Wiring a 49 year old 34’ MT

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Impressive electrical system renovation! I'd hire you. 👍
I just pulled a bunch of excess wiring from our boat last week.

You have a wood chase for your steering chain and wiring to go to the flybridge? I've been considering getting rid of the stainless post we have that has our steering chain and wires going through it from lower to upper helm. I am not a fan of the wiring running right in there with the chain. I may make a wood one and separate the chain and wiring. Also by having the wood post it would make an easier mounting point for things.

I always enjoy seeing other people's posts about their work and findings on their older trawlers.
My chain steering runs in two plastic tubes inside the wood tube. I added 2 two 1/2” pvc conduit pipes on either side of the chain tubes for added protection. Both of the new electrical conduit pipes are full now so I am adding a 1-1/2” stainless tune running parallel to the wood one. This will act as a “grab handle”/conduit for my NMEA 2000 and communications for my chart plotter and radios. Will add pictures with progress.
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