Starlink standard versus Roam / RV

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Bog standard RV roam is all that is required

When in the black toggle on the $2/GB ($3:19 in Oz) and use sparingly.
You get notified when you are in the black and internet is cut but enough connection is there to toggle on and use Starlink app

We did 3 weeks in the black recently
Used only for weather on several sites, messages and emails , Banking, Buying stuff online and DocuSign contracts

Used 3gb in total in 3 weeks.

Restrict all devices so they don't do auto upload
Turn wifi off on everything
Toggle mobile priority on vi app
And turn wifi on for device you need to use
Turn wifi off when finished that session.
That worked well for us.

Maps are constantly changing
We have blue dots appearing in what were black areas now 100nm or more out

This has been my experience too, but it's always a bit unclear whether something is allowed/working because it's actually allowed, or if it's a restriction that's not being enforced.

Two things in particular remain unclear to me:

1) Is in-motion use allowed with any of the Mobile plans, or only with Mobile Priority. By all appearances, it is allowed with any Mobile plan, and does not require Mobile Priority.

2) Is the Flat High Performance dish required for in-motion operation, or just "recommended". By all indications is it only recommended, and not required.
Unless you have the $250/month Starlink Maritime with an even more expensive hardware package, be very careful.
With the RV roam, you are not allowed to use the service whilst underway and not in any ocean.
Myself and many others on the East Coast received emails about 2 months ago, telling that we were in breach of the rules.
I only travel at 7kts, used to use it on the move, and received the 'warning'.
So much so, that I now disconnect power from the unit before I leave the dock, so that I can't be accused of non-compliance with Starlink's terms of service.

I received that email too.

I think it was a general one as I never have used my Starlink on a boat, near the ocean or ever on the move.

However that was back with the big change in plans so whether they do teminate or not as others are reporting, I can't say.
I may be wrong, but I believe the standard Starlink option is geo-fixed to a specific address, and if you move more then a certain number of times in a year, it will stop working.

I suppose I could call Starlink customer service to learn that "certain number" of times? Or does someone know?
This has been my experience too, but it's always a bit unclear whether something is allowed/working because it's actually allowed, or if it's a restriction that's not being enforced.

Two things in particular remain unclear to me:

1) Is in-motion use allowed with any of the Mobile plans, or only with Mobile Priority. By all appearances, it is allowed with any Mobile plan, and does not require Mobile Priority.

2) Is the Flat High Performance dish required for in-motion operation, or just "recommended". By all indications is it only recommended, and not required.

TT, I bought the antenna that goes with their RV/Roam package. According to SL, it's required, but whether it is any different from the antenna they sell for a single fixed location, I don't know. With the Roam package, it works great under way AT SLOW SPEEDS AND WITHIN A FEW MILES OF LAND. With this service package, you can toggle for priority data, which is supposed to be faster. However, as soon as you get far enough away from land, it will stop functioning and you have to sign up for their new $250/mo Mobile Priority plan that gives oceanic coverage and prepaid 50 gigs of priority data. My RV Roam reception ceased 15 miles out of Gray's Harbor, forcing me to upgrade. Once upgraded to the new plan, that took 5 hours to complete, the antenna docked itself in the flat horizontal plane, just like the antenna they sell for "marine use.". For this reason, I suspect the antennas are all the same.

All of this is laid out quite explicitly on their service plan descriptions. Whether they automatically enforce the rules are not, I can't say, but they sure as hell enforced it on me the minute I got off shore.

The data quality, as measured by VOIP clarity is amazing at sea. Phone calls on RV roam can become garbled, but with the Mobile Priority $250/mo plan, it's like you're calling from the next room.
I suppose I could call Starlink customer service to learn that "certain number" of times? Or does someone know?
No customer service is provided beyond their website. No number, no chat, no email address. But the answer to your question is yes, the standard package is supposed to be geo fixed. The RV package works underway if you aren't going too fast.

Two things in particular remain unclear to me:

1) Is in-motion use allowed with any of the Mobile plans, or only with Mobile Priority. By all appearances, it is allowed with any Mobile plan, and does not require Mobile Priority.

2) Is the Flat High Performance dish required for in-motion operation, or just "recommended". By all indications is it only recommended, and not required.

Can I use Starlink in motion?
Mobile Priority (available on "Mobility" and "Maritime") service plans are designated for in-motion use with Flat High Performance Starlink.

In motion use in not permitted for all other service plans, as described in Starlink's Fair Use Policy.
Mobile Regional and Global service plan (available on "Roam") users will have the ability to opt in to Mobile Priority data as you need it on a per GB basis in order to use designated Starlink hardware in motion.
The wording seems to change
Mobile + Mobile Priority (opt-in) You are now able to opt-in to purchase Mobile Priority Data per GB as a Mobile (or "Roam") customer. Mobile Priority Data enables our fastest network speeds for consumers and can be used on the ocean and land, anywhere Starlink has coverage in the world. This option is meant to provide flexibility with your travel - use Starlink for a weekend excursion at sea or on an international trip.
Mobile was RV roam, intended for land use not in motion, now land based only but works on the Salish Sea for now at least. Unless they refine it so the signal ends at the waters edge I only need it at dock or anchor. In motion, I am too busy driving and watching the scenery.
Once upgraded to the new plan, that took 5 hours to complete, the antenna docked itself in the flat horizontal plane, just like the antenna they sell for "marine use.". For this reason, I suspect the antennas are all the same.
Now this is new information. An otherwise motorized dish lays flat to work in motion. Interesting.

This is what the early users found out when they disengaged the motor and laid the dish flat. Now you need to pay extra and they do it for you.
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The wording seems to change

Mobile was RV roam, intended for land use not in motion, now land based only but works on the Salish Sea for now at least. Unless they refine it so the signal ends at the waters edge I only need it at dock or anchor. In motion, I am too busy driving and watching the scenery.
They keep changing what different plans provide, hence endless confusion. Up until maybe a month ago, you could toggle priority data on the Roam package and you got oceanic coverage. Now oceanic coverage is only available on what they now call "Mobile Priority" that includes prepaid gigs of data. I presume that when I get closer to land, I'd be able to switch off the Mobile Priority plan and go back to the Roam Plan, which last time I was within sight of land worked just fine underway. That said they change plans about every other week, and have hired the Marquis de Sade to come up with the most confusing names possible, so expect anything.
Now this is new information. An otherwise motorized dish lays flat to work in motion. Interesting.
This is my Roam antenna after the forced upgrade to Mobile Priority. Wouldn't surprise me if it is now permanently horizontal even if I switch back to Roam, but we'll see.


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I do not use my starlink while moving. However, I can't say that equipment does not automatically check for updates while I am moving. I did notice that my antenna put itself into the flat position while I was underway. Now that I am tied to the dock it has gone back to the angled position.
TT, I bought the antenna that goes with their RV/Roam package. According to SL, it's required, but whether it is any different from the antenna they sell for a single fixed location, I don't know. With the Roam package, it works great under way AT SLOW SPEEDS AND WITHIN A FEW MILES OF LAND. With this service package, you can toggle for priority data, which is supposed to be faster. However, as soon as you get far enough away from land, it will stop functioning and you have to sign up for their new $250/mo Mobile Priority plan that gives oceanic coverage and prepaid 50 gigs of priority data. My RV Roam reception ceased 15 miles out of Gray's Harbor, forcing me to upgrade. Once upgraded to the new plan, that took 5 hours to complete, the antenna docked itself in the flat horizontal plane, just like the antenna they sell for "marine use.". For this reason, I suspect the antennas are all the same.

All of this is laid out quite explicitly on their service plan descriptions. Whether they automatically enforce the rules are not, I can't say, but they sure as hell enforced it on me the minute I got off shore.

The data quality, as measured by VOIP clarity is amazing at sea. Phone calls on RV roam can become garbled, but with the Mobile Priority $250/mo plan, it's like you're calling from the next room.

Nope, there is no need to go on the $250 50gb plan at all.
Also note that if doing that, the 50gb is used first regardless of location and you then find yourself in the "black" with no GB left

It quite clearly mentions the options here

When we selected the toggle so as to get data in the "black" we were back up again within 15 minutes.


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The latest wording
What areas are considered land vs ocean under the Mobile Plans?
Land: All areas labeled as "Available", "Waitlist", or "Coming Soon" on the Starlink Availability Map are considered land regions. Regional Mobile plans can be used on land within your continent (see continent map), while Global Mobile plans can be used on land anywhere Starlink has service around the world.

Ocean: All areas colored as black on the Starlink Availability Map are considered ocean regions, including islands unless they are labeled "Available", "Waitlist", or "Coming Soon". Only Mobile Priority Data can be used on the ocean, including on these unlabeled islands. Use in local territorial waters, is contingent on government approval.
In the Salish Sea there is a small black area in Juan de Fuca and around Halibut banks near Vancouver. The rest of the water is ahem, not ocean. So as they told me months ago look close at the coverage along the waters edge, and as shown by travelers down the west coast.
As for the in motion dish, for us at least, in lands where the in motion dish is unavailable, it says it can be used with standard roam dish, but warranty may be void if damaged while doing so


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They keep changing what different plans provide, hence endless confusion. Up until maybe a month ago, you could toggle priority data on the Roam package and you got oceanic coverage. Now oceanic coverage is only available on what they now call "Mobile Priority" that includes prepaid gigs of data. I presume that when I get closer to land, I'd be able to switch off the Mobile Priority plan and go back to the Roam Plan, which last time I was within sight of land worked just fine underway. That said they change plans about every other week, and have hired the Marquis de Sade to come up with the most confusing names possible, so expect anything.

I'm pretty sure that's not correct. You definitely need Mobile Priority to operate in the black patches, e.g. at sea. But there are two ways to get Mobile Priority. One way is to sign up outright for a Mobile Priority plan ($250/mo, 50GB included). But there is another way as well. From a regular Mobile plan, you can Opt-in/out of Mobile Priority, paying $2/GB extra when on Mobile Priority. When you opt-out, it goes back to being regular Mobile which is unlimited data, blue patches only, and best-effort speed/priority. This later is what I have been using, and I opted-in for a stretch of black patches, but have otherwise been opted-out.

As for in-motion, I guess it's one case where the policy and enforcement are different. 95% of my cruising has been on regular Mobile and it has worked all the time while underway, no hate mail, etc.

Now I DO have the Flat High Performance dish, which I understand to be the ONLY dish that is formally supported for in-motion use. But again, it's clear that in-motion use with the other dishes is not blocked or warned against via hate mail, except when it is.
Customers using a Starlink that is not the Flat High Performance Starlink in motion do so at their own risk; equipment falling onto the road or off a vessel due to poor installation practices can cause serious accidents resulting in bodily injury or damage to property. Damage to the Starlink dish while in motion may result in a void of your Starlink dish warranty.

Thanks Simi, this is also new and explains why it works when it is not supposed to work without the $2500 flat dish while in motion. Either there was a poor choice of words these past few months or a 180 in customer relations.
I'm pretty sure that's not correct. You definitely need Mobile Priority to operate in the black patches, e.g. at sea. But there are two ways to get Mobile Priority. One way is to sign up outright for a Mobile Priority plan ($250/mo, 50GB included). But there is another way as well. From a regular Mobile plan, you can Opt-in/out of Mobile Priority, paying $2/GB extra when on Mobile Priority. When you opt-out, it goes back to being regular Mobile which is unlimited data, blue patches only, and best-effort speed/priority. This later is what I have been using, and I opted-in for a stretch of black patches, but have otherwise been opted-out.

As for in-motion, I guess it's one case where the policy and enforcement are different. 95% of my cruising has been on regular Mobile and it has worked all the time while underway, no hate mail, etc.

Now I DO have the Flat High Performance dish, which I understand to be the ONLY dish that is formally supported for in-motion use. But again, it's clear that in-motion use with the other dishes is not blocked or warned against via hate mail, except when it is.
I was on the RV Roam plan with the toggle for Mobile Priority set to on when I left Gray's harbor. As soon as I got offshore, SL told me I had to upgrade to the plan called Mobile Priority, and they apparently weren't kidding as I lost connectivity.

Whatever, it's worth pointing out that the boffins at SL haven't bothered to update their website to match what their service plans actually offer. You can only find that out on their app. In brief, here is what their app says, and gosh darn if this isn't how it works for me, assuming you can define what they mean when they say "ocean":

"Mobile Priority - 50 gb. $250/mo. Use Starlink on the ocean or land across the globe..." Delfin note: The plan I am on.

"Standard - $120.00/mo. Standard service for residential customers at one location."

"Mobile - Regional - $150.00/mo. Use Starlink at any location on land in your continent.....not permitted for use on the ocean. Metered Mobile Priority data high speed ocean access, can be purchased by the GB on this plan." Delfin note: The plan I was on, with mobile priority data on and ocean access was not available outside 15 miles or so. I know because my access was turned off at that point. So yes, you can be on the "ocean", just not, like way out in the ocean. I guess.

"Mobile - Global $200.00/mo. Use Starlink at any location on land across the globe.....not permitted for use on the ocean. Metered Mobile Priority data (for) ocean access, can be purchased by the GB." Delfin note: Maybe, but I suspect that like "Mobile - Regional", it won't work in the deep blue.

Since my realtime experience seems to differ from the experts on the thread, I'll defer to them.
I was on the RV Roam plan with the toggle for Mobile Priority set to on when I left Gray's harbor. As soon as I got offshore, SL told me I had to upgrade to the plan called Mobile Priority, and they apparently weren't kidding as I lost connectivity.

Whatever, it's worth pointing out that the boffins at SL haven't bothered to update their website to match what their service plans actually offer. You can only find that out on their app. In brief, here is what their app says, and gosh darn if this isn't how it works for me, assuming you can define what they mean when they say "ocean":

"Mobile Priority - 50 gb. $250/mo. Use Starlink on the ocean or land across the globe..." Delfin note: The plan I am on.

"Standard - $120.00/mo. Standard service for residential customers at one location."

"Mobile - Regional - $150.00/mo. Use Starlink at any location on land in your continent.....not permitted for use on the ocean. Metered Mobile Priority data high speed ocean access, can be purchased by the GB on this plan." Delfin note: The plan I was on, with mobile priority data on and ocean access was not available outside 15 miles or so. I know because my access was turned off at that point. So yes, you can be on the "ocean", just not, like way out in the ocean. I guess.

"Mobile - Global $200.00/mo. Use Starlink at any location on land across the globe.....not permitted for use on the ocean. Metered Mobile Priority data (for) ocean access, can be purchased by the GB." Delfin note: Maybe, but I suspect that like "Mobile - Regional", it won't work in the deep blue.

Since my realtime experience seems to differ from the experts on the thread, I'll defer to them.

I don't doubt your experience. I guess it's just another case of how it works, vs how they say it works.
I don't doubt your experience. I guess it's just another case of how it works, vs how they say it works.
The only way I can reconcile "how it works" vs "how they say it works" is to assume when they say Regional, formerly known as RV/ Roam, only works on "your continent" unless you check "mobile priority" and then it works on the "ocean" is that "ocean" refers to the territorial waters of the country, in this case 12 miles from land. Then to get oceanic coverage outside territorial waters, you need what they now call "Mobile Priority" as your service plan. If that is a correct interpretation of their sloppy language, then my experience matches their language.

I'd suggest an English for foreign students class for whomever is writing their copy.:flowers:
The only way I can reconcile "how it works" vs "how they say it works" is to assume when they say Regional, formerly known as RV/ Roam, only works on "your continent" unless you check "mobile priority" and then it works on the "ocean" is that "ocean" refers to the territorial waters of the country, in this case 12 miles from land. Then to get oceanic coverage outside territorial waters, you need what they now call "Mobile Priority" as your service plan. If that is a correct interpretation of their sloppy language, then my experience matches their language.

I'd suggest an English for foreign students class for whomever is writing their copy.:flowers:

We are all trying to understand what works where. This is why I have been reporting my experiences.

I started on standard and once I left my home hexagon I got the go home message. I switched to Mobile Regional with no priority and everything is currently working fine. I am working my way up the inland waterway that shows available by Starlink’s map. I will not run across any hexagons marked ocean so I will not be able to report on them.

I do not expect any issues with Mobile Regional no priority, but iF I do, I will report my findings.
The only way I can reconcile "how it works" vs "how they say it works" is to assume when they say Regional, formerly known as RV/ Roam, only works on "your continent" unless you check "mobile priority"

Mobile priority can be a plan or the toggle, but on the plan the 50gb is used first, so if on "land" you have used it then have nothing for "Ocean"

Pic of toggle saying it's mobile priority
Turn it on as needed on the "Ocean"


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and then it works on the "ocean" is that "ocean" refers to the territorial waters of the country, in this case 12 miles from land. .

Ocean and land is defined here
Ocean is black - land is blue
Nothing to do with 12 mile limits


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Ocean and land is defined here
Ocean is black - land is blue
Nothing to do with 12 mile limits
OK, you're right, I'm wrong. Sorry to bother you. Does that mean I can switch back to the cheaper package? That would be welcome, but could you you let Starlink about about your decision because I don't want to lose connectivity again?
So the below picture is Lake Michigan, Huron, Ontario, and Erie. As long as I stayed coastal, regular R/V package worked fine. When crossing Lake Huron to the North shore, the signal kept dropping out. This is the black hexagon portions of their coverage map. Switching the power off and then back on gives you brief internet before Starlink figures out you're in the black tiles. Switching on the $2 per GB switch restored solid coverage at a faster speed. Once on the North shore, I switched back to normal coverage which is very good. I'm using there small rectangular R/V dish (Dishy). So far I'm very happy with the service.

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Unless you have the $250/month Starlink Maritime with an even more expensive hardware package, be very careful.
With the RV roam, you are not allowed to use the service whilst underway and not in any ocean.
Myself and many others on the East Coast received emails about 2 months ago, telling that we were in breach of the rules.
I only travel at 7kts, used to use it on the move, and received the 'warning'.
So much so, that I now disconnect power from the unit before I leave the dock, so that I can't be accused of non-compliance with Starlink's terms of service.
Thanks for the info. I already ordered the standard dish so see what happens. Will gladly pay the roam plan price. If this dosen't work then I'll just sell it and wait until the RV/roam dish goes on sale. We cruise the B.C. coast so not really out in the open ocean, mostly 1 or 2 miles from shore sometimes 10 but only for a few hrs.
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I have been on the same dock for 3 days. The antenna was pointed at 120 degrees for two days. Then we walked the boat 60’ out the same linear dock and now the antenna is pointed at 300 degrees.

I have been on the same dock for 3 days. The antenna was pointed at 120 degrees for two days. Then we walked the boat 60’ out the same linear dock and now the antenna is pointed at 300 degrees.


Was there a y obstructions before at 300
There was more potential obstruction at 120 and moving forward 60’ meant less chance for obstruction. I really don’t know what caused the change.

Today we motored into Canada. The antenna is back to pointing at 120 degrees. Everything continues to work the same as at home.
Starlink lets us know when we are "in the ocean" and outside our service plan as follows:

Service is currently disabled in the ocean. Move your Starlink to land or update your service plan to connect."

We received this message last week in the Gulf of Alaska on the 145 nm rhumbline course from Yakutat to Kayak Island, a "black" ocean area, once about 15 miles offshore.

As we neared Kayak lsland, a land area and reset the Starlink, communication was restored.

Just another piece of the Starlink Service plan puzzle.

Cheers, Alex
OK, you're right, I'm wrong. Sorry to bother you.

It was no bother
Happy to help. :)

Does that mean I can switch back to the cheaper package?
I'd say yes and would certainly be doing that if it was me
That would be welcome, but could you you let Starlink about about your decision because I don't want to lose connectivity again?
Starlink will know when you do it.
And you will lose connectivity again........until you toggle on mobile priority @ $2/GB for you in the US.
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Starlink lets us know when we are "in the ocean" and outside our service plan as follows:

Service is currently disabled in the ocean. Move your Starlink to land or update your service plan to connect."

We received this message last week in the Gulf of Alaska on the 145 nm rhumbline course from Yakutat to Kayak Island, a "black" ocean area, once about 15 miles offshore.

As we neared Kayak lsland, a land area and reset the Starlink, communication was restored.

Just another piece of the Starlink Service plan puzzle.

Cheers, Alex
Yep, that's what I got. Checking the "mobile priority" toggle on the Roam plan has zero impact once you're about 12 - 15 miles offshore. Curious, but did you upgrade to the Mobile Priority plan and if so, did it take hours to complete, or just wait until you got back within territorial waters so Roam would work again?
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