We suspect my high protein diet keeps clogging toilet - HELP

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Marine elegance says in their literature that choice of TP doesn’t matter. Is that really the case?

Yes. It will chew up any type of TP. However we had a huge supply of marine TP and are still using it up, particularly since I put the bidet on it.
Thank you so much for your reply!

What you're saying completely makes sense, that the toilet is not keeping the water in the bowl while I sit and go for 10-15 minutes, so it makes sense to add water to ensure there's liquid when flushing. So it may not be the high protein diet at all, rather my lengthy sit on the bowl and the solids clog up as the liquid drains whilst I sit. Ah-ha, makes perfect sense!!!

Thank you!!!!

I eat 40-60 g of fiber per day, and drink at least 2 gallons of alkaline water a day, got that covered, lol!

Excellent on your dedication to fitness! Just curious as to how high your daily protein actually is?
I'm a fitness enthusiast and eat a very high protein diet, it keeps clogging the duck (?) valve and my poor husband is constantly having to take the head apart. We bought some Noflex Digestor but that hasn't fixed the problem. It only happens to when I go, never hubs so we do strongly suspect it's related to my high protein diet.

I think a lesson in wifey dissassembling and cleaning the head would be both therapeutic and give pause to the future of her concrete catalyzing dietary habits. You can't really believe that a diet that results in one sitting on the throne for 15 minutes undoubtedly grunting away is actually beneficial?? https://www.atherosclerosis-journal.com/article/S0021-9150(15)30148-9/abstract
I'm a fitness enthusiast and eat a very high protein diet, it keeps clogging the duck (?) valve and my poor husband is constantly having to take the head apart. We bought some Noflex Digestor but that hasn't fixed the problem. It only happens to when I go, never hubs so we do strongly suspect it's related to my high protein diet.

I am also a fitness enthusiast on a high protein diet and no issues with clogging the head at home or on the boat. I'd suggest either upgrading your head or check with your doctor for other potential remedies.
You have no issues with the toilet at home because there's water in the bowl when you go. Adding water to the bowl on the boat ahead of solids will solve the problem. If your toilet isn't designed to bring water into the bowl and hold it ahead of use, use a beer cup from the sink. It's very important that the joker valve (one way valve in the discharge fitting) be in very good condition...the slit in a worn valve no longer closes, so the water will just run right through it. It won't stay very long anyway, so add it immediately before going...pour it in between your legs.

This thread title wins the "Dont-Wanna-Look-Gotta-Look" award...
Mr. O. Yup.

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Marine elegance says in their literature that choice of TP doesn’t matter. Is that really the case?
The ME will chew up any TP in my experience.

Woops duplicate post…
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