Who /How Many Are Doing Trent-Severn / Georgain Bay 2019?

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Mr. E. We did the Trent/Severn years ago. To the best of my memory, your limiting factors on the system are draft (6' max.) and the capacity of the marine railway at Big Chute. Probably some limit to beam and air draft, as well but can't remember.
Hi , not the same route but this YT channel is of an upcoming 5 yr Great Lakes cruise
The skipper , Daryl, is a bit of a character , but who isn’t if you run a trawler?
Anyway in this video he outlines his plans for now . Sounds like a heck of a trip and a great old boat, not trying to steal your thread just FYI
Cheers Warren
Mr. E. We did the Trent/Severn years ago. To the best of my memory, your limiting factors on the system are draft (6' max.) and the capacity of the marine railway at Big Chute. Probably some limit to beam and air draft, as well but can't remember.


Less than 75 tons and 100 feet, you are good without any requirement for prior notice. But you should draft less than 5' for trouble free passage. If you draft more they recommend calling their info line for latest depth reports.
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