...All this crap about ulterior motives is total nonsense as if modeling based on MMCC was incorrect that would be demonstrated and the oil industry would be the first to make you aware. Earlier in this thread you can see even they accept MMCC as the likely reality.
You can see this thread is deteriorating into belief against science. I would again ask the outliers to please read the multiple reports of the intergovernmental panel on climate change and the source documents. If you can find error in those reports it would be worthy of discussion.
I hold news media outlets (actual news, not the news as entertainment outlets which can't be trusted at all) partially to blame for the denialist mindset having legs.
Traditional news provides both sides of an issue, even if 1000 scientists are in agreement, the news outlets will find one scientist with an opposing view for their thoughts in the name of balanced reporting.
I would like to see something like a percentage representation in news reports, where the bulk of the report would go to the consensus view, and maybe one sentence to the lone outlier...with maybe an additional note on who their funding source is.
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