Tell us something about you that sounds FAKE

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Just wondering how many here were at Woodstock back in '69?
My dad recalls taking a countryside drive about that time before he went into the Navy.........
I was supposed to be a passenger on that fateful Flight 800 out of JFK.
However 3 days prior my company wanted to save money and cancelled MY ticket.
My engineering manager was aboard however.
It still gives me shivers when I think about it.
2.5 lb of surgical steel hold me together.
I was a passenger in the Indy 500 pace car with Bobby Unser driving at speed around the track. Bobby apparently never saw "Death on the Highway" in Drivers Ed class. I left finger dents in the dashboard.
I have a couple....

Blew out my knee in a fall skiing Tuckerman's ravine on Mt Washington. I hiked myself out with my skis strapped to my pack using my poles as crutches. It took me 5 hours to hike out. I then drove myself to my hometown (almost 3 hrs) and went straight to my local ER.

I incurred compression fractures on T6 and T8 along with a broken rib in a dirtbike accident. I rode the bike 6 miles through rocky, root filled tight New England woods to get myself out. It took me about 2 hours because I could barely go above idle speeds and I needed to stop frequently because I had a difficult time breathing. I then drove myself to my hometown (1 hr) and went straight to my local ER.

Another weird one, but not nearly as exciting.....probably not of any interest......

I was accidentally switched at birth in the hospital as a result of lax medical record keeping.
I was circumsized when I was 21 ..... unpleasant. I did most of it myself ..... unintentionally.
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I was accused of kidnapping Hank Aaron.

I was a Store Detective for a department store in Seattle back in the early 70's. The store had a book department and Hank Aaron was there for a book signing event. I was assigned as Aaron's escort to make sure he did not get lost or mobbed.

After the book signing, I was to escort Aaron to a large luncheon where all the stores executives would attend and have lunch with Aaron. There were going to be news people and others attending.

As we were walking from the book department towards the executive lunch, Aaron turns to me and says he doesn't want to attend. He says he had attended too many of these BS luncheons and he was not contractually obligated to attend. Aaron said the book signing is the only event he was obligated to attend and he was done.

I asked him what he wanted to do and Aaron replied that he just wanted to go to a quiet diner, eat a simple lunch and read a newspaper. I took him to a diner and that's what he did. We talked a little but not about baseball. Nobody recognized him. I had to pay for lunch since he had no money on him. He asked me not to contact my boss and asked me to turn off my walkie talkie.

I walked Aaron back to the store after about an hour and half. I was in so much trouble! Management was in complete panic thinking Aaron had been kidnapped and had contacted the police. Management wanted me fired. Aaron made up a story of having a headache or some other ailment, that he had ordered me to take him to the diner and had insisted that I not communicate with the store. I kept my job.
When I was a cop I was dispatched to assist an adjoining town department with an unknown problem on the river. When I got there I saw two of their cops standing and looking at the river. When I got out I saw they were looking at a large tree/snag in the river that had a canoe wrapped partly around the trunk.

This was in the middle of winter, at night, there was ice and snow on the river and did I mention there was a guy trapped between the canoe and the snag?

I called one of my cop friends on the radio and told him to meet me at my house. He was a duck hunting friend of mine and familiar with handling my canoe which we used often. We loaded the canoe on the top of my 72 Blazer and raced back to the river.

We launched the canoe upstream about 1/4 mile from the snag and paddled like hell to reach that portion of the river. The water was running fast and was holding the canoe against the snag and pinning the guy between the canoe and the snag. He was wedged with his head just barely above the water.

Oh, did I mention this was at night and the water cold and was rising slowly. After about 30 minutes we were able to push the canoe around the snag, freeing the stuck guy and loaded him in our canoe. When we finally freed him his mouth and nose were just barely above water.

We paddled like hell to get to the shore where the other department's cops were. An ambulance had arrived so we helped them get the guy out of the canoe onto a gurney and they took him to the hospital.

Now you might think that we got a commendation or something like that. Nope. Our chief was going to write me a reprimand for risking my life and the life of the other cop (my hunting buddy). Only after telling him that if he wrote the reprimand I was going to take it to our local newspaper and tell them the story and let the "court of public opinion" determine if the reprimand was justified or not. He changed his mind about the reprimand.
I was the youngest commercial lobsterman in the States history at age 9. They never asked what year you were born, on the application, so I just sent it in with the check for the $110.00.

The game warden was damn surprised when he showed up at our house in Feb looking for me. I had not completed the yearly "catch survey" by the deadline and he was there to bust balls. My mother came to get me and when I got to the door the guy nearly fainted....;)

Another weird one, but not nearly as exciting.....probably not of any interest......

I was accidentally switched at birth in the hospital as a result of lax medical record keeping.

I think your parents told you that too many times, now you believe it. :nonono:
I've used the Heimlich maneuver in an actual emergency situation, successfully, on the first thrust.

Certified Full Cave diver, NACD and NSS/CDS.

I always stop to rescue a turtle from the middle of the road. Did it yesterday.
I was kicked out of Canada for multiple felonies and a couple DUI's

...not mine though. A couple buddies and I were planning to sail the Gulf Islands for a week. One buddy failed to inform us of his checkered past. Upon our attempt to check through Customs at Bedwell Harbor, we were all thoroughly interrogated, every nook and cranny of the boat was searched from bow to stern, and we were told we were currently fugitives until we reported to US customs. High tailed it (as fast as a sailboat can go) to Roche Harbor, where it was US Customs turn to interrogate us and strip search the boat. Much fun!
Wow, there are a lot of interesting snippets, so far, that I would love to hear more about! :popcorn:
Except for this one. Makes my wince at just reading the snippet!:eek::eek::eek:
I was circumsized when I was 21 ..... unpleasant. I did most of it myself ..... unintentionally.


I was circumsized when I was 21 ..... unpleasant. I did most of it myself ..... unintentionally.

Welp, I think that's enough internet for me today.
I got kicked out of Ashland Oregon in 1968 and warned never to return.

I was riding my motorcycle home to Washington State from California on I-5 at night. I was real cold so stopped at a diner by the freeway for coffee.

When I walked in, everybody turned to look at me like the drifters in the movies. I sat for about 5 minutes without being approached by the waitress. I asked for a cup of coffee and the waitress said "we don't serve gentlemen with long hair".

This was the 60's where everybody had long hair and my hair was only to my shoulder. I was riding a Harley and wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket with zippers everywhere and leather pants.

I got pissed and said I wasn't leaving until I got a cup of coffee. And a few more things that I don't remember.

The waitress called the police and I was escorted to the city limits and told by the officer that I was lucky that I was not thrown in jail. He warned me not to return to Ashland.
Got run over by a golf cart with four occupants when I was 9, fell four stories down a department store trash shute at 17, hit by exploding truck tire (came apart during inflation) at 23, others too numerous an incomprehensible to mention.
Another fun couple - in college at Miss State I was on the committee that booked bands for concerts. In 1975 we had the Doobie Brothers booked - they were to fly their plane (Martin 404) into the local regional airport. We had two vans and i was there in my new (to me) 1971 Mercedes 220D. We waited and waited. I went in and called the small airstrip in Starkville (home of MSU) where I had been taking some flying lessons. 3,000 ft strip. When asked if the Doobie Brothers were there he said 'hell yes and they are out on the runway with their dogs and skateboards!". I took off and arrived first, and told them the vans were on their way. They said no, they wanted to go now. The four Doobie Brothers piled into my car and wanted me to give them a tour of the University. Stopped by the fraternity house (SAE) to pick up something - the Doobies came in and were a big hit - they put on one hell of a concert that night. About a month later we had James Taylor booked - he and his entourage arrived early - about 10:00am (had played in Tuscaloosa night before). Wanted to know if he could set up on the stage and work on a new set he was planning. There were six of us (11,000 seat coliseum) there - we didn't move for 4 hours as James played - by himself and with his guitar. I missed classes, an exam... did not care - would not have missed that. Have seen him in concert at least ten times since.
Installed satellite TV at the vaction home to be used by President Clinton on the Vinyard.
I think your parents told you that too many times, now you believe it. :nonono:

Yea, always looking for an excuse for your behavior.
For years, her parents told her she was left on the door steps by some Indians (native Americans).

Hmmmm, maybe that is the story behind that one Dem Congress woman who for years, claimed she was a native American? LOL
I was about 15 years old and out exploring the Goat River in B.C. with my two younger brothers and another buddy.
Back then, there was an old hand operated cable car which traversed the river at Canyon. We were hoping that the cable car was on out side of the river so we could do the crossing. As we came around the bend we saw that the cable car was sitting idle, hanging over the centre of the river, about 150 feet from either side. wtf! We didn't want to walk the extra 5 miles to the bridge.
I looked out to the cable car hanging 100 feet over a shallow rocky river. I could probably do that... I grabbed the cable and started to go hand over hand out toward the mddile, with the others encouraging me along. I made it less than 50 feet and the arms were aching and my hands were bleeding. What a stupid idea! I turned around and started heading back. "Ohhh this is ever harder. Now I'm going uphill. It'll be easier for me to continue" so I turn around and keep going out. I progress another 50 feet and that's it; I'm going to lose my grip and drop to my death; I need to rest my arms. So I decide to hang by my legs to allow my arms to rest. I try and try, and after much effort I get one leg over the cable, but I can't get the other one. That takes a bit of weight off my arms, but they are certainly not rested. I must continue but I dont' trust my arms enough to unlock my leg so I continue like a 3 legged sloth. The rusty old cable is chewing into the back of my knee and there's blood running down my arms and leg. I force myself to continue, the body in agony. Eventually I reach the cable car and drop down into it. A big cheer from the river edge. They won't have to explain the story to Mum.
I'm related to this Chap. My son was a theater major in College in NYC. He attended one of his plays and we didn't tell the kids he was in the audience until the last minute. Fun.


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When I was a freshman living in a dorm at a small college in PA, my roommate and I heard people chanting and marching in the courtyard below. We joined in and it finally dawned on me that they were protesting our involvement in Vietnam Nam. Now I wasn’t quite Forrest Gump clueless, but pretty close. And I was totally apolitical.

My school being what it was, after about 10 minutes the protest devolved into a panty raid and we made for the girls’ dorm, hooting and bellowing like idiots. The only thing those girls threw down at us were towels and dirty socks.

Still a bunch of angry young men, we decided to run amok in the small village that adjoins the town. As we made our way down the Main Street lined with parked cars, I remember jumping from the trunk of one car to the hood of another. I paused to survey the chaos and heard a guy behind me say, “get off.” As I turned around, I was staring into the bores of a double-barreled 12-gauge. I said, “Yes, sir” and was back in my dorm in three minutes, thus ending my forays into civil disobedience, public lust and nihilism . . . at least until my sophomore year.
AusCan, re your cable car event. In my family it would have been revenge dinner conversation.
Then my mother would get that "look" on her face and say, "You did what?" and depending upon the event, she would add, "Didn't you know you could have killed yourself?"
Ah yes, mom and that "look".

I have it on good authority that she taught 'guilt classes' to Jewish and Catholic mothers.

I was never bothered by her guilt infliction again. Within a week or two I walked out the door when I ship off to Navy boot camp. That week was the last time my father beat me until I was bloody.
When I left, I made sure that bloody shirt was hanging prominently in the closet. Something to remember me by.
Or if you want proper English, "Something by which to remember me."
I didn't go home or write for at least 2 years.... maybe 3 years. I did remember to invite them to my wedding and was surprised they showed up.
You see, in my family, neither mom nor dad ever said, I'm sorry. It just 'never happened'.
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I was 20, had just bought a 4x5 field camera, and me & a hundred other guys were let go from the local sawmill. I went on UIC (unemployment insurance) and spent the next couple months diving into the deep end of the Zone System of exposure and development for B&W film. I spent hours pouring over the books and days out photographing in the woods.

One day, hiking through the mature temperate rain forest we have here, I suddenly became aware of...everything...all light, all movement, all colours, all of the minuscule details making up the entirety of the forest. It was a gift, lasted about half an hour, and has never happened again.

A somewhat similar thing happened to me the first time I went to art school in Vancouver. It was my first time living in a city, and I didn't adjust very well at first. There was an Emily Carr exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery, so I went and really connected with her work done along BC's coast.

When I came to her painting, The Red Cedar, I stopped and fell into the painting. The crowds faded away until it was just the painting and me. I think it lasted about 10 minutes, but there's no way I can be sure.
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