TF Gathering in SE Florida 2018

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Senor RT

My dad always told me to have enough cash to post bond at the time of booking, I've followed that for many years. Plus I have some connections with the LEO community in the area, I think we will be OK, well some of us anyway. Does Baker have a federal badge? But thanks for the heads up. :)
I suggest we handcuff them together and let them speak in any language they want. :)
First few are on me when you get there.


Sounds great! I'll bring the rest. I'm not coming unarmed for this fight.

Extra points for every beer support system (fridge, keg or cooler) that has a digital laser thermometer for finding the very coldest beer. :D
I have a handheld digital thermometer which you can check any of my fridges and icemaket because I know in February they should all check out ok but if not you won't be forced to drink it. :banghead:
Irv, tell Wafta to get enough sippy cups for everyone. You should take no chances.
Don, Ann and I enjoyed last years TF gathering immensely and we plan on being in Avon Park FL for the February, so count us in as visitors for a day or two. Sounds like it may be even bigger. Will bring beer!!

You can bet your sweet bibby I'll be the first one she'll make use it. :)

This keeps growing every year, it would be neat to take over the marina.
Ann. Will get one for sure! LOL
Here is a plan, females get sippy cups and guys get bottles with nipples. Hard to spill red wine that way!
With all this worry about alcohol, I heard Don was thinking of asking the marina to keep it dry.....they probably agree.... :D

Your peeing on Watfa's parade! She just had me order sippy cups for the wine and booze drinkers. :banghead:
BTW her main course is going to be paella, home made with all sorts of sea dwellers in it.
Irv....based on the number of your posts, I would be inclined to think you are looking forward to the gathering. :D

I too look forward to a gathering of good people...and all have been.... :thumb:

I feel truly honored to have met such a great family as yours. The three of you were truly a highlight last year, and that is big considering the great company that has shown up the last 2 years. :socool:

Looking forward to seeing you again. Was worried my schedule was going to conflict, but just a 4 day shift in plans makes it work well.
Scott said: based on the number of your posts, I would be inclined to think you are looking forward to the gathering.

Damn I didn't think anyone would notice. :). We really had a great time and enjoyed meeting so many like minded people. We were newbies to the group and you made us feel like family. Watfa enjoys cooking for people so that worked out well, I enjoy eating what she cooks.

Glad you were able to solve your conflict, does this mean you will have your boat there and won't commute from the keys?

Yes we are really looking forward to the rendezvous this year and being around such fine friends.


You were the very first Trawler Forum we met. AND WE DIDNT LEAVE. :)
If you're serving wine in sippy cups on a vessel of that magnitude, I'm assuming they'll at least need to be monagrahmed or have sippy cup art. Sounds like the 2018 TFR collectable sippy cup. Balls in your court. :angel:


Sippy cups are ordered in various colors so as not to confuse the drunk attending but if your expecting crystal with gold leaf well. hahaha. However they may be collectible (probably by the local trash company)!

I want you you know your yacht is bigger than my boat and it looks better.
Here you go:



If I had your money I would certainly buy those unfortunately I don't so have ordered the cheap cousin. Thanks.

If I had your money I would certainly buy those unfortunately I don't so have ordered the cheap cousin. Thanks.

Wished I had known before you took care of it. At $10 each for a dozen, I'd have ponied up the money just to see you hand them out to each of the ladies.


Ten dollars each???? I ordered twenty for ten dollars. Would you like to adopt an old fat guy? Comes with an expensive cook who doesn't each much but drinks like a ........

Ten dollars each???? I ordered twenty for ten dollars. Would you like to adopt an old fat guy? Comes with an expensive cook who doesn't each much but drinks like a ........

This comes from a guy with not one but two Zeus drives? :rolleyes:

Exactly, now you can appreciate my position of being unemployed.:)
I'll give this a bump. I have no local knowledge on how Fort Pierce City Marina faired from Irma and maybe Don, Moonstruck, can fill us in or anybody local. From what the marinas are experiencing in the JAX area, I'd make reservations ASAP if you haven't. The marina we're in has had lots of inquiries and is booked for the winter. With the reported damage in the Keys boats are looking at plan B.
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