Surveyor recommendations

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Senior Member
Oct 16, 2022
Hello all. Ive recently put a downpayment on a GB36. Does anyone know a good surveyor in the henderson New York area? I would definitely want them to be the real deal. I forgot that acronyms but i believe there are 2 associations that insurance companies look for.

Any help would be appreciated.

Have you inquired at Navy Pt Marina over in Sackets Hbr?
They have a number of moderate sized boats there both sail & power.
I found the husband & wife team that ran it to very helpful and honest.
The surveyor will likely come from around Syracuse so you might also inquire at some of the Brewerton Marinas, Winter Hbr, ESS KAY Yard (sp?). There is also a repair shop at Brewerton that is highly regarded but don't know the name.
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Look up both NAMS and SAMS. They are the 2 surveyor accreditation associations.
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