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WTS 44' Steel Chuck Neville Designed Seahorse Built Trawler in Deltaville, VA $395K

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Mar 9, 2023
Newbie here first post. Owned her for 14 years. Great boat but live too far from the coast to get enough use to justify keeping her. Massive but beautiful and draws attention in every port. Sailed her down west coast from San Juans to Ensenada and east coast Key West, Bahamas, ICW and landed in Deltaville. Please see websites for more information.


Chuck Neville design

Good luck selling your boat, if you haven't already. I am not in the market at this time, but noticed your post because for many years I have enjoyed reading Chuck Neville's ads in every issue of Passagemaker, for years, each of which ended with his signature line "But then that's just my opinion."
If his designs are as enjoyable as his writing, you are a lucky guy!

Good luck selling your boat, if you haven't already. I am not in the market at this time, but noticed your post because for many years I have enjoyed reading Chuck Neville's ads in every issue of Passagemaker, for years, each of which ended with his signature line "But then that's just my opinion."
If his designs are as enjoyable as his writing, you are a lucky guy!


Yes, Chuck is (was) the man! RIP. Covid took him last year. I think he was actually very under rated as a designer. His experience ranged from USCG work to Cape Horn trawlers and my favorite motorsailers by Cheoy Lee. His designs are very thorough and based on solid mathematical principles and decades of experience. This CN44 has had the full range of CAD and stability calculations down to the smallest detail. This boat design was featured in a few of his ads in Passagemaker. Yes, we have been very lucky to own her.
Our family lived aboard full time for a year (wife & I, 2 teenage daughters and a dog) and traveled both coasts and amazingly never felt crowded or in need of a bigger boat. We just cannot justify keeping her when we now live 1800 miles away. Please pass the word as she is actively for sale. Best Regards, James
Beautiful! On description it says there are videos... Have a link? Oddly enough I just left Deltaville off the ICW. Thanks!
In my eternal quest for our last Trawler, this boat popped up on my YW screen. Checks all my boxes except the timing. We’re in the San Juans and some North until retirement in 2.5 years. I’ll bet you have tons of memories with the incredible journey she took you on!
In my eternal quest for our last Trawler, this boat popped up on my YW screen. Checks all my boxes except the timing. We’re in the San Juans and some North until retirement in 2.5 years. I’ll bet you have tons of memories with the incredible journey she took you on!

Yes, many great memories. More important I hope the kids will have her in mind for many years beyond mine. To encourage you some, we lived in Friday Harbor when we purchased her. A delivery crew took her from Annapolis down the ICW to Ft Lauderdale where she was put on a transport to Victoria, BC where we picked her up. That first trip from Victoria was storming and blowing rain. I kept looking out at the other boaters in their foul weather gear hunkered down behind their dodgers and thinking; "it looks miserable out there." I'd open the top half of the Dutch door and poke my head out, yup it's miserable out there, and close the door leaving the weather outside and enjoy the warm security of a commanding pilothouse- thereby confirming I'd made the correct decision to buy a nice trawler.
I added a VIDEOS tab to steel-trawler.com and posted a few videos. Not what you're looking for since I don't have any interior videos, but there is a haul out video and I'll try to dig out some more....
I added a VIDEOS tab to steel-trawler.com and posted a few videos. Not what you're looking for since I don't have any interior videos, but there is a haul out video and I'll try to dig out some more....

Thank you. Didn’t see washer or dryer?
Thank you. Didn’t see washer or dryer?

No washer or dryer included. There is space in the saloon (it's a saloon, not a salon as per the breaker panel :) )but I always thought if I ever installed one it would go in the engine room as there is space there and keep the noise out of the living space. There is also ample room in the engine room to hang clothes to dry if wanted.
No washer or dryer included. There is space in the saloon (it's a saloon, not a salon as per the breaker panel :) )but I always thought if I ever installed one it would go in the engine room as there is space there and keep the noise out of the living space. There is also ample room in the engine room to hang clothes to dry if wanted.

Ok, thank you for the prompt reply. Beautiful boat and shows that you really cared for her.
I hadn't heard about Chuck's passing. That's lousy news. I met you last year sometime when I was fueling up (I have the aluminum catamaran). Your boat is a real beauty and seems very well maintained. Best of luck with the sale.

Ok, thank you for the prompt reply. Beautiful boat and shows that you really cared for her.

Yes, selling will be very traumatic. Maybe no buyer will show up and we'll get to keep her! I'll be on the boat for two weeks starting May 8 so if anyone wants to see her let me know!
Just knocked over 10% off the listing price! I'm on the boat for two weeks. Check her out and make an offer!
Just knocked over 10% off the listing price! I'm on the boat for two weeks. Check her out and make an offer!

Plan to come pay her a visit this Saturday —- looking forward to meeting you and learning more about this fine vessel.
That's one rugged-looking ship. Can't believe she's still available at that price.

Can you comment on annual painting requirements and the measures you take to keep corrosion at bay? (I hope that's appropriate question on the Classified forum).
Yes, it's funny to pull into a harbor with mega plastic fantastic yachts and have people come over and ask about her. Always draws interest. Fear of steel and corrosion is misplaced. The big difference with steel is you can see the problem- if it arises- as rust leaching. Compared to fiberglass where osmosis is hidden and loss of strength due to UV exposure is completely unknown unless tested to destruction. When we purchased CORIOLIS, she had some issues with dissimilar metal corrosion from the stainless rub rails. While time consuming, the repairs were easy and did not require any skill or experience with fiberglass mixology to repair. Sandblast down to white metal, two coats primer, and topcoat- done- and good for decades. I've sandblasted and spot repaired a small percentage of the hull area below the waterline but it is basically the 20 year old paint still intact. BTW, CORIOLIS is minimum 1/4" plate all around- so you could loose 50% of metal and still have an immensely strong boat. Above the waterline, she has had repairs (easily done by myself with a portable sand blaster) but is basically the original paint as well. CORIOLIS is as strong as the day she was built and will be around for 100 years if taken care of- long after all the other fiberglass boats in the yard will have been crushed and filling up the landfill.
A beautiful ship, indeed. Not trying to hijack your thread, but I have a question related to part of one of your posts. I recently purchased a steel Diesel Duck 462 (2009), made by Seahorse Marine. I am a big fan of steel boats. More serious cruisers should get themselves informed about the many benefits. Anyway, you mentioned a portable sandblaster. I thought, "Wow, great idea!" Would you mind sharing with me which blaster you have and any advice? I agree with you about how easy it is to do any repairs yourself. I was T boned by a sailboat in France last summer. Simply cleaned up the "nick", a little epoxy filler and touch up paint and done!. A fiberglass boat would have been punctured. End of season and a PIA to repair. I don't dislike fiberglass boats (I have had many). I just now know the benefits of steel. You are welcome to PM me if you feel this is a distraction to your thread. Again, beautiful vessel!

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