Taiwanese trawler engine room tiles

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
senan, that is nasty worthless stuff. Let us know how the lab results come out, then replace all that gunk with modern acoustic insulation. good luck!
Sample is dropped off to the lab today. Will get result in approximately 5 days. I will update once the results are in.
I was told by the lab, if it is asbestos, It would be easier to paint in over with a few coats of paint. Removing it would be expensive.
If you hired out the job.
Balance the risk of death from mesothelioma against paying a professional to do it.I`ve seen patients giving evidence on their deathbed in negligence claims against employers, which get expedited to resolve the case before their imminent death. It`s not pretty.
I worked in the automotive service industry when asbestos was used in brake friction parts and clutch parts.

Based on my past experience, I have an opinion regarding a single exposure versus being at a work place where the exposure is continuous over a long period of time. However I will not disagree that asbestos handling has some risks.
I was told by the lab, if it is asbestos, It would be easier to paint in over with a few coats of paint. Removing it would be expensive.

Yup do not disturb it and any place that shows wear, PAINT IT
I worked in the automotive service industry when asbestos was used in brake friction parts and clutch parts.

Based on my past experience, I have an opinion regarding a single exposure versus being at a work place where the exposure is continuous over a long period of time. However I will not disagree that asbestos handling has some risks.
Of course, the greater the exposure the greater the risk. But, it only takes one fiber to lodge in the pleura to cause mesothelioma. Your training to modify your industrial risk must be valuable to you but not all have the benefit of safety training.I`d not want less knowledgeable members to take the risk.

The results are in.
No Asbestos. See attached pic 20190312_165858.jpeg
Best $40 I spent in a long time. Clears my mind now.
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