What's in a name?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
"Hello Bob" is much more comfortable saying.

Not sure if starting a radio dialog with a 250 pound coonass tug boat captain with "Hello darling" is a wise thing.....

Fat guy on a tugboat here. You might be surprised!
Office of Science and Technology

This will cover documented vessels in the US. There is a site for Canadian vessels that I lost the link to. It does surprise me how many boats have the same name. Our new boat joins 6 other "Touch of Grey"s out there.
My past 3 boats have been named '"COMPROMISE" "I" "II" and "III" reason they were all smaller than what I intended to to purchase :D

My next boat will be my last I have been saving this name for my last boat she will be named ETERNITY after Arther Stace who wrote the words Eternity on the streets of Sydney for over 25 years. I still recall seen his writing with chalk and it still brings back a lump in my throat.

Good Read ;)
Our boat was originally a charter boat in St. Thomas and named Island Queen. She had that name from new (1978) until last year. It took me a couple of years to bring myself to change the name as I am a bit sentimental, but we changed it to "Walkabout". A term we learned during the four years we lived in Australia. It just seemed the perfect name for where we are at in life.
Nah. It's Hello Baabbby! From the Big Bopper.



Hello my baby
Hello my honey
Hello my ragtime Gaaaaaal!
Stormy....my wife's name is Gale...named after Gale Storm. My father calls her Stormy. I was worried about tempting fate with a boat named Stormy but so far it has been calm seas....
Boat Names

So our boats have all been "Bacchus" - now on III

More about Bacchus

and pic form the renaming ceremony - note we got the (almost) whole marina to participate in a Toga party / renaming / dedication of the fleet ceremony

and lastly our website - Bacchus


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From Brazil

My wife's name is Jana, Jannota has its roots in Jana and it means neat, nice, pretty well fit. So Rainha Jannota where Rainha is Queen in Portuguese.
Before RJ there was Aguaolico and Stressless,

I am not sure there will be a next one.


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The name is OZ and that was the name when I bought her. Kept the name because I use to work at a hospital called Wishard and we referred to it as 'the Wiz'. So I retired from the Wiz and now I live on OZ

Present boat is called 'Sarawana', came with the boat .It is either named after a Pakistani opeaning batsmen circa 1962, or a mythical Indian lake. Meant to change it but too late now, the previous boat was called 'Amadeus', which I really liked, the dingy the dingy we named 'Wolfgang'.

Hi Andy,

I have just bought a Clipper 34 named Amadeus up here in QLD. Was this your boat?


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We are the second owners - she originally came to us from Canada as "Highland Myste". Having Scottish forebears (granted, way, WAY back) we thought it was an apt name, so we just Anglicized it a bit to "Highland Mist", and here we are!
This is an interesting thread. Nice to see it come alive again.

My Burger I renamed to Heart of Gold after the spaceship in Douglas Adams' famous novels and BBC series.

My little panga here in Qatar (notice the green water) I named Mako which has been my handle and moniker ever since I was a little kid and discovered CBs. Still my nickname today and have named some companies after it as well.

Next boat will either be Mako also (if it feels masculine to me) or perhaps Stella after my grandmother.

Boat names should always be personal. And BTW, I'm a believer that even if the boat has a masculine name, it is still referred to in the feminine sense. I think there's another thread about that subject.


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I always want named one of my boat :
Grotesque but until now my wife refuse it come from Paul Verlaine


Leurs jambes pour toutes montures,
Pour tous biens l'or de leurs regards,
Par le chemin des aventures
Ils vont haillonneux et hagards.

Le sage, indigné, les harangue ;
Le sot plaint ces fous hasardeux ;
Les enfants leur tirent la langue
Et les filles se moquent d'eux.

C'est qu'odieux et ridicules,
Et maléfiques en effet,
Ils ont l'air, sur les crépuscules,
D'un mauvais rêve que l'on fait ;

C'est que, sur leurs aigres guitares
Crispant la main des libertés,
Ils nasillent des chants bizarres,
Nostalgiques et révoltés ;

C'est enfin que dans leurs prunelles
Rit et pleure - fastidieux -
L'amour des choses éternelles,
Des vieux morts et des anciens dieux !

- Donc, allez, vagabonds sans trêves,
Errez, funestes et maudits,
Le long des gouffres et des grèves,
Sous l'oeil fermé des paradis !

La nature à l'homme s'allie
Pour châtier comme il le faut
L'orgueilleuse mélancolie
Qui vous fait marcher le front haut,

Et, vengeant sur vous le blasphème
Des vastes espoirs véhéments,
Meurtrit votre front anathème
Au choc rude des éléments.

Les juins brûlent et les décembres
Gèlent votre chair jusqu'aux os,
Et la fièvre envahit vos membres,
Qui se déchirent aux roseaux.

Tout vous repousse et tout vous navre,
Et quand la mort viendra pour vous,
Maigre et froide, votre cadavre
Sera dédaigné par les loups !
But may be when we will change the name of our actual (we let the former name until now)

I will choose :
KOUNNAR it means in Britany (Brest) COLERE in French, ANGER in English
But the problem with people with poor brain they always understand CONNARD it means in English...ASHOLE...You can imagine the potential problem at Radio:hide::whistling::nonono::rofl:
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Nice thread revival.

Sonas is gaelic for happiness.
Just found this thread today.
We are the third owners of our boat. The second owner changed the original name (I would have changed it too) to "Pilitak" which is an Inuit word meaning "useful but not necessary". At that time he lived in Alaska. My wife and I decided to keep the name, as we thought the meaning was very appropriate for a boat and we have never heard of the name being used on any other boats.
When people we meet ask about the name (which is actually quite often), after telling them that meaning my wife says " it's actually another name for a husband".
To which I usually respond "at least she finds me useful" :) It usually gets a good laugh, which is reason enough to keep the name.
We once had a sailboat that came with the name Bolongo. It was named after Bolongo Bay in St. Thomas. We changed it as it was often called bologna by the uninitiated.
Our Grand Banks 32 came with the name "PICCOLO" which means small in Italian. Since the 32 was the smallest of the Grand Banks production line the name seems fitting and we decided to keep it.
Our Grand Banks 32 came with the name "PICCOLO" which means small in Italian. Since the 32 was the smallest of the Grand Banks production line the name seems fitting and we decided to keep it.
When I bought her from the third owner she was 36 years old and already named Panache by the second owner. Never saw a reason to change it, although sometimes the "poppa alpha november alpha charlie hotel echo" routine with bridge tenders gets a little old.

My first boat worthy of a name was a 43 ketch named "Bout Time" by it's prior owner. Liked that and kept it.

My son and I had a 27' sailboat named Ida B after my grandmother who raised me.

I think my all time favorite was a transient motor sailer that came through here some years ago. Liveaboard owned by a retired USN Chief Quartermaster - named Goat Locker.
Mine’s called Gwaii Haanas (“Place of Wonder” or “Islands of Wonder” depending upon who is translating) because it was the tender for the outstations, kept the watchmen supplied for the first 5 years after the commissioning of the park in the southern Queen Charlottes (Haida Gwaii). There is now a Gwaii Haanas 2 which is a steel cutter.

I was tempted to steal this name for her:


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Mine’s called Gwaii Haanas (“Place of Wonder” or “Islands of Wonder” depending upon who is translating) because it was the tender for the outstations, kept the watchmen supplied for the first 5 years after the commissioning of the park in the southern Queen Charlottes (Haida Gwaii). There is now a Gwaii Haanas 2 which is a steel cutter.

I was tempted to steal this name for her:


All do-do respect...

Often wondered your avatar grimace meaning! :hide: :D :facepalm:
Hye Won. We have an adopted daughter from South Korea. Her Korean name was/is Hye Won Kang.
Being big fans of Catalina Isle,we have used this name on our last four boats ISLEDOER 1st, 2nd and unfortunately, Third and fourth. The dinghy is of course the ISLEDOER TENDER. Hopefully, never have to send out a distress call that we are "going down"
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Slow Mo

For our boat that does 10 kts..
My Burger I renamed to Heart of Gold after the spaceship in Douglas Adams' famous novels and BBC series.

Name the dinghy "Not Again" and put a picture with some petunias on it.

We had a dinghy named "Helen A." with a handbasket picture.

The current boat is named 'Solstice' as our child was born on the summer solstice and we've collected various bits of sun artwork over the years.
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Our boat was "Escapade" when we bought it last Fall. The PO even left us a DVD of a Janet Jackson video performing a song of the same name. Who is Janet Jackson, anyway?

My wife and I both work for the same company, and both plan to retire together in about a year and a half. So the boat name is "Exit Strategy".

The dinghy will be "Plan B", in the unlikely event we lose the Big Boat.
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