Twin Disc Shifting Issue

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Twin Disk Shifting issues

Do you remember how this all started?

I called the local Twin Disc repair man and he said "It sounds like manifold wear. Bring it in and we can take care of it. $8000 max cost."

Glad you listened to reason and looked a tad deeper......

Hopefully those who are reading lean from this. From what I have seen in the 30 years I have been dealing with these types of issues, this is a typical type "Distributor Reponse"..

To me, a really a sad situation exists within distributor service sytems like this--Cummins, Twin Disc, all of them.......... ..

I've learned my lesson on trusting the local reps. I'm getting a similar response from Onan on a minor repair issue.
Thanks again Tony.
That's been my experience too, 60,000 miles offshore over 8 yrs. I'm rebuilding a little trawler now and have decided to try the Rocna. A lot of testing that looks plausible says it's better. We'll see. Tell you in a few years.

My comment is to Tony's comment on the anchor. On topic of this thread I've had similar experiences with "professional" help. I always get several opinions, there are some good guys out there and you just stick with them when you find them.
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Hi Tony, I've been looking at your projects since I began mine 12 years ago. I have TD 501-1 driven by a Lugger 6414T with Aquadrive thrust bearing and CV shaft. Splashed boat for the first time Friday and all test were great except it clanged into forward and reverse. Is it possible the idle is too high?
Hi Tony, I've been looking at your projects since I began mine 12 years ago. I have TD 501-1 driven by a Lugger 6414T with Aquadrive thrust bearing and CV shaft. Splashed boat for the first time Friday and all test were great except it clanged into forward and reverse. Is it possible the idle is too high?

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