36' Grand Banks Cutless Bearings

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Veteran Member
Oct 20, 2020
Vessel Name
Third Reef
Vessel Make
36' Grand Banks Heritage Classic
Hello Everyone,
We were ready to take off in May for the beginning of the Great Loop when I checked the lower cutless bearing (aft end of keel) on our 1988 36' Grand Trawler Classic Trawler, dc, single shaft. The up/down slop at the prop was about 3/16" . Therefore thought it best to repair on local territory before heading out to parts unknown.
Finally found a yard in Maine to do the repairs, however, they have only referenced replacing one cutless bearing. The previous owner told me when he did the job in 2007, he thought 3 were replaced. The log only shows the job done but the #specifics.
Can anyone in the know tell me how many cutless bearings there are on a 36' Grand Banks, single screw? Any other idiosyncrasies for this job I need to think about?
Thank you for any advice. This TF Forum is great! Thank you.

Best regards,
Mike Dana
Third Reef
36'Grand Banks Classic #819
Potts Harbor Maine (South Harpswell)
Following as well. When ours was surveyed, there was a spot halfway between engine and prop that was solid. No moisture was apparent. Possibly ballast?
No movement of shaft observed.
Searching for '79 GB 36 manual.

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