View from the wheelhouse

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Peaceful anchorage
Yeah...I have to pay more at the barber shop. Grrrrrr...

Here's my story :D and some decades deferred, minor $$$ facts :thumb::

Shaved my head Christmas Eve 1983 - living 5,000 ft. elevation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I was a busy masonry and concrete contractor up there for nearly a decade. I missed having a boat while in the mountains - but - I had a freaking blast in my 20's to 32 yrs. old in the wild and woolly Sierra mountains! Settled into SF CA area August 18th 1984... and went boating!

Christmas eve 1983 with bottle o' Tequila on the table and friends over to my house for holiday PARTY! Gift of rechargeable Norelco roto track razor with a trimmer was given to me. By end of night I'd shaved my head bald from near shoulder length blond locks. I was 31 yrs. old. Back then not many WASP had shaved heads... In those days Yule Brenner and Tellay Sevales were two stars that did!

I was balding on top anyway and being a buffed dude I quickly dug being shaved bald. I've been so ever since!

Here's a little rough/average math [34 yrs. shaved head]:

20 hair cuts a year x 34 yr. at $10 per haircut = $6,800 savings
4 bottles shampoo / 4 bottles conditioner per yr. x 34 yrs. at $3 ea. = $816 savings.

Total Savings During 34 Years of shaved Head = $7616

BTW - Ever since getting the gift electric razor Christmas eve 1983 I've never had to bay for a new razor. Why??? Because I'm the only shaved head in our family and when ever a new razor is needed I get one as a Christmas present!

Life is Good! :speed boat: :dance:
:thumb::thumb::thumb: God made a few beautiful heads... On the rest he put hair! :lol:

C'mon, Art!! I know you've got more than 4-5 images in your inventory. That's yesterday's news. Let's see some current material.
C'mon, Art!! I know you've got more than 4-5 images in your inventory. That's yesterday's news. Let's see some current material.

Hi Al

Been real slack on taking boating photos for last few years. May take some more this summer. Gonna try and get on the water this coming holiday weekend. Recent years have been filled with too many family responsibilities that limit my/our water time. :ermm: :facepalm: :mad:
Hi Al

Been real slack on taking boating photos for last few years. May take some more this summer. Gonna try and get on the water this coming holiday weekend. Recent years have been filled with too many family responsibilities that limit my/our water time. :ermm: :facepalm: :mad:

I used to be a slave to the "good photo". If I didn't have my DSLR, with the right lense, the right light, the perfect composition etc... I wouldn't bother. The upshot is that I didn't shoot as many photos.

Now, like the photos I posted this weekend, I just hand my iPad out the Pilothouse door and snap a shot and post it. They aren't great, but they are a photo.
The rising sun always looks great, looking at it from around the world or different wheelhouse!

Last September morning Sweden Norrtälje, leaving home to Finland.

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From October 2016. Last trip before getting it upp from the water.
It should be back there now (in the water), but I'm currently fixing an old damage on the keel, changing a fuel feeder pump and waiting for a new prop.


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Miami skyline from Key Biscayne anchorageIMG_0018.JPG
Haven't made it to the wheelhouse yet but this is the million dollar view from bed.


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Perfect day on the water today.
First time the tiger has been in the dinghy and first time off the boat in almost a year.
She handled it well.


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Perfect day on the water today.
First time the tiger has been in the dinghy and first time off the boat in almost a year.
She handled it well.

Looks like any edible item in your dink is about to get pounced on... by Tiger! :eek:

As Chris Rock would say: " That tiger ain't crazy.. that tiger went tiger!"

One of my favorites is when my wife is at the helm. She loves this!


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I love sunrise and sunset photos. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Columbia River and the US-395 bridge.

My Galley Wench (her choice of titles, not mine!) with the Columbia River in the background.



Not from the pilothouse, but one of my favorites. The Columbia River Gorge area near Cascade Locks, OR.

I like the cloud and it's reflection on the water.

From the Columbia River shore in front of our house.
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Heading out just before dawn in the fog to chase Halibut A couple weeks ago. It was super sketchy due to the large number of fast sport boats racing around without radar out there.


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This is where we dropped anchor this afternoon. Oro Bay. The Yacht Club outstation dock was packed there on the right.
This is the view my wife had a few minutes ago. Me enjoying some light air sailing in my GH Navigator.
Perfection....except for that damn blowboat in the way of another great shot! :D :hide:
Everett WA Marina sunset

Photos shot during the Big Wind last Tuesday.


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Here's my story :D and some decades deferred, minor $$$ facts :thumb::

Shaved my head Christmas Eve 1983 - living 5,000 ft. elevation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I was a busy masonry and concrete contractor up there for nearly a decade. I missed having a boat while in the mountains - but - I had a freaking blast in my 20's to 32 yrs. old in the wild and woolly Sierra mountains! Settled into SF CA area August 18th 1984... and went boating!

Christmas eve 1983 with bottle o' Tequila on the table and friends over to my house for holiday PARTY! Gift of rechargeable Norelco roto track razor with a trimmer was given to me. By end of night I'd shaved my head bald from near shoulder length blond locks. I was 31 yrs. old. Back then not many WASP had shaved heads... In those days Yule Brenner and Tellay Sevales were two stars that did!

I was balding on top anyway and being a buffed dude I quickly dug being shaved bald. I've been so ever since!

Here's a little rough/average math [34 yrs. shaved head]:

20 hair cuts a year x 34 yr. at $10 per haircut = $6,800 savings
4 bottles shampoo / 4 bottles conditioner per yr. x 34 yrs. at $3 ea. = $816 savings.

Total Savings During 34 Years of shaved Head = $7616

BTW - Ever since getting the gift electric razor Christmas eve 1983 I've never had to bay for a new razor. Why??? Because I'm the only shaved head in our family and when ever a new razor is needed I get one as a Christmas present!

Life is Good! :speed boat: :dance:

Ha ha, nice.
SF Delta - Memorial Day Sunrise 2017 - From salon with coffee in hand!

1st pict is sun 1/4 over horizon. 2nd pict is fully over horizon


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Thought I might make a few bucks today driving a small tug....helping fix a bridge....


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Day 2


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Concrete and rebar delivery


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