What spare do you carry?

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Hippo, if you can pm me with your email address, I can send you our excel parts inventory that we keep on our 2008 NT-42.

Also, on your Espar hydronic heater, if it is like ours, there is no replaceable fuel nozzle. It is part of the hot section (do not remember Espar’s name). It sprays onto a mesh and the mesh for atomization and it eventually burns away. If you have trouble with it igniting and do the normal trouble shooting with no improvement it will need a new hot section.

If you have the QSB-540 engine, then we only replace the impeller yearly (200-250 hours) and save the newest takeout as a second spare. We do stock a spare water pump & alternator. We change our Onan 9kw impeller every 60-70 hours. Beyond that, it seems to disintegrate at inopportune times wether salt or fresh water.

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