Anyone Cruising These Days?

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May 11, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Alaskan 53
If so, where are you boating?

As I posted we were up at Cumberland last week. We are now provisioning for a longer stay at anchor up there - probably around two weeks starting Monday.

Those of you out boating, for a day or longer, what are you up to?
Have been thinking about heading out to an area I like to kayak. With the governor closing down FL tomorrow, think I will wait to see what directives are put out. Currently, country parks, state parks, and county boat ramps in Lee county are closed. Don't think the rules will be as draconian as Maryland, but waiting to see.

When are you heading back north? Or are you planning on staying down here for the foreseeable?
Being directed not to leave home is a dampener. Prevailing view is it includes not leaving your principal home for a holiday home. I figure that has to include the boat, though we have to go to our recently acquired "new" boat to give someone on the marina a key and remove perishables from the fridge. Be interesting talking that through with the Police running our lockdown,while driving to/from the marina.
Being directed not to leave home is a dampener. Prevailing view is it includes not leaving your principal home for a holiday home. I figure that has to include the boat, though we have to go to our recently acquired "new" boat to give someone on the marina a key and remove perishables from the fridge. Be interesting talking that through with the Police running our lockdown,while driving to/from the marina.

So no, you are not boating.
Probably staying into May. With Maryland's waterways under Marshall law :rolleyes:, want to make sure I can get to Crisfield. I'm supposed to be out of FL for insurance reasons by June 1st, so lots to consider before leaving.

Probably staying into May. With Maryland's waterways under Marshall law :rolleyes:, want to make sure I can get to Crisfield. I'm supposed to be out of FL for insurance reasons by June 1st, so lots to consider before leaving.


A couple of weeks or more off Cumberland wouldn't be bad!

A week in St Simon's at the CG Special Anchorage Area by the Morning Star Marina (Golden Isles). Rent a bicycle visiting SS and the beaches there and get fit!

Another couple of weeks by Hilton Head at the many anchorages dinking into the beaches.

It could be August before you need to really head north!
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I was cruising up until a few days ago. I made it to Hampton, VA, and the Salt Ponds Marina. I'm hunkered down here until I head back to work next week. Hopefully I'll still be able to cruise north from here when I get back next month.
As a liveaboard in Campbell River BC, I can go cruising without leaving my home. I took Blue Sky out for a quick weekend cruise week before last, and had a pleasant overnighter in Von Donop Inlet. Other boats were there, four others, which for this time of the year is unusual.
Will be probably heading out again this weekend and will head north to Small Inlet or Cameleon Harbour. No chance of getting anywhere near another person.
As a liveaboard in Campbell River BC, I can go cruising without leaving my home. I took Blue Sky out for a quick weekend cruise week before last, and had a pleasant overnighter in Von Donop Inlet. Other boats were there, four others, which for this time of the year is unusual.
Will be probably heading out again this weekend and will head north to Small Inlet or Cameleon Harbour. No chance of getting anywhere near another person.

Any issue provisioning or fueling?
Any issue provisioning or fueling?

No; I fueled up back in February so am good for at least 6 months! Plus my home berth is adjacent to a mall which has a large grocery store so I just do my regular provisioning and then cast off the lines for a day or longer. Probably safer for all concerned when I'm tucked away in some quiet cove.
From where to Hampton?

BTW, is that Hampton Roads - see the bottom of this post.

Finally Arriving On The Chesapeake! |

I started in Charleston about three weeks ago, and took my time getting here. Salt Ponds is outside of Hampton roads, just around the corner to the north, right on the Chesapeake. I wish I could say I've been exploring town, but for obvious reasons, I haven't left the marina since I got here.
thinking of trolling a line or anchoring around the harbor- since in SC recreational boats must "remain underway", cannot be beached, and can anchor only if fishing.
That sounds like a grand plan! Have fun.
Was responding to Ted's first post. I'm in Toronto, well provisioned and ready to go. But not in a hurry to leave.
In Queensland the 'no recreational boating rules' are confused, at best. Initially the Minister contradicted his Department'd ban via a tweet, which was subsequently edited and then later deleted.

The Head of MSQ is apparently still trying to get clarification. I guess I could go out provided I had a fishing rod hanging out the stern. But I suspect a long-planned trip at Easter, even though with immediate family only, is not going ahead.
We to cruise without leaving our home.

Advantage of a big well thought out boat really paying off is ability to easily carry a years worth of fuel water and at a pinch, food and no need to use a marina.
A couple of weeks or more off Cumberland wouldn't be bad!

A week in St Simon's at the CG Special Anchorage Area by the Morning Star Marina (Golden Isles). Rent a bicycle visiting SS and the beaches there and get fit!

Another couple of weeks by Hilton Head at the many anchorages dinking into the beaches.

It could be August before you need to really head north!

Yes, thinking a slow cruise North may be the answer. Probably going to stay hunkered down and see how the next 3 weeks goes.

We returned last week from 10 days on the St Johns River , Jax to Lake Monroe (Sanford) and back. Beautiful river, great social distancing, I got six feet from 1 person when I paid for a load of diesel.

We have been planning for the past week to go to Cumberland today but we are questioning that decision since the "Stay at Home " order. Traditionally I am quite the rebel when it comes to any authority telling me anything about how I choose to conduct my boating so I am somewhat perplexed about my current attitude of wanting to "Obey the Rules"

My partner is immune deficient and will probably become one of the death statistics if she contracts this virus. I know being at anchor in a secluded spot is the best thing we could do so I think we will just flaunt the rules a little bit right now and run the few miles to Doctors Lake and hang for a week or two saving Cumberland for later, I think there will be plenty of time yet to go. Please keep us posted.
Mr. BT. I think that certain unease you are feeling about "...wanting to "Obey the Rules" is a healthy respect for the severity of the situation and the potentially fatal results if you come in contact with the virus.
I need to get my new boat from Charleston to the Chesapeake in late April/early May. Any advice?
Welcome aboard. What size boat and why do you HAVE to get it to the Chesapeake? With the speed at which things are changing it is impossible to see, even, a week ahead. As April/early May approach you should have a better idea of your options.
Thanks. Nice to be onboard RT. Its 47ft. Grand Banks. Would like to get it to my place here so don't HAVE to do it. May need to wait for sure. Just wondering if boats are moving these days and if marinas have services open or if everyone is locked down.
We returned last week from 10 days on the St Johns River , Jax to Lake Monroe (Sanford) and back. Beautiful river, great social distancing, I got six feet from 1 person when I paid for a load of diesel.

We considered a run down the St John's since we have never done it. In fact I used WG to look at all of the anchorages earlier this week.

What has moved us back to Cumberland is the fact that we like to go ashore once or twice a day for nice long walks. It looks like many of the anchorages down the St Johns are by dense wooded areas with little or no opportunity to get off the boat and walk.

Is that what you found?
Thanks. Nice to be onboard RT. Its 47ft. Grand Banks. Would like to get it to my place here so don't HAVE to do it. May need to wait for sure. Just wondering if boats are moving these days and if marinas have services open or if everyone is locked down.

We went for a walk over by the AICW yesterday and there were literally dozens of boats out. The vast majority of the non-fishing ones heading north.

So far the marinas in this area are open.

See here as well.
We considered a run down the St John's since we have never done it. In fact I used WG to look at all of the anchorages earlier this week.

What has moved us back to Cumberland is the fact that we like to go ashore once or twice a day for nice long walks. It looks like many of the anchorages down the St Johns are by dense wooded areas with little or no opportunity to get off the boat and walk.

Is that what you found?

There are some places to get out and walk around, mostly where there are town docks or state parks. Ravine Gardens in Palatka were spectacular. Overall trip was a 9/10 for us. Fantastic.

Here are a couple of our blogs for that trip we did last fall with places we chose to stop/anchor - Southbound and Northbound
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There are some places to get out and walk around, mostly where there are town docks or state parks. Ravine Gardens in Palatka were spectacular.

Here are a couple of our blogs for that trip we did last fall with places we chose to stop/anchor - Southbound and Northbound

Very nice.

What do you draw?
Very nice.

What do you draw?


Didn't see any issues with depth anywhere except when trying to pull right up to Blackwater Inn restaurant in Astor.


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I am currently in the Middle Bight of Andros. With no shore leave at all and none of my visitors able to fly in, the isolation has finally gotten to me.

Need to get fuel one more time before crossing. Hopefully Bimini Sands has their fuel dock up and running.

So yes, i’m cruising at the moment.

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