Wind sensor identification

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May 26, 2020
I have the pictured wind sensor aboard, probably original, 25 years old. I’ve nursed the anemometer bearing along for years. Can anyone identify the manufacturer from photo? Ideally I’d like it rebuilt or find a new or rebuilt unit that is plug and play, IS11.


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I had a similar dilemma with an old SR mariner sensor. I had to rebuild it myself, no replacements available.
It wasn’t hard, the bearing was easily replaceable. The pot for direction was a little harder as it’s soldered to the harness.
Thanks for the reply. Can you give any hints on getting to the bearing? I took the nut off the bottom and removed cups. Do I need to remove the vane as well?
I have the pictured wind sensor aboard, probably original, 25 years old. I’ve nursed the anemometer bearing along for years. Can anyone identify the manufacturer from photo? Ideally I’d like it rebuilt or find a new or rebuilt unit that is plug and play, IS11.

I have no personal knowledge, but the Internet suggests that may actually be a rebranded unit made by Stowe. It may be worth reaching out to this person doing repair of Stowe units. Even they can't help with your unit they may be able to provide some useful information:

Thanks for the reply. Can you give any hints on getting to the bearing? I took the nut off the bottom and removed cups. Do I need to remove the vane as well?
i had to remove the vane on mine, but i think it'd significantly different than yours after i checked out the ebay listing. on mine, i removed the cups and vane. that revealed the screws that held the whole thing together. after that it pretty much fell to pieces in my hands,
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