under water concerns

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Aug 18, 2021
If a boat has flipped during a storm in the past, but has been through several owners and is a fully functioning boat years later, are there any concerns with the integrity of the structure? Everything else is working fine.
What is it made of? The structural integrity of wood could be impaired, even if subsequent use did not stress it to the point of failure.
Welcome aboard. Not enough info supplied. How big a boat? What water was it in? How long was it “flipped”? And on and on. No way of telling. Get a really good surveyor.
Structure would be a concern, but boat can pretty incredibly tough. Electrical issues would be common, but likely have been addressed by prior owners. In any event, you will want a very complete survey by a good surveyor.
She is a 40 plus foot fiberglass-heavy construction-flipped in salt water. Not sure if the length of time it was upside down. I was assuming it presented as n insurance claim.
I would want to know the details of the reconstruction after the flip. In the end it’s a price vs compromise situation. How good is the price and how much is the compromise. I have seen many a totaled boat sell for for way too much because some one thought it was cheap only to find out later a correct fix was more than the finished boat was worth.
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