2017 Trawlerforum Gathering

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It was really a fun get together any my crew is already looking forward to next year.

It was great to meet them!!! I did not get to spend too much time with Wafta but I did hang out with Ahmed a bit. A super fine young man!!! We will do our best to be there next year and hopefully get there a day earlier!!!
All the frowns, sad faces and sagging shoulders tell the real story.... ;)

Watfa could have electrified the Super Bowl after the overtime with her smile and energy.

Not that any participant lacked in making it a great event. :thumb:
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With each glass of wine Watfa's engery level goes up, years ago she like Long Island ice teas and he energy went through the roof after six. LOL

Next year lets all plan on committing to Don early to make his job easier and so we can have a really big group. As much fun as it was this year think if we had twice the number how much fun it would be. The only problem I can see is that with more people I will have to buy more bottles (or boxes) of wine for Watfa. LOL
Don't forget the rum!!!...;)
Baker. Next year I'll bearing a few bottles of Carmalita's for you to sample. LOL
With each glass of wine Watfa's engery level goes up, years ago she like Long Island ice teas and he energy went through the roof after six. LOL

Next year lets all plan on committing to Don early to make his job easier and so we can have a really big group. As much fun as it was this year think if we had twice the number how much fun it would be. The only problem I can see is that with more people I will have to buy more bottles (or boxes) of wine for Watfa. LOL

Sounds like you will need a bigger boat. ;)

How 'bout Them Hors d'Oeuvres

How 'bought them Hors d'Oeuvres
Ain't they neat
A little piece of cheese
And a little piece of meat

Mason Williams, Them Poems

Your on your way, that's a commitment from two of us.
I'm listening, Irv. You better bring about a case of that Caamilita. I've seen how Baker "samples" things.:D
Hi Don

If Baker is there three days I'll bring two cases which, after past review, might not be enough. LMAO. The owner is at the Miami Boat Show and is living in the Miami River house so he owes me (or Baker).
TFer get-togethers are good fun. We've done several in the SF Bay/Delta, and it's about due for another!

I'm listening, Irv. You better bring about a case of that Caamilita. I've seen how Baker "samples" things.:D

I'm gonna throw Wendy under the bus and say that she drank most of it!!! :D :angel: :hide:

I did observe that Wendy did take a sip or two out of your tumbler that was 100% rum but really "most"?????????????? :nonono:
But how could I throw such a sweet innocent girl under the bus...


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My thoughts exactly but I didn't want to run you over either! LMAO


  • IMG_2310.jpg
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I have no clue how that happens. Dammit!!!! Maybe too much rum!!!
Must have been the rum with the first photo! Upside down.
You Australians are naturally upside down. It's a wonder you don't fall of the earth.
Baker, when you are flying that big ole airplane south of the equator does the plane invert all of a sudden or is it gradual? Just wondering.:confused:
I've been on his plane and with each bottle of rum consumed it flips over until the next. I get scared when it flips every 5 or 6 minutes, that's a lot of rum.

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