ASD and the Inside Passage

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Tom:When you decide that the time is right for crossing to Malaspina Strait, you might benefit from seeing the current and trending lighthouse reports from around Georgia Strait. The App that I use gives me the latest reported wind speed and direction, and if you expand it, the trend over the last 12 hrs or so. For example, as I type this, at 8:30 pm PST, Entrance Island last reported 8 knots North, trending stable, Merry Island 5 knots NE, trending up. This doesn't tell you everything, but does add enough information to help make your go-no go decision. The app is free, called SailFlow. Try it, I think you will like it.
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Crusty Chief; said:
She has no idea when the mold remediation team will show up. But for the time being, she commutes via her boat to a ranger station an hour or so away. Pretty hard core for them Canadian Rangers.
My understanding is that remediation is under way now and Ming is staying at Malibu Lodge in the interim.
Tom:When you decide that the time is right for crossing to Malaspina Strait, you might benefit from seeing the current and trending lighthouse reports from around Georgia Strait. The App that I use gives me the latest reported wind speed and direction, and if you expand it, the trend over the last 12 hrs or so. For example, as I type this, at 8:30 pm PST, Entrance Island last reported 8 knots North, trending stable, Merry Island 5 knots NE, trending up. This doesn't tell you everything, but does add enough information to help make your go-no go decision. The app is free, called SailFlow. Try it, I think you will like it.

Thank you
Nanaimo and Newcastle Island Park

In making it to Nanaimo we saw the second largest city on Vancouver Island. There are high rise buildings and anything you could want in a city. The difference here is the attitude of the folks that live here. They are always friendly and willing to help you if asked. In fact we have found all of Vancouver Island this way. Yesterday with some friends we met in Sidney and on the TF Forum, we wondered down the main drag. Coffee cafés everywhere. The ladies decided to try a French café. They had great pastries and real coffee, not the crap you find at Starbucks. I had a Nanaimo bar with my coffee. It is made of layer of chocolate, cream cheese, chocolate cookie/nut crust with a little coffee.

We anchored up just outside of Mark Bay. This is our first time anchoring in the open and not in a river. We have a 77lb Rocna anchor and 550ft of chain rode. As this was our first time the first night was no sleep, but after a few days no worries! The swinging back and forth puts you to sleep.

As we are going to be here for a few days because of high wind weather, we visited Newcastle Island Marine park. This is a wonderful park with great trails and an ice cream shop. in many ways my favorite park so far and better than the San Juans. If you walk the shore line trail you can look out over the Strait of Georgia, which is the next body of water we have to cross. With wind this can be a very nasty crossing and best to stay in port when it is bad. Looks like we will be crossing tomorrow morning for Pender Harbor for the night and then up to Princess Louisa Inlet.


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"Waterspout warning in effect" is pretty darn rare around here. So was the thunderstorm last night. You can usually count the thunder storms per year on one hand. Little wind waves on this side and flat on the Comox side, North of Texada. Quite a few boats made the crossing this morning, and a parade of them headed towards the island now.
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Yep we missed the window, by I made a promise that if either one of us don't like the weather, we sit, no argument. I'm now retired, so no schedule.
I'll look at Sailflow a bit later. It's now on so I can play.

We use Predict Wind [about two years] which shows prediction of wind strength and direction by the hour for several days ahead. Of course the further out the less reliable it is as are all of these sites but it does help.
It's a freebie although there is a much more extensive paid version.

I have also been playing with Windyty, since yesterday so no experience yet.

There are are several good sites in addition to Weather Canada.
I'll look at Sailflow a bit later. It's now on so I can play.

We use Predict Wind [about two years] which shows prediction of wind strength and direction by the hour for several days ahead. Of course the further out the less reliable it is as are all of these sites but it does help.
It's a freebie although there is a much more extensive paid version.

I have also been playing with Windyty, since yesterday so no experience yet.

There are are several good sites in addition to Weather Canada.

I downloaded Sailflow last night. Good site. I also have a USCG app that lets me check current conditions at buoys. I have been watching Halibut Bank.
Chapter 9 Nenaimo to Pender

We were up early and was pulling the anchor at 8am. Marks Bay (Nanaimo) was real sticky mud. Took us 10 minutes or so to wash the mud off the anchor. We left Departure bay with excitement and anticipation. I called Whiskey Golf control of our intentions to cross the military testing area. The area was open and we were given permission to cross. Once we hit the open Straits of Georgia, we found out why it can be a little rough. We had NW winds at 15-25mph which created 4foot plus waves close together. This rocked the boat and as it was hitting us from the port bow, it would give the bow a saltwater wash. All in all not to bad.

The closer we got to Texada Island, the seas laid down and we had smooth water. It picked up again as we approached Francis Peninsula, but no worries, we were almost to Pender Harbor. We have heard stories about this harbor as to its beauty and friendly people. The entrance to the harbor is a little tricky and not something I would want to do at night. To enter, it is a narrow entrance with rocks, but once inside, WOW! What a awesome place.

We made our way back into the harbor and around an island to Garden Bay Marina and Pub. Yep "Pub!" I am in heaven. We got docked up, paid our moorage fees at the pub and sat down for a good lunch. All in one marina and pub.....

I washed to boat and filled with water. Then a 58 foot Ocean Alexander and a 58 foot Selene docked with us! The Americans have arrived. The owners and family are good folks and they are headed to Lund. We also met this guy named Scott. He was on his way back from Alaska. He joined us on our boat for a beer and then he came down later and invited us for dinner. Ribs and fresh oysters! Well yes! After dinner, Scott and I was back on my boat and I brought out the special scotch, Delmore. We are finding folks on this trip are friendly and willing to help anyone.

I think I will like this cruising thing.

Tomorrow we head up to princess Louisa.


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I am just green with envy. Love your updates.
I sure hope cruising like that is in our future!
Alaskan Sea-Duction; said:
This morning we are heading to Princess Louisa Park. I am told I will have a religious experience. We will see.
Probably too late to catch you but...
If you don't think you will catch the evening slack, you should be ok to hook in Deserted Bay or up at the end of Queens Reach at the outflow of the Skwakwa River. Might be a little early at Skwakwa but there could be black bears at the mouth.

When you go by Malibu Lodge, think about a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds in hormone overdrive, in plywood boats with Johnson outboards, visiting the innocent bible studiers with beer and cigarette.
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Get us a picture of the Malibu Lodge. I understand they had a major fire two weeks ago.

And enjoy Princess Louisa. We were there in February. Nice time to go, no one else was there.
Get us a picture of the Malibu Lodge. I understand they had a major fire two weeks ago.

And enjoy Princess Louisa. We were there in February. Nice time to go, no one else was there.
The fire was not at the lodge but a "remote home" and a couple acres of bush farther up the inlet.
Good to hear. I was wondering why I had not heard more about it.
I have updated the blog. There are 3 new posts. See link below. Chapter 10, Princess Louisa and Chapter 11. Too much to post here. We are in Westview (Powell River). I would not recommend this harbor to anyone with a boat over 30ft.


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Tom and Kay, I really enjoy tagging along and following the blog. Louisa doesn't change, just gets busier and I always prefer the solitude on the hook.

Was Ming Neil the Ranger/hostess/greeter at Louisa and is her house being fixed, as I had heard?


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Chapter 12 Westview to Prideaux Haven

We left Westview Marina (Powell River) early in the morning as I did not want to leave at low tide. This is a marina I would not recommend for any boat over 30ft.

As we turned north a ferry was also leaving and boy does that horn scare the you know what out of you. We had a small NW wind with ripples with a warm sunshine. The 35 miles to our next destination has probably been our best so far. As you turn the corner into Desolation Sound the mountains just jump right at you! WOW.

As we got near to Prideaux Haven I was looking for a very small channel into the anchorage. It was another lazy "S." I was surprised by how small the anchorage actually was. There were already 8 boats in here and it seemed crowded. However, I am told this place can hold many more boats stern tied to the sides. We also found some folks we had met at Princess Louisa here. Once anchored Kay and I dumped the dinghy and went to explore.

We met a couple from Portland, Mike and Heidi. Later that afternoon they showed up with fresh spotted shrimp for the bbq! One thing I had forgotten to do was to take the tide change into account. 20+ change, so I let out some more chain. All the while 4 more boats showed up in the anchorage.

Later that evening, Kay and I were sitting on the bow when this older lady starts screaming from her boat "Shut off your generator!" Huh? What a witch. I asked Kay if she was doing laundry and she said no so I went ahead and killed the genny. Now for those who know my boat, unless you are right at the port stern, you can not hear my genny. It does smoke a little but nothing that would bother you even if I were at the dock. Others were running their gennies at the other end of the anchorage and I could hear them above mine! She must be one of those that don't believe running their gensets while on the hook. They also have a new boat. Kay got a little upset by it and wanted to tell her where to go.

Later that evening Kay came out on the bow with a hummingbird in her hands. I was trapped in the sunroom. After a posing for a few camera shots, it flew away! As sunset can it was cooling off nicely as it was 84f today. Warmer tomorrow.

Today June 5th it is hot. 88f by this afternoon. I took a shrimp pot out and used a bait that looks like dog food nuggets and then you squirt this juice on it that looks like hot sauce! Let it soak for about 6 hours and see if I get lucky. I am in about 350ft of water, I think. Wal-Mart list: small cheap depth sounder with a motor cycle battery.....

This is a nice place with peace and quiet and sometimes cranky neighbors. We will come here again, but maybe not July or August.


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Dinner tonight

Steak and "fresh" shrimp tonight!!!:thumb::smitten:


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We left Westview Marina (Powell River) early in the morning as I did not want to leave at low tide. This is a marina I would not recommend for any boat over 30ft.

I am thinking of of staying a night in Westview (Powell River) to pick up my Daughter and Son-in-law. I am 43'. What is it about Westview that would discourage a larger boat?

As we got near to Prideaux Haven I was looking for a very small channel into the anchorage. It was another lazy "S." I was surprised by how small the anchorage actually was. There were already 8 boats in here and it seemed crowded. However, I am told this place can hold many more boats stern tied to the sides. We also found some folks we had met at Princess Louisa here. Once anchored Kay and I dumped the dinghy and went to explore.

This is a nice place with peace and quiet and sometimes cranky neighbors. We will come here again, but maybe not July or August.

How long was your run from Westview to Prideaux Haven?
I am thinking of of staying a night in Westview (Powell River) to pick up my Daughter and Son-in-law. I am 43'. What is it about Westview that would discourage a larger boat?

How long was your run from Westview to Prideaux Haven?

The harbor is very crowded and there is very little room to maneuver. The sea wall is way to close to the docks, making it impossible for two vessels to pass each other. If all you are doing is picking up someone look at the fuel dock. As you come into the harbor you will see a piling in mid-channel. Pass with piling to Port, when leaving piling to stbd.

According to my log it is 33.4 miles from West View to Prideaux. Took us about 4 hours at 8kts.
The harbor is very crowded and there is very little room to maneuver. The sea wall is way to close to the docks, making it impossible for two vessels to pass each other. If all you are doing is picking up someone look at the fuel dock. As you come into the harbor you will see a piling in mid-channel. Pass with piling to Port, when leaving piling to stbd.

According to my log it is 33.4 miles from West View to Prideaux. Took us about 4 hours at 8kts.

Thanks. We were looking to spend the night in Powell River, figuring that we would arrive in the afternoon and our family would arrive by car that same afternoon. Then leave the next morning.
A S D:

1 Enjoy your newfound culinary delight, they are called "spot prawns". They are not shrimp. I had a commercial Prawn guy explain the diff; prawns are carnivores, shrimp are vegetarians. If you overcook prawns, they get harder, overcooked shrimp get mushy. Anything over 2 min in the fry pay or boiler is overcooking. You may get a small number of shrimp in your Prawn traps. They look different: no spots, more transparent, different colours. Still tasty though.

2 I have counted over 100 boats in Pridoux Haven in the peak busy season. Hence I have never spent the night there. Enjoy the relative solitude. You can spend weeks to months exploring Desolation Sound without getting bored.

3 Hike to some of the lakes. None of the hikes are difficult and all of the lakes are pretty and offer nice freshwater swimming. At this time of year they will be cool, but you will be there by yourselves. I know you have complained in earlier posts that hiking is harder for you, but seriously, the local lakes are a very easy hike. Check out Unwin, Black, Wylie, Robinson. All on old logging grades, none very far, so very easy hiking. Cassel and nearby un-named lakes are good too, but a bit more difficult hiking.
Good synopsis Keith.
If colour and size are a puzzle, the quickest way to tell the difference between prawns and shrimp; prawns have 6 "pincers" shrimp 4.
The blog has been updated with 5 more chapters (13-17). We have been out of cell range. We are currently at Bella Bella/Shearwater. Rain, wind and fog. We will be heading up to Princess Channel, then up the "trench" Grenville Channel tomorrow and the next day. Almost to Alaska in a few more days. Enjoy......

The Alaskan Sea-Duction


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I've been following your adventure, looks like you guys are having a great time. Feel free to reach out to me if you make it as far north as Petersburg and need anything. I check the forum once a day during the week, but I'm off the grid most weekends, so you can get me here.
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