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Nick F

Sep 2, 2020
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1974 Grand Banks 42 Classic, Hull 433
Found in the lazarette of my GB42 which I bought last year. It is 20 inches long.


  • IMG_5019.jpg
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Part of emergency tiller?
A bar for tightening anchor clutch?
What size engines do you have? Water ski tow bar?

Never saw that on the 2 GB's I've owned. Only sure way to know what it's for is to throw it away. In a week or so you'll discover what it's for.
I would look for matching holes to those two on the right side in the picture.
Maybe a bow extension pole for the anchor rode or something else that could
need a stand-off, like the davit or a stern anchor line or even signal flag halyards.
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Never saw that on the 2 GB's I've owned. Only sure way to know what it's for is to throw it away. In a week or so you'll discover what it's for.

+1. Put it back where you found it so you can find it again. :D
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I dont think it is anything Grand Banks related. Possibly the arm of a trap-puller or outboard motor davit.
Ah ha, it is another of the famous, “it’s on the boat.” Item
It looks new, no visible wear and tear.
Both ends are capped so not part of an extension. It is metal, perhaps aluminium. The eye at left end does not have much in the way of strenght.
The only guess I got is a pennant or curtuosy flag staff.
Throw it away, you clearly don't need it.

Until next week, then you'll know exactly what it is for.
Something to help pick up a dog? Clearly some bits are missing.
I don't think it's original to your GB 42, seems the wrong material for that era. I would think it's for something on your boat or was on your boat, maybe like a newer dinghy accessory.

Contact previous owner and offer to sell it back to him.
It's a "glut". You hold it upright, fill it with beer, and when you tip it to drink from it, it goes "glut, glut, glut..."
It's a "glut". You hold it upright, fill it with beer, and when you tip it to drink from it, it goes "glut, glut, glut..."

No. It's a "glook." Toss it over the side, and it goes "glook."
Why don't you have an emergency tiller on that GB42? They come equipped with 'em as well as the hole in the deck needed to attach them for action.
Why don't you have an emergency tiller on that GB42? They come equipped with 'em as well as the hole in the deck needed to attach them for action.

I do have an emergency tiller.
Guess it's time to either toss it, stow it on board just in case (you never know), or put it in the garage.

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