Unknown model of Raycor

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Welcome aboard. Unlikely that most people will know what model fuel filter you have without more info. Can you take a closeup photo of it and attach it to the thread? Always works best if you can supply the most information possible.
Welcome aboard. Yep. We LOVE pictures!

At post 1(not 16732) there could an issue attaching a pic, or knowing how. Patience, patience...
Loosen the black knob which compresses the stainless steel band. Then remove the band and the lid will come off. There are two orings that seal the lid. My recollection is the filter element is pressed onto the lid. Will edit with the Racor number. Filters are still available.


Edit: yes it is a Racor 200 and filter elements are still available.

200FG-with-Drain (1).png
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And it would be excellent if you could source a clear plastic bowl instead of that metal one.

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