When Does it Become Cost Prohibited?

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Driving my 1 ton, 4WD, 1964 F350 with a full power articulating front plow and 7' x 9' diamond plate dump bed with long lumber rack: No power steering or power brakes, 4 spd stick manual trans, 4 big ass 33 12.5 16.5 M&S tires and all 4 wheels often wearing full sets of lug-chains [depending on snow depth and road-ice conditions]... During mid1970's thru early 80's - I plowed roads and driveways in the upper Sierra Nevada Mountains. Hell of a good workout. Fun way to make lots o' ca$$$h during winter bli$$ards! :thumb: :D
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When I got it this one it was almost undriveable before I added power steering.
When these tires wear out I'll put on some narrower tread ones for sure. ;)
Oh c'mon. My <100lb wife knew that if you were moving you could turn 31" tires on our FJ40 in Guam.
Oh c'mon. My <100lb wife knew that if you were moving you could turn 31" tires on our FJ40 in Guam.
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I guess I have to explain...
Not only did the previous owner put on a poorly-matched Chevy steering box in
place of the factory-ratio system, they also put on a 10" diameter steering wheel. :rolleyes:
I doubt even the weight-lifter would have cared for it.

Do you macho types understand now?
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