To unobservant dummy, it is gonna cost ya

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
As with most of the time when one gets angry at the other guy or comes here to blast them, there are probably two sides to it. We seem to assume that things people do are intentional.

As to Bajas and Sea Rays, I'm afraid not enough Bajas being sold to create a real problem but better be careful about Sea Rays since they greatly outnumber you.

There are actually THREE sides to the story....HIS...HERS...and the TRUTH!!!

Also another little anecdote .... Remember....when you point your finger at someone...there are three fingers pointing back at you!!!
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Baker, knowing your backgound for facts and the truth....

Anytime you need them, just PM me.....:D
I have fished the race for blues and strikers out of my sons Grady. Lotta fun.. Boy do you guys have tide.

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