TF Gathering in SE Florida 2018

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

I was at the shop today and talked to one of the guys doing the work. It a pretty large job with new gauges for both helms. There is a rumor we may see a hot pink possum, just a rumor.
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OK, I've lost the plot.

When is this again?

and who, if anyone, is in charge?
It should be February either before or after the Miami Boat show.

Don is the major domo and perhaps Larry as both did a great job last year.
It should be February either before or after the Miami Boat show.

Don is the major domo and perhaps Larry as both did a great job last year.

So no dates as yet?
The Maimi Boat Show is Feb 15-19, so it's the week before or the week after that.

Mark your calendar! :D
March 9-11 sounds like it would work.
March would be great.
I think I have heard from everyone. Larry and Lena have booked a slip for Hobo for the month of February. So, here's the deal.

February 20 arrival day
February 21 thru 23 TF Gathering
February 24 Saturday is designated as recovery day and Farmers Market.

This is the high season for the marina with many snow birders. Call early to reserve a slip. Information – Fort Pierce City Marina

Of course, feel free to drop in and out anytime you like. That is except for Parks who has to attend the whole event for his absence from the others.

We had some TF lurkers who dropped by. They had read of the event on the site. Hopefully, they have found their trawler, and will come again. Seriously, anyone that can drop in please do so. You'll find a friendly and disorganized group.

So, come one, come all. Irv has a big boat. If Menzies comes he has one, too. Moonstruck is a tiny boat.:hide:
Re: Post #93...


OK, I recognize Larry on the left. So, which one is Don and who's the other guy?
Made my reservations this morning, we will be spending a couple of more days this year.

Don the boat isn't so big but it is laid out well to entertain with a large flybridge and cockpit however we MAY be buying a new boat if all the stars align which, of course, will be bigger. My crew all want me to buy it but they don't have to pay for it. :banghead: I like the boat I've got!

See you all there, Watfa is planning some meals with plenty of alcohol for all. Glad I don't drink. :)
Wifey B: Can't believe all you guys making reservations now for February. That's when you know it's a huge event. I am still figuring out July. Well, have it mostly planned, but not so much August yet. :lol:

February is likely Caribbean but who knows. That's on next year. My calendar doesn't even have next year on it yet. :)

Not so huge unless you consider the personalities, all great people but it is more that some of us have tomorrow memories. Can't remember what to do tomorrow so I know it is best if I make reservations early to be sure and I can always cancel. :). Some will make Ft. Pierce and then leave for the Bahamas others will hit Ft Pierce after the Bahamas and some will just hit Ft Pierce to party like a drunk white girl.
Hi Ted

We have the same dates. Please, please, don't get a slip close to ours, I'll carry you on my back to your boat but if your boat is close (last year about five slips away) no one will notice another boat on the dock as yours is the glittering light and that is without looking in your bilge. :banghead:
Hi Ted

We have the same dates. Please, please, don't get a slip close to ours, I'll carry you on my back to your boat but if your boat is close (last year about five slips away) no one will notice another boat on the dock as yours is the glittering light and that is without looking in your bilge. :banghead:

Aw come on, nobody is stopping at my boat when they see your covered flybridge patio with seating for 12. Frankly l'm surprised you don't have beer taps at the wet bar up there. Clearly I need to bring the beer to your boat instead of Don's as that's where the serious dock party will be.

So I should get a half keg and but it on the bridge with a couple of beer taps? How about I attach a long hose from the tap that will reach your boat and give you your own nipple to suck beer from. :) Just one thing, you better eat this year as Watfa will have some special meals for the crew and if you don't think she cooks good take a closer look at me. LMAO. It should be fun and maybe I'll get out a few cans of spray paint and give the boat a once over (sparkle paint comes to mind).
I'm thinking a fridge for the kegs somewhere below decks with the refrigerated tap lines going to the flybridge. Truthfully, I like to switch beers over the course of the evening, so a coffin size beer cooler on the flybridge might be a better plan. Captain Jack would likely appreciate a tap of PBR though.

I'm thinking a fridge for the kegs somewhere below decks with the refrigerated tap lines going to the flybridge. Truthfully, I like to switch beers over the course of the evening, so a coffin size beer cooler on the flybridge might be a better plan. Captain Jack would likely appreciate a tap of PBR though.


Did I hear Beer Fridge?

Inspector FlyWright reporting for duty, sir!

So I should get a half keg and but it on the bridge with a couple of beer taps? .

Half a keg? You must have missed my post saying I was coming :)
We already have a beer fridge on the bridge but these guys drink, I had two cases of Kalik that disappeared somehow not including bottles of rum (Baker) and Candian Whiskey plus the ladies many bottles of wine. I thought that a keg may last longer and if I had Ted's skills I would rig what he suggests but I have trouble hooking up a water hose. Now don't get me started on a keg of Steve's favorite beverage (Pabst Blue Ribbon), it hard enough to find it in bottles and I have scouts looking to locate a future supply as we speak. IIRC even he couldn't find any last year and showed up with a lesser quality but we will have plenty of Carmelita's which just came out with another new rum which means I may have to raise my water line on the boat. In any event, Watfa will have plenty of food this year most home made.
So this thing is taking place from Tuesday thru Saturday???? Y'all gotta figure some of us still work....the middle of the week is tough for me to make happen! Can we slide it to that weekend???
So this thing is taking place from Tuesday thru Saturday???? Y'all gotta figure some of us still work....the middle of the week is tough for me to make happen! Can we slide it to that weekend???

There is always the after party. But then everybody is burned out and the booze is gone.

Maybe the weekend before might rock.

Akways worked for me during Mardi Gras. :)

First, you work? Just steal a plane and show up.

Second, it is that weekend just some of us will leave on Sunday (if not then Monday). I think Don set it up for the weekend but I know Ted and I will get there a few days early, I'll need to find beer and Ted will find me to drink it, I'll bring Carmiltas for you! ?

I believe I left Sunday last year and you photographed my boat going out the inlet, surprised you were up that early.
Glad to see we have the dates locked down. Now Maria and I have to make a decision .... we can drive over from Cape Coral and join the party, or we can come over on Loons Nest and then go onwards to the Bahamas for a while. Hmmmm - decisions, decisions.

Are you kidding? Travel by auto or boat? No brainer! Stay on the west coast of Florida or enjoy the Bahamas in February? Another no brainer. Book you slip.

BTW your lovely bride will be drinking her wine out of a sippy cup. :)
Mr. Baker. Several of the attending members have mentioned connections with local LEO's. I suspect it is on their (the LEO's) recommendation that the event take place during the week. The holding cells tend to fill up on weekends and nobody likes waiting, do they?
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