The flat earth instead of the globe earth

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Jan 26, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Old Glory
Vessel Make
1970 Egg Harbor 37 extended salon model
Lately the flat earth is seeing a surge in interest.
I actually have changed my mind and now view a flat earth as more logically fitting the observable data. One clear example is skylines of cities are clearly visible at distances that if the earth curved down, they would be a thousand feet lower so you could not see them, but your can still see them. If a globe, the earth curves 8 inches to the mile squared, which would make a skyline, or a lighthouse drop off the horizon.

So let's treat this as an interesting idea.

First one talks of how plane flights on a globe make no sense.

Second one is more information generally.

Wow, so how do satellites and other orbiting objects work in your flat world?

And how does a circumnavigation work?

And how does basic marine navigation work?
All those things could work the same way, just going around in circles like they would on a globe earth.

A flat earth is one of the biggest 'conspiracy' ideas a person might imagine.

Here is another interesting video comparing the mountain heights, which should be dropping down if the earth was round, but they don't. Not being able to demonstrate observable curvature, demonstrates a globe earth has problems.

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Some validity to this point of view. After all, the earth is only 6000 years old isn't it?
Some validity to this point of view. After all, the earth is only 6000 years old isn't it?

Yes, from proverbs it says God drew a circle on the deep, which would be the flat earth.
The great deep existed before the earth was formed.

Genesis 1New King James Version (NKJV)

The History of Creation
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Proverbs 8:22-31New King James Version (NKJV)

22 “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way,
Before His works of old.
23 I have been established from everlasting,
From the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
24 When there were no depths I was brought forth,
When there were no fountains abounding with water.
25 Before the mountains were settled,
Before the hills, I was brought forth;
26 While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields,
Or the primal dust of the world.
27 When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
28 When He established the clouds above,
When He strengthened the fountains of the deep,
29 When He assigned to the sea its limit,
So that the waters would not transgress His command,
When He marked out the foundations of the earth,
30 Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;

And I was daily His delight,
Rejoicing always before Him,
31 Rejoicing in His inhabited world,
And my delight was with the sons of men.
Yes, but what kind? Perhaps a sea serpent lurking at the end of the flat earth?

Flat earthers say the Antarctic is a great wall of ice , a ring of ice encircling the outer part of the flat earth, which holds in the oceans.
I always thought earth was flat, if it was round how could it be possible for our Aussie friends to live head down, now I know they are not as the earth is flat. Thank you so much, so many year I was told earth was round, what an hoax! :D
Why are you printing this nonsense?
I just had a thought having to do with the flat earth theory. I believe that my beach recliner is close to one edge of the earth. With the clear view I can see to the other side of the earth. To share my visions I will post a thread on TF entitled Don's View from the Beach. In it I shall share pearls of wisdom with those with a thirst for the truth. You don't have to thank me for this. It is just my way of giving back.:angel:


  • Don at Green Turtle e-mail.jpg
    Don at Green Turtle e-mail.jpg
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I always thought earth was flat, if it was round how could it be possible for our Aussie friends to live head down, now I know they are not as the earth is flat. Thank you so much, so many year I was told earth was round, what an hoax! :D

Aussie biker ? :)

Désolé Pierre (Peter B), I'm just kidding, my friend !


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Good heavens, Trump only won yesterday and we are already into the flat earth society.

We are not exactly entering the age of enlightenment I fear. Perhaps Neil Armstrong should be prosecuted(posthumously) for falsely claiming to have walked on the moon.

Personally, I am looking into building a offshore wall around Oz to stop the tides wearing away my antifoul paint.
Good heavens, Trump only won yesterday and we are already into the flat earth society.

We are not exactly entering the age of enlightenment I fear. Perhaps Neil Armstrong should be prosecuted(posthumously) for falsely claiming to have walked on the moon.

Personally, I am looking into building a offshore wall around Oz to stop the tides wearing away my antifoul paint.

What? He really went to the moon? IMPOSSIBLE! I saw the real footage on youtube, it was made in studio, come on, be serious!
Andy,talking of walls, I`m hearing the Mexican one has gone from physical to metaphorical to maybe imaginative.
All that $ sunk into concrete batching plants, brick making, wire making machines, gun factories, guard dog breeding farms....surely there is truth is politics, if in nothing else, the last bastion of honesty.
A flat wall, perhaps.
I'm shocked you guys don't believe in the Flat Earth! Remind me to tell you some time about my chemtrail pilot days.
Gotcha, Craig. The old deflection ploy!:facepalm:

Oh big talk from you Mr Moon. Mr founding member of the Trilateral Comission Moon. Did you inherit that status from your father in the Bilderbergers??? Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
I just thought of something about a spinning globe earth.
How fast are YOU spinning on Earth's axis? | Daily Mail Online
The rotational speed of the earth is 1000 mph at the equater, 600 mph in England and a few mph at the poles.
The reason water and rocks and people do not go spinning off the surface is attributed to gravity.
Gravity holds things down, overcoming a centripetal acceleration that is pushing things off the surface.
But since gravity is the supposed force doing this and gravity does not vary with latitude, being mostly the same all over a globe earth, everything should vary in weight depending on your latitude, how far north you move up from the equator due to the effects of the speed of you spinning around, versus the gravity that holds you down on the earth.

The difference between these opposing forces would be quite extreme between the poles and the equator. Yet items that weigh 10 pounds at the equator still weigh 10 pounds at the poles.
So as you move northward or southward your weight as measured on a scale should increase, but it does not change.
Interesting question !

YES, you weigh less on the equator than at the North or South Pole for the reason centripetal force makes your weight changes (a bit).

Note that your body itself does not change.

NASA IMAGE satellite,Ask the Space Scientist Archive

Something is not adding up properly which is understandable coming from a scientific consensus that believes in a spinning ball earth. A rotation creating a 1000 mph edge speed generates a tremendous amount of force. The earth can be understood the same as if your spinning a gyroscope having its edge moving at a 1000 mph. Everything will fall apart unless held back by an at least equal internal force holding it together. That gravitational force difference would have to be much more measurably felt otherwise it could not hold the earth together as it is spinning around. Yet the linked site says that this rotational force is meaningless. Just try spinning a rock tied to a string round your head to understand that such a force you could not possibly generate yourself or even hold onto can not be so pitifully of little account.

And the earth is said to move around the sun at 66,000 mph which would generates it's own tremendous amount of force. And this would also be working to slow down and speed up the earth's daily rotation.
This is misleadingly called "centrifugal force", but it's really just Newton’s laws of motion.

While standing at the equator you are further away from the bulk of Earth’s mass than at the poles, so the planet exerts less pull on you, gravity has less pull at the equator.

"But don’t quit your diet and move to Brazil: an object at the equator weighs a mere 0.5 percent less than at the poles — less than a pound for anyone under 200 pounds." :)
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This is misleadingly called "centrifugal force", but it's really just Newton’s laws of motion.

While standing at the equator you are further away from the bulk of Earth’s mass than at the poles, so the planet exerts less pull on you, gravity has less pull at the equator.

"But don’t quit your diet and move to Brazil: an object at the equator weighs a mere 0.5 percent less than at the poles — less than a pound for anyone under 200 pounds." :)

The difference of mass under your feet between a pole and a equator it can not be a significant difference. Except of course standing on top of a continental mountain regardless of being at the pole or equator.

To suggest rotational forces as insignificant defies logical experience. In the traditional understanding then gravity must be overwhelmingly strong for the rotational forces to have such miniscule effect which also defies logical and practical experiences, consider an engine increasingly revving would eventually shatter itself. Yet gravity is described as one of the weakest of forces.
The difference of mass under your feet between a pole and a equator it can not be a significant difference. Except of course standing on top of a continental mountain regardless of being at the pole or equator.

To suggest rotational forces as insignificant defies logical experience. In the traditional understanding then gravity must be overwhelmingly strong for the rotational forces to have such miniscule effect which also defies logical and practical experiences, consider an engine increasingly revving would eventually shatter itself. Yet gravity is described as one of the weakest of forces.

Then from your point of you & clearly, is there or not a difference of weight between poles and equator for the same thing / object ?
Not only is the earth flat, but the Moon is also flat. If it were round don't you think we would see the back side? Did you ever see a Moon Pie? That's evidence enough for me.
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