Starlink Mini

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My boat isn't that big, but I never had a problem on it (2 months in remote areas of the BC mid coast). There is the possibility of buying a mesh router from Starlink, which would extend the range nearly forever I think (with enough of them). The mesh router connects wirelessly to the Mini and then forwards it on.
thanks...they are advertising it as a WIFI footprint of ~1100sqft which is really aimed at RVs, cars, etc. Retailers here are saying the wifi is pretty weak. Using Bypass to own existing or new router is an option although I understand one loses some App functionality...We may have to suck it and see...
I have not yet been able to test the mini on a 50-60’ boat. I believe it will work but I can’t say it’s guaranteed.

I have played with a mini and it works very well. I suspect that the mini with a mesh node or two should easily cover a 50-80’ boat.
the mini as is can Easly cover a 60' boat. when i walk on the dock i get it at 200' form the boat

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