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Wanted: Cheoy Lee 61 or Hatteras LRC 58/65

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Veteran Member
Jul 12, 2020
I'm looking for either a Cheoy Lee 61 Long Range Cruiser (1970s-1980s) or a Hatteras LRC (either the 58 or the 65).

If anyone knows of one, in a any condition, please point me towards her.

We looked at a 58LRC but my wife didn’t like it, I loved it. Engine room to die for…
I didn't get a chance to get on the boat. I was down in Sarasota and when I contacted the broker he said it had just gone under contract.

I have a line on one that I am trying to get on. It's a 1984 61'. Cat 3208s

How did Discipleship handle on sea trial? Anything unique?
She handed amazingly well. Some mechanical issues on the 671s (some very uncomfortable exhaust issues that will necessarily require immediate big money repairs) but she handles well, very responsive, but just very soft and comfortable. We cannot wait....
@chasles, instead of two complete rebuilds of those old engines, have you thought about a repower, perhaps with some small 4 cylinder JDs or such? If this is going to be your last hurrah, a twenty year keep, it might be worth the effort.
@chasles, instead of two complete rebuilds of those old engines, have you thought about a repower, perhaps with some small 4 cylinder JDs or such? If this is going to be your last hurrah, a twenty year keep, it might be worth the effort.

We've thought about it but the 671s are pretty bullet proof and fuel consumption is good. It's not a rebuild just deferred maintenance from previous owners we need to do. I'm more apt to run the boat like it is and repower with electric.... What's a ROM on repower? I'd love if it two 130hp natural yanmars or something!

We're semi retiring in our 40s with the kids aboard so need space and range. Once they're off into their lives this may not be a great vessel for us. Can't loop it and it's Flipping huge!!!
We've thought about it but the 671s are pretty bullet proof and fuel consumption is good. It's not a rebuild just deferred maintenance from previous owners we need to do. I'm more apt to run the boat like it is and repower with electric.... What's a ROM on repower? I'd love if it two 130hp natural yanmars or something!

We're semi retiring in our 40s with the kids aboard so need space and range. Once they're off into their lives this may not be a great vessel for us. Can't loop it and it's Flipping huge!!!
chasles - we are in a similar "boat" so to speak. Three boys, and we currently have a 40' that is just too cramped. Holding tank is far too small for a family of five also. The CL 61 seems to have the best balance of space in our price range and cruising plans, but I do keep thinking about what to do after the kids move out. She is a big boat.
Take a look at the one I linked too above. The only difference is the extra Cockpit space. No change in interior volume between the 55 and the 61... We close in a few hours, just waiting for the text!!!

What 40 footer do you have now? What's your home port? We're based in st Pete for now.
I'm more apt to run the boat like it is and repower with electric.... What's a ROM on repower? I'd love if it two 130hp natural yanmars or something!

Haha, now there's a loaded statement! A repower has a certain cost, but going electric propulsion on a 40 ton monster is a whole different 55-gallon-drum of worms.
Haha, now there's a loaded statement! A repower has a certain cost, but going electric propulsion on a 40 ton monster is a whole different 55-gallon-drum of worms.

Agreed. If ever there were a vessel.... She's a beast but she's got about an acre up top for a solar farm and two detroit 671s plus 2700 gallons of deisel and tankage equals lots of space and weight budget for batteries!

Alas today it's new exhausts, full what exchanger rebuilds, couplea pumps, couplea oil leaks a d bobs your uncle.
Take a look at the one I linked too above. The only difference is the extra Cockpit space. No change in interior volume between the 55 and the 61... We close in a few hours, just waiting for the text!!!

What 40 footer do you have now? What's your home port? We're based in st Pete for now.
Chasles - my home port is Mystic CT. I currently have a Luhrs 40 fishing boat we boat when we only had one kid. Before that, we had a 35’ Island Packet sailboat.

I’m making an offer on this 1984 61’. I’m hoping we can make it happen.
Chasles - my home port is Mystic CT. I currently have a Luhrs 40 fishing boat we boat when we only had one kid. Before that, we had a 35’ Island Packet sailboat.

I’m making an offer on this 1984 61’. I’m hoping we can make it happen.

Send a link!! Is it play pen? We had wanted to see that one but the broker was a huge jerk and basically made it clear we shouldn't bother trying to fly to Bermuda to look, just make an offer... We hadn't hired a broker yet so suffice to say we neither viewed it nor hired that guy.
Yes, it is Playpen. We offered on it a while ago and the seller was stuck on a number I couldn’t justify. I spoke to someone on Bermuda who had been on the boat and also got some additional videos and photos of the current condition.

The broker seemed flustered with the seller at the time.

I told him I wasn’t going to make the trip to Bermuda until we had an offer accepted.

Needless to say, I made another offer today and they responded already accepting it. So now I will re-engage the surveyor and schedule a flight out there to see what she’s all about.

I’ll have to dig up the pdf of the old listing.
That's amazing. I think that boat is in better shape than discipleship but today was a good day. Got both engines running (no issue just no one ever reset the e-stop and I couldn't figure it out) played the "where are all the sea strainers" game, were sorting out how the drinking water system works, got rid of a couple cart loads of stuff, bow thrusters are charging again, etc. Great first day tbh....

I'm super excited for you in playpen and a little jealous on the fly in and prospects of bringing her back to the USA (ya know, a cheoy Lee 61 lrc expert might be useful on your delivery!!!)
Thanks - I’m pretty excited. We had a Hatteras under contract last fall but it failed to get off the dock 3 times for a sea trial. We’ve been searching for this upgrade for about 2 years, so I really hope this thing checks out well.

I think if all is good with the boat, we will have gotten a good deal. The only thing it’s missing (large ticket item) that I will need to add is a bow thruster.

The trip back could be great.
Amazing!!! Good luck with the process and the seatrial! Let me know how it goes. (and ya know, delivery time....) happy to exchange some notes on where we ended up etc...
And I will definitely lean on you for figuring out where everything is and how things are routed throughout the boat.

I hope you can get those 6-71s cleaned up and singing. I’m not experienced with the 3208s but I’ve got another thread going about those and there seems to be some positivity on them when they were used in trawlers and not wound up to 435hp and run WOT all the time.
I’d be happy to exchange notes and let you know what we find as we go through the process.
Honestly the diesel surveyor and I sat back and chatted. The exhausts have basically failed (leaking at the barrels under load), there's oil in the coolant (we think owner confused coolant and oil jug) , many oil leaks (he used Rotella 5-30 and not delo 100 as required by Detroit), yadda yadda.... And yet they start instantly and just absolutely run beautifully. He just shook his head... Whaddya gonna do? It's a mess but they're solid. So we'll do all the maintenance and repairs and.... They'll run exactly the same as right now.
It's really amazing the abuse that Jimmies can take, perhaps more so than most 4-strokes, but that's just anecdotal opinion.

I had a 50 ton, 65 footer with twin Gray marines. They were aluminum block surplus WW2 generator set motors. I remember the aluminum was all corroded where the water seals fit on the block. Likely from neglect in coolant and anodes - hence water in my oil when I purchased the boat. After consulting with my mechanic-uncle, I cleaned up the AL, ground them smooth, then reformed them with JB Weld.

Worked like a charm and ran for years and thousands of miles.

Honestly if I ever had to repower a boat, I would not purposely install them again. There are more modern solutions. But they are examples of amazing machinery.
Chasles - my home port is Mystic CT. I currently have a Luhrs 40 fishing boat we boat when we only had one kid. Before that, we had a 35’ Island Packet sailboat.

I’m making an offer on this 1984 61’. I’m hoping we can make it happen.

Curious, what year is your Luhrs? Open or flybridge?
I'm looking for either a Cheoy Lee 61 Long Range Cruiser (1970s-1980s) or a Hatteras LRC (either the 58 or the 65).

If anyone knows of one, in a any condition, please point me towards her.


There is a 58’ LRC in Ft. Pierce, Fl. On YW.
There is a 58’ LRC in Ft. Pierce, Fl. On YW.

That one is a mess. The owner is sick and elderly and the boat is in bad shape. The listing broker told me even a couple experienced boat yard flippers have walked away saying it would need be under 6 figures to make a profit or make it livable.
My 1982 Cheoy Lee 55LRC will be on the market in September should you have interest.
So an update on my purchase of this Cheoy Lee 61: contract in place, deposit being put into escrow, customs broker involved(boat is located in Bermuda), surveyor checking availability.

First hiccup - apparently there is a 25% tax on importing a Chinese built boat to the US right now.

That should be fun to negotiate with the seller...

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