2017 Trawlerforum Gathering

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hi Parks

Congratulations, I heard a last week that you had made a deal to sell. I know it must have been hard after all the years it's been in your family, I remember my dad taking me there as a kid. I hope the store doesn't change but I'm sure it will in time due to the culture of the new owners.

All the guys complained that you didn't attend so they all had to take the allotted beers for you home. LOL. It was a fun time and your name came up many many times. Next year!
Man that photoshopped pic is HILARIOUS!!!!
That was photoshopped? I thought those guys were really there invited by ladies as they were walking down the dock. I guess that means next year the guys can't invite strippers!
Normal dock hands at this marina.

Next month they switch to women.

Don picked Feb to keep the ladies happy.
Scott, that is the story of my life. Either too early or too late. LOL. So you saying I need to return in March?
After 3 weeks roaming around, we stop here for a few days in March on our way back to Jersey....

....only a few days as the eyestrain is too much....:D

Don has a live Webcam trained on the docks...:eek:
That was photoshopped? I thought those guys were really there invited by ladies as they were walking down the dock. I guess that means next year the guys can't invite strippers!

Here we go again. Everytime one of the real pictures is leaked, out come the claims for PHOTOSHOP! Unfortunately, the Tabloids feed on such things and cash offers abound. Case in point,.... a reported suspicious Downeast Style, high-gloss vessel cruising Ft. Pierce area with a loud group of half-
clad beer-guzzling hombres. Decorum prohibits further discussion of precisely which half was unclad, but it's obvious that the whole community was left "Moonstruck". Thank heavens, the photo was taken from some distance.


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That was a wink? Hell of a big wink!
Pacific Trawler owners

Anyone know of a rendezvous planned for summer 2017.
When and where?
PT 37 Haiku
Well, it's usually the first guy to bring it up who's elected to organize the thing, so congrats, Stanley. You just got elected!

When and where?
Here we go again. Everytime one of the real pictures is leaked, out come the claims for PHOTOSHOP! Unfortunately, the Tabloids feed on such things and cash offers abound. Case in point,.... a reported suspicious Downeast Style, high-gloss vessel cruising Ft. Pierce area with a loud group of half-
clad beer-guzzling hombres. Decorum prohibits further discussion of precisely which half was unclad, but it's obvious that the whole community was left "Moonstruck". Thank heavens, the photo was taken from some distance.

Too funny Larry!
Here's another suspicious shot of what appears to be the same uncouth group on a telephone pole just outside the marina after midnight. I'll leave it to you guys to do the detailed butt forensic ID of the individuals.


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Anyone know of a rendezvous planned for summer 2017.
When and where?
PT 37 Haiku

Hi Stan. In the Pacific Trawler section of the forum, you'll find an announcement and link to the 2017 Pacific Trawler rendezvous. Hope to see you there!

I recognize a couple of those faces.......oh, those weren't faces? I still recognize them. LOL
Here we go again. Everytime one of the real pictures is leaked, out come the claims for PHOTOSHOP! Unfortunately, the Tabloids feed on such things and cash offers abound. Case in point,.... a reported suspicious Downeast Style, high-gloss vessel cruising Ft. Pierce area with a loud group of half-
clad beer-guzzling hombres. Decorum prohibits further discussion of precisely which half was unclad, but it's obvious that the whole community was left "Moonstruck". Thank heavens, the photo was taken from some distance.

Dam those drone shots.:speed boat:
Finally, Finally I got the pictures loaded on my old computer. So, herrre they are. Probably will have to do several posts to load them.

Pic 1 Watfa,Lou, Ahmed, Larry, and Ted.
Pic 2 Lena, Ted, and Larry
Pic 3 Ahmed, Irv, and Scott
Pic 4 Lou, Don, Scott, Watfa, Irv, Ted, Lena and Larry a the barbeque restaurant
Pic 5 Ahmed, Irv, and Howard
Pic 6 Scott, Wendy, Ted, and John Baker


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Meeting fellow boaters is well worth the effort.

More pics.

Pic 1 Ahmed, and Irv (Bigsfish)
Pic 2 Lena, Julie, ant Watfa
Pic 3 Lou, Jackie, and Watfa
Pic 4 Too dark to identify, but someone looks as if' "I ain't believing this sh**".
Pic 5 John Baker, Allan, and Capt Jack (Steve)
Pic 6 Lou and Lena


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More pics.

Pic 1 We just couldn't keep Larry out of an engine room.
Pic 2 Irv, Ted, and Allan on Irv's beautiful flybridge
Pic 3 Capt. Jack, the real Steve, and Dave
Pic 4 Marjorie, Wendy, and Scott
Pic 5 Ann, Lou, and Maria
Pic 6 Watfa and Maria's arm
Pic 7 Watfa and Ahmed did a great job of turning out the goodies. What a beautiful Grand Banks Europa.


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Did you ever wonder what TF Lurkers are like in real life. Well, we had the pleasant experience of meeting a couple. Pictured are Maureen and Gaylan (talking with Lou) and Holly on deck. They had been reading about our gathering, and stopped by Hobo. They are starting their search for a possible live aboard trawler. We hope this brings them out of the shadows of Lurkers to let us follow along on their search. I know we would all welcome them.


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RTF, I knew someone would ask that. After a couple of hours work to upload the pics, It's almost midnight.
San Francisco Estuary TFers meeting in Alameda several years ago:

Meg, Perla, Cindy, and Vicky:

Mark, Al, Mark, and Ray:

We need more such get-to-gethers.
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I object Mr Moon. Where engine room and refrigerator pictures taken?

Beer was iced down in 2 coolers. I think there is plenty of evidence of other libations. Sneaky Larry wouldn't stay out of engine rooms. There was a gracious plenty beer consumed, but some left. Ask Larry about that. You know moderators demand their cut of the action.
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Don I'm really pissed (loved the photos and realize the work you put into them) I thought you promised to only take pictures of my thin side but NOOOOO, you took pictures that shows me how fat I really am. Shame, shame, shame. LOL

It was really a fun get together any my crew is already looking forward to next year.
Moderators deserved their "cut" of remaining beer. I agree with Irv, looking forward to next year!

Capt Jack (STEVE!)
Moderators deserved their "cut" of remaining beer. I agree with Irv, looking forward to next year!

Capt Jack (STEVE!)

I'm surpised at you, Jack----currying favor with moderators. Really.:ermm:

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