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  1. Simi 60

    LED Engine Room Lighting

    We are running these, wired straight into where the multiple 240v fluoro was. An absolutely incredible difference in light and reliability...
  2. Simi 60

    LED Engine Room Lighting

    Was going to say the same I ran them somewhere onboard, can't remember where but the heat output was definitely off-putting
  3. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    And that's what most are missing I am making like for like comparison 2 to 3 bedroom comfortable house or appartment with water view vs same in comfortable boat with same quality of living. Not comfortable boat vs dungheap miles from water overlooking a toxic waste dump
  4. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    Yep, nice fixer uppers here for similar coin Oh wait........
  5. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    And the $200k US is almost double the real spend due to exchange rates in 2016 I'n Oz bucks including immediate upgrades so we could launch and live totally off grid was near enough to $150aud so $108 usd. We stole her well and truly during the buy and when we sell her I'll be a realist as the...
  6. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    Which demonstrates my continued claim that a decent sized boat is more often than not cheaper than a house My dung heap of a house bought in semi industrial area to build a boat in the back yard is near enough a million now. (If a water view property easily 2x more) Space wise it's comparably...
  7. Simi 60

    Why Move from Sailboat to Trawler?

    We can and are underway in minutes dictated by length of time to get anchor up. I guess our ER being so big and me being in there a couple of times a day traversing through to the storage room has me subconsciously giving everything a once over. Easy to see leaking hoses and clamps with issues...
  8. Simi 60

    Why Move from Sailboat to Trawler?

    Do you do a pre departure check on your car when driving to the shops? If not why not?
  9. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    Good luck with that in Australia A decent RV with comparable comfort level (is it even possible??) will cost considerably more than our vessel And I'm pretty sure it's illegal , certainly frowned upon to just pull up where you like in a RV here. Us a few weeks ago in the middle of the big city...
  10. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    I can drop anchor in the most populated areas in the land or the most remote if so inclined. Cost of anchoring is Zero regardless of location. How can land based be cheaper than Zero?
  11. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    I have read this several times and it still makes no sense.
  12. Simi 60

    Build Quality Matters

    And I daresay the owners of the leopard thought the same, it's why they signed on for one But it's not until they started cutting into it that they found issue. The lipstick had done a great job at hiding the pig. Now, I am not suggesting for a second that a helmsman is the same But hiding...
  13. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    What's nuts is this thinking that you need a new iPhone Mobiles at the local grocery store for as little as $19 One with a 6.5 inch screen for $99 My partner bought this one last month Great phone for the coin...
  14. Simi 60

    Average costs of land living to boat living

    Only changes quickly if the house is owned If it's rented, then there is (lost) opportunity cost to take into account. As an example..... Caught up with a mate yesterday who lives in the same area we are at the moment He is paying $800/week for a tired 2 bedroom unit with the same view we enjoy...
  15. Simi 60

    Finally got the new big lithium batteries

    And then there's the rest of the world who wouldn't know what abyc is.
  16. Simi 60

    Build Quality Matters

    Define fine quality? If it's just finish, perhaps you have heard the saying "putting lipstick on a pig" I have seen plenty of boats over the decades that have had people ooh and ahh about how good they are but actual build, under the shiney stuff, has been lacking
  17. Simi 60

    How much chain

    Oh lordy Chain is cheap And for us, chain, anchor and windlass is our #1 bit of safety gear/insurance It's not the place for questionable anything.
  18. Simi 60

    AIS Pros & Cons?

    Yep, my mistake But at cruising rpm, 3L/s = 180/minute Still a long way off of a decent bilge pump
  19. Simi 60

    AIS Pros & Cons?

    This says 8 litres/m running full tits 1800 rpm - never been there Another says 5 litres/m at 1500 rpm - very rare and only for minutes 1150rpm is our norm, 1250 if weather or current has a say in it. Guessing that's going to be around 3 litres/m
  20. Simi 60

    Build Quality Matters

    Production boats Would never have one in a multi. Anyone who knows anything about multihull design and construction knows that building as light as possible is paramount for performance. Coremat and chop strand glass is at the extreme opposite end of the performance/lightweight scale. And the...
  21. Simi 60

    AIS Pros & Cons?

    What output and at what RPM? Our 24v bilge pump puts out far more water than the raw water pump ever could. Raw water flow on our nta855m Cummins at cruise rpm is around 3 litres/minute A single rule 3700 bilge pump puts out a theoretical 3700 GPH - 233 litres per minute We have 4 of them in...
  22. Simi 60

    House Batteries

    And would be engine dependent Your 2 litre engine 12v start??? would need a lot less than our 14litre engine 24v start.
  23. Simi 60

    Why Move from Sailboat to Trawler?

    Prior cat we were building was 55ft but 42 ft accommodation Waterline is cheap but unfortunately our mission/needs changed and full time cruising in actual comfort means carrying weight. Performance cat hulls were not the best load carrying platform so it was part of the reason we stopped. Then...
  24. Simi 60

    AIS Pros & Cons?

    I agree But I have lost GPS before in insanely heavy rain with hail and high winds so for some AIS and nav that use GPS only that could be an issue. In that same weather event radar still worked. Our AIS and nav now uses $10 pucks that use BeiDou, Glonass, Galileo and GPS satellites Never had...
  25. Simi 60

    Why Move from Sailboat to Trawler?

    I couldn't imagine trying to cruise for real on anything smaller than our 60 fter And could easily go bigger - not in accommodation or complexity but on WLL and associated beam.
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