out/survey on the 25th. That's going to be a difficult day for me to let her go.
Good luck for you Bob . Don’t worry there is another boat looking and waiting for you when the time is right. They have a way of doing that . Ebbtide is a true gem and you created her . Feel good about passing on a vessel that will out live all of us here .
You know I never thought of it that way, thanks!

We have a crazy dream when we finish our work in Cuba of getting a boat in Florida, taking her through the ditch and up the coast home. Sounds like a great way to end the adventure!

Ebbtide has passed her survey with flying colors and will be going to her new owner on May 6th. We are off to Cuba the first part of June!
Bittersweet....Congratulations Bob & Jill !

"The sigh is more about the reality of having to let her go. The bright side is the right person got one heck of a great boat."

Don Miner
aka 7 Knots
Congrats Bob we are also going to Cuba around the same time
Great to see she sold so fast....and not surprised! Someone is getting a beaut of a boat. Congrats...and well done, Bob!

Great news Bob and Jill! I hope Ebbtide is hanging around the area.

I was preparing to leave G West dock on Libra yesterday afternoon when I spotted Ebbtide cruising down the fairway between that dock and the breakwater. She is hard to miss and a treat to see. I thought about hailing you but suspected you may have had prospects aboard, so refrained.

What a great afternoon for a boat ride yesterday....
Congrats Bob & Jill, have fun in Cuba!

BTW, the windlass is on the way back from Ideal. I had it gone through. Will be installing soon.
Congratulations Bob and Jill .
And that someone is me! Thank you Bob for passing on this wonderful boat. If I can be half as great of an owner as you, I'll consider it an accomplishment.

If you are a friend of Bob's and Ebbtide and see me out and about come say Hi and tell me a story! Looking forward to this forum too!

Ahoy Mark! Hope you remain a contributor to TF. - Art
Welcome to TF Mark. Congratulations,that is one sweet ride you have .
Well how do you like that, we get to keep Ebbtide in the family. Welcome aboard Mark, and congrats on your sweet new ship!
Welcome aboard, Mark! You got a great boat.

Have you considered adding a flybridge to her? :hide:
It's very nice to be reading these comments AFTER buying the boat :) reassuring about my purchase. Honestly, I was looking for a classic wooden cruiser, but expanded my search a little. I fell in love with Ebbtide right away.

As far as the engine room. Well I'm 50, but good knees and back. I spent a half hour just laying in there, I might add a bunk ;). It's so tidy and tons of space (just not vertically) Actually, with the saloon floor up, it's all engine room, standing, with a fridge.
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