Senior Member
There is a tipping point, where there will be no chance to stop runaway global warming, and that is when the Earth's permafrost starts to rapidly melt with a subsequent release of CO2 and Methane.
It has begun, but is it still early enough to reverse?
Valid question. And yes it is a major concern.
Being in denial about it is not addressing it and claiming Nuclear is the ONLY real answer is wild postulating from a clearly ultra dogmatic position.
We do know that decreasing WASTE and ABUSE of resources helps to clean the environment and reduce emissions. COVID helped to prove this when the air quality improved in many places around the world when we decreased the production of pollution.
I see it as we can have economic health and environmental health equally. They can co-exist. I think that is smart thinking. I will not feed the argument that we can ONLY have one or the other.
Decreasing WASTE is a key ingredient. More effort and discussion needs to be on that and NOT all on how we produce energy when so much energy consumption could and should be decreased due to collosal waste.
Also, I have made my own power at my home (and on my food truck) for 16 years with solar power. I intend to get two electric vehicles and also charge them predominantly with my home power generation system. Those who contend that electric cars MUST use grid power / dirty power / nuclear power are not open minded in their thinking nor are they thinking of the possibilities of what we can do in the future where we improve how we do things verses doing them in poorly thought out ways. I know that one of the best things I did was make my own power. It is not that hard nor that expensive. There is a great deal of bad information and naysayers who actually may be wrong about making our own power and solar power and decreasing waste.