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  1. Hawgwash

    Boat fire Prince Rupert

    Fire claims yacht - Prince Rupert Northern View Search Results
  2. Hawgwash

    Boat fire Prince Rupert

    Please. You make it sound like Overtown and the nearest wildfire is 200 miles away, behind a serious mountain range.
  3. Hawgwash

    North Pacific 43 & Nordic Tug 42

    I believe that is a simple defector, not a cutter. The theory being, it drops the line onto the stabilizer where it slides down and off. After that it heads for the prop.:eek:
  4. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    Cool, you've checked all my boxes. Brokers often have access to, or leverage on, moorage that the private buyer isn't told about.
  5. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    Jeff; I know I am one of only a couple contrarians here and you seem to prefer the Eckhart Tolle approach rather than Dr. Phil; “what the hell are you thinkin?” I’ve just read over all your threads from when you first posted on how to get a broker. I am going some by what you say (“I didn’t...
  6. Hawgwash

    shipping quote Vancouver to Florida

    Just so young Hamrow doesn't get drug into the sweat lodge; David, if it were me, my first stop would be; Raven Offshore Yacht Shipping Home - Raven Offshore Yacht Shipping either via their website or Anthony in Sidney BC at 250-655-3934. If nothing else, it's a start. Here are some of their...
  7. Hawgwash

    shipping quote Vancouver to Florida

    David, if it were me, my first stop would be; Raven Offshore Yacht Shipping Home - Raven Offshore Yacht Shipping either via their website or Anthony in Sidney BC at 250-655-3934. If nothing else, it's a start. Here are some of their shipments and one in particular...
  8. Hawgwash

    Shower - $1.00 for 5 minutes

    Probably soon to be the new normal but, hey, a buck a week ain't bad.
  9. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    I still think the living aboard aspect of this adventure needs to be explored and talked about in greater detail, particularly west coast live aboard. 8 months of limited natural light to a dark wood interior with incandescent lights? A 40 gallon holding tank for a working couple? Marina water...
  10. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    That should not be a major problem because... I'd much rather be around that attitude than the Grady White clowns I saw yesterday, with a naked bimbo aboard, playing high speed chicken with a 10,000 tonne ferry in Active Pass.
  11. Hawgwash

    View from the wheelhouse

    What an adventure you're having this year. Survey boat, Louise and now the Risso dolphins. I bet there aren't more than half a dozen on here who have seen a Risso on our coast. I haven't. Nice catch, where was that?
  12. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    Dave, lots and lots of WA and BC boats are only heated by baseboard and/or bus because they are only used a few weeks a year and toss a portable aboard for the winter. Electric heat all winter won't be cheap and then there is the whole live aboard humidity to deal with.
  13. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    Jeff, I keep coming back to this line and wonder what it means. Did you take a change of clothes and hang out with friends at the dock or actually look at it from a middle of January home where wet stinky laundry needs to be dealt with? Are we just looking at the centerfold and missing the...
  14. Hawgwash

    Hit Me With A Dose Of Reality!

    Are you lusting over pictures or have you been aboard? Never mind, here are some questions I would ask about THAT boat, that will help when looking at any boat for your needs. Any heat on that thing? No gap records, from first launch, on the 8.2s? Was it bought last year in BC? And, um, how...
  15. Hawgwash

    View from the wheelhouse

    Good one Jim. A little perspective for those who have never been. That "ditch" (oh how I hate that term for our yet unspoiled waters) yes, between two islands is just over a mile end to end.
  16. Hawgwash

    Can you identify these parts

    Lou, I know it's past your bed time but when you are next up, if you can't get the answer, see if you can roust Charlie Arcon in Shelburne NS, he just might be able to help or steer you. PHONE: nine zero two-eight seven five-one two seven six. Be prepared for a long conversation though...
  17. Hawgwash

    Well, this is unfortunate...

    This thread should somehow be book marked for the various issues, fine advice (Ski :thumb::thumb:) and how to handle a bad day. For those smacking CNW, well, I don't know any employer that hasn't had this kind of hired help issue. Even a one man show. Looks like this one might do the right...
  18. Hawgwash

    having trouble with back and fill

    :thumb::thumb:This is the best comment of all and everyone is right. Wouldn’t it be fun to get this crowd, out on the dock? Is there a clear, current satellite view? No, really, I'm serious. I’m surprised Sunchaser was the only one to suggest getting a pro involved. Seevee, if you can...
  19. Hawgwash

    New place to stop in BC

    I'm waiting for someone here to get a pant load delivered compliments of our CF 18s. They love to play in there and wake up the tugs. Couple weeks ago, a pair were right on the deck. Skipper caught them coming and could see in the cockpit from the wheelhouse.
  20. Hawgwash

    Selene 47 opinions please

    Unless you are family or very tight with almost any current boat owner, you are not likely to get much in the way of bad press. From another place and time; “The difficulty you have in trying to assess any vessel such as (X) or others is that owners are reluctant to tell the truth about their...
  21. Hawgwash

    Engine won't turn over many times have I read of parts strewn all over the living room because of a clicking motorcycle relay when a reach around with a wire brush to the ground solved it.
  22. Hawgwash

    Engine hours....

    I don't think so.
  23. Hawgwash

    Dent Island Water Wall Turbine

    Well Tom, looks like Coleman Calamari for you. They got that thing hitched yesterday. Lasted an hour and a half before she bust free. Back to the drawing board.
  24. Hawgwash

    How busy are the high seas?

    And the survey says... Europe & Asia 5 billion North America 0.5 billion.
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