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The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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  1. Mick Scarborough

    My wife has a new man

    For future reference: The Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act outlaws riding or touching manatees and is punishable by a $500 fine or a jail term of up to 60 days. This law is for a good reason. Both Manatees and humans are mammals so we can pass disease to manatees and cause their death. They should...
  2. Mick Scarborough

    Another Drone Option

    My god technology is really advancing.
  3. Mick Scarborough

    New Trawler on market

    Am I the only one that has concern about a company and a product where there is no photo of the actual product? Every image on their website is of a computer generated image. Apparently there isn't one completed example of this boat.
  4. Mick Scarborough

    Would you shoot one down for invading your privacy ?

    Shoot the damn things down. The government works for us and I say they are fired.
  5. Mick Scarborough

    Authority Of The USCG Aux

    True LEOs do not consider the USCG as brothers. They just don't meet the criteria.
  6. Mick Scarborough

    Authority Of The USCG Aux

    Coast Guard may be recognized or declared as LEO but they are far from being LEOs. They lack the training and frankly their powers end on land because that's where the posse comitatus act prevents them from acting as LEOs since they became part of the DOD instead of the DOT. The exception to the...
  7. Mick Scarborough

    Best Boating-Related Movie?

    Mr. Roberts Pirates of the Caribbean Capt Ron PT 109
  8. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Notice I stated his hull shape as a factor in the speed. Yes, by the laws of physics weight will ALWAYS slow a craft, however the slowing is not noticed because the speed is already limited by the hull shape.
  9. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Ah yes, you may be right. :facepalm: He's playing games. Good catch
  10. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    THis would only be because of hull shape limiting your speed to begin with. Your fuel consumption is affected though. Weight of the craft will always slow it and/or increase fuel consumption. The laws of physics can not be bypassed or violated. Even spacecraft in weightless space are affected...
  11. Mick Scarborough

    Boat Pics

    Our replica pirate ship in Tampa. Its never under sail. Its engines are its only propulsion.
  12. Mick Scarborough

    My Numbers

    and how long will that 700 gallons last you? One little hop? All cruising season? One time around the loop?
  13. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    I have dual citizenship, USA and Canada. Health care costs can be somewhat deferred for me if I choose to spend more than 6 months a year in Canada. Also my pension has a 13th check (most years) that can often pay for the entire years health insurance. I am lucky in that sense.
  14. Mick Scarborough

    Any lawyers out thar?

    All the lawyers are swimming under the boats
  15. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Oh I already planned on oil lamps. I grew up with those in the cabin instead of using the 12 volt system and prefer the mood oil creates
  16. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Its still being made and each season is as funny as ever.
  17. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Well way too many other gvt sources disagree with your link. The average American HOUSEHOLD (not individual) brings in 40k a year. That aside, was that really all you had to offer to the thread? Frankly it was no help to anyone.
  18. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Yep, its Rob. TPB is one of my favourite shows.
  19. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    I am hoping to leave at 52. By leaving at 52 instead of 50, I will get an extra 100K. If I stay to 55 then I get another 200K. I already have high blood pressure from stress and really don't feel like shooting the dice for a mere 200K more. I have never been much for worshipping money and my...
  20. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    I will be able to pay $60000 cash for a boat upon retirement. I have 2 homes in Tampa. The rent I get for one pays the mortgage on both. But I will probably sell at least one of them as managing a rental home from agar is not doable. Pretty much I wont have many bills and I wont finance a boat.
  21. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Cruising to me is shoving off and not planning to return home for months at the very least if not years. Bahamas, Caribbean, up the ICW through the Canadian Maritimes, things like that. Very few marinas, mostly anchoring and no time limits for anything. What's a comfortable size? In both sail...
  22. Mick Scarborough

    Is boating for the rich? Feeling dismayed

    Now I am not new to boating and have been boating and cruising since I was 10 years old. (I am 50 now). I was always with my father until his death in 2014. Since he passed, sadly I can not tap into his experience and wisdom anymore so I have to ask here. I have been researching cruising for a...
  23. Mick Scarborough

    New and on the hard

    I am a huge Trailer PArk Boys fan
  24. Mick Scarborough

    New and on the hard

    Many people are saying this and on another forum one guy calculated he spends 2700 dollars a month cruising. My father lived on a boat for years and at his salary working for West Marine there is no way he could have afforded to cruise as much as he did. He maintained his Crocker Ketch, Seafarer...
  25. Mick Scarborough

    Learning from a nightmare?

    Isn't ice that cold stuff we put in our Bahama Mamas?
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