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What are my options?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Of course, I knew that was your tender to get ashore and have some fun. I know I would.

Wifey B: Not a tender. Just a fun boat to use around home. Make a quick trip to Miami or West Palm or decide to visit the Casino in Bimini or just check out the local canals. It's just a fun boat for mainly the two of us. Sometimes a quick run to Palm Coast or even Key West. A lot like our boat on the lake use to feel except can sleep on it and go further and it's not quite as fast as our bowrider was. :)

Just the vast majority of our boating includes others, sometimes many others. :ermm:
I owned a 35' Senator that was pretty much what you're looking for. It turned out to be a rubber band trawler. I didn't keep it long. I later got into something as accommodating but with much more flexibility and much less responsibility/upkeep. I had a buddy who was looking at 100k trawlers like the Senator. He ended up with a boat like my current one. Granted, you don't get the same bragging rights but you do get everything else - well, except for the cost of ownership.

He paid 4k for his and put probably 20k into it. I paid 10K for mine and put about 10 more into it. Mine is a 28' flybridge model with positive flotation, lower helm, sleeps 7, generator and A/C, full galley (double sink - 4 burner stove - full sized oven - microwave - fridge - chest freezer on aft deck), stand up hot water shower, single engine (350 Chevy), 250+ mile range, 30mph capable, less then 2' water draft, 10' air draft, no mooring fees, cheap insurance.

And you're not limited to coastal waters...they're trailerable! We've been from SC to Lake Powell twice, cruised on the St Lawrence out of Keewaydin as well as dozens of lakes and rivers below the Mason/Dixon Line.


  • lns-pair.jpg
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ANY old Bayliner or similar should be fine. A gas IO is easy and cheap to fix or replace .

No there not offshore boats , just along shore on nice days , but for the Loop or similar waterway cruising there fine.

Would be about $10K for a nice one , which is what you will get on its resale.

The gas might cost more , but an injector is $50+ to rebuild , some are hundreds new , a spark plug is still under $5.00.

Keeping $90K under the mattress might be a better investment these days..
Grand Banks 36CL, early 80’s, sleeps 4, 140hp single screw, 8 knots, seems like it would foot the bill perfectly
Decision Made

We have looked at a lot of boats but the one that seems to fit is the Camano Troll 31 - We are traveling South to look at a couple. Since the world has lost it's mind we have some time (at 8-9 kts LOL)
Thanks for all the input...stay tuned
"the one that seems to fit is the Camano Troll 31
we have some time (at 8-9 kts LOL)"

A 31 ft boat will not cruse 8 or 9 k with much efficiency , think 6-7 statute MPH, if you have time.

Still its 50-70 miles per day , as much as many folks choose between anchorages.
"the one that seems to fit is the Camano Troll 31
we have some time (at 8-9 kts LOL)"

A 31 ft boat will not cruse 8 or 9 k with much efficiency , think 6-7 statute MPH, if you have time.

Still its 50-70 miles per day , as much as many folks choose between anchorages.

Not sure, all of the Camano owner/folks are saying the boat cruises very efficiently at that speed.
I find this chart pretty accurate. We get slightly below 2 gph in over 700 hours of running. Mostly we go 7 kits but when we need to ramp it up to 10kts ...rarely faster. (I chart my fuel consumption religiously due to obsessive compulsive tendencies) ��


Interesting. The boat doesn't have trim tabs, so not sure how that changes the Fuel Consumption.
So at 7 kts what is your typical fuel consumption & what is it if you push to 10 kts?
Interesting. The boat doesn't have trim tabs, so not sure how that changes the Fuel Consumption.
So at 7 kts what is your typical fuel consumption & what is it if you push to 10 kts?

Ooops, I see a GPH (without trim tabs).
Looks like about 1.4 gph @ 7.1 kts & 4.6 gph @ 9.1 kts?
My figures are without trim tabs, for what it is worth.

If someone is getting 1.4 gph at 7.1kts they likely have a different engine. Mine is a Volvo Tamd 41PA - 200hp. There is no way I can achieve 1.4 gph on my boat.

I often see inflated fuel consumption claims in sellers ads. Need to be taken with a proverbial grain of salt imho.

Good luck on Thursday!

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