Wagner T2 rebuild parts

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Veteran Member
Sep 7, 2015
Vessel Name
Spartan V
Vessel Make
Willard 36' Motorsailer
Looking for seal kits for the Wagner T2 steering ram. Does anyone have any current information for Summer Equipment. Their website name is for sale. Notwhat I like to see when searching online.

Are there any other sources or cross reference materials?

Thanks for your help.
Hi BDidier,

Can't think of any reason why a competent local generic hydraulic repair shop can't reseal a steering ram.

Try https://everetthydraulics.com/ They've done the same for me on a hydraulic pump.


FWIW, I recently emailed sales@wagnersteering.com asking a question about my vintage 1980 system. Took a couple days, but I eventually got very responsive answers to my questions, along with suggestions for a FL rebuilder of their no-longer-sold gear. The FL guy even followed up by email a day or two later, so he had clearly been forwarded my question and info.
Not a huge presence anymore, but they’re still out there & supporting their stuff.
BDidler - my Willard 36 has a T-2 steering ram too. I've never rebuilt it, but have talked to Wagner a couple times, but has been a few years. Parts were still available.


Others - while a hydraulic steering ram, design of the T-series rams by Wagner are quite a bit different from the traditional hydraulic cylinder. I guess it's a miniature version of a commercial system.

Thanks for all the input, Wagner does have the parts, a couple seal sets in stock at local dealer for $495 USD, not the $229 Canadian showing on their website.

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