ASD and the Inside Passage

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
OK, yeah I can see that happening. Just seemed odd, considering the amount of experience represented on TF.
Rather than seizing the Beam I prefer to giggle the Gin, ala James Bond.

Dixon Entrance is one PNW section we almost always find that we pledge allegiance to Wesmar stabilizers.
Crossing Dixon Entrance in 2013. Dead calm.


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Tom and Kay, congratulation on making the trip back to your home waters. I can imagine how satisfied you feel for doing the job and doing it well.
Congrats gang! Enjoy the homecoming, I'll have a toast for you both!
Having a great time no doubt! Surprised though that you deemed it necessary to explain what beam on seas and following seas means to this crowd. Really?

Well not really. All I did was paste and copy from the blog. Most of my readers are family and don't know those terms..........
OK you all don't get your panties in a bunch, it was just a paste and copy.:rofl:

Maybe I should just refer to the blog in the future instead of copy and paste. Lots and lots of experience here and I have benefited from that knowledge, so no insult intended here.:eek:
OK you all don't get your panties in a bunch, it was just a paste and copy.:rofl:

Maybe I should just refer to the blog in the future instead of copy and paste. Lots and lots of experience here and I have benefited from that knowledge, so no insult intended here.:eek:

No don't! I like it when you post it here.
No don't! I like it when you post it here.

What he said

And for the record anyone assuming that readers here have some vast special knowledge therefore don't need things explained to them have never read one of the 50,000 "What Boat Should I Buy" threads started here over the years.
Tom was attempting to show me how to post!!! Sorry folks, Tioommucha scotch:banghead::banghead::banghead::hide:


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Having retired in May from the US Gov't, I've discovered the pleasure of spending a drizzly morning in my robe, drinking coffee, and reading this string in its entirety! Looks like your trip has been going well, Tom.

Due to other commitments, we won't be heading north until later in year, we plan to get an earlier start...haven't been north of Nanaimo yet.

Thanks for an enjoyable read, Tom & Kay. Next, it's on to your blog!

Calm seas & fair weather, Vic
"plan to get an earlier start"

Those are golden words for a summer trip to SE Alaska. Few that have'nt made the trip realize how far it is. April 15 is a good departure date. Better spend some time in port or at anchor along the way. And BC is in many ways nicer than AK. Stop at places like Duncanby Landing and an inlet or two not just Shearwater.

For those that are familar w the Seattle to SE AK think leaving now is late.
Agree, Eric...

I've lived in AK, so the allure of cruising there isn't strong. We love the San Juan & Gulf Islands, and have spent much time there, especially in Canada.

I'd like to see Princess Louisa, at least once, and perhaps get as far as the Broughtons...not much interest in venturing further.

This year, we plan to revisit our favorite places south of Nanaimo, due to time constraints.

It's all good...

Well the cell signal sucks here in Wrangle. 5 hours later I managed to kick out 4 entries on the blog. Ketchikan, Chapters 21, 22 and last but not least Wrangell. Sorry guys, but you will have to go to the blog for these. Our next stop is Petersburg. Here are a few pics to wet your reading.


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I'm sure enjoying this trip. Thanks guys for all your posts and your blog.
The blog is updated with Chapters 23, 24, 25 and Petersburg. We have made it to Juneau! We are home. Spending about 4-5 days here. Taking Ferry to Skagway to ride the Yukon steam locomotive on July 4th. Then we will start heading south. Dream come true!!!


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Congratulations - a real accomplishment! Enjoy yourselves and catch you on the return.
Tom & Kay

Congrats on your trip! Glad to hear you made it "Home". Look forward to hooking up down south, and remind us to show you the pics of the Spirit Bear. Got as close as 30 feet, was another bucket item. Safe travels, but enjoy your days.

You did it! Two months (give or take a day or so) from Portland to AK. Not a bad time, especially considering the few days you lost waiting for parts.

Nice going guys! You Da Man...and WoMan!
You did it! Two months (give or take a day or so) from Portland to AK. Not a bad time, especially considering the few days you lost waiting for parts.

Nice going guys! You Da Man...and WoMan!

So life is good here in Juneau. 62 and sunny today. Found my favorite scotch and got resupplied with cigars thanks to general delivery!

Good Scotch. Good cigar. Does life get any better?

Hey, wait a minute. Where are the Klondike Bars?
Good Scotch. Good cigar. Does life get any better?

Hey, wait a minute. Where are the Klondike Bars?

Those are on the grocery shopping list! Man i am on cloud 9 guys and ladies. Make the right decisions, work hard and don't give up your dream and you too can make it come i dreaming?
Hey folks we made it to our destination, Skagway Alaska! We did cheat a little. We left ASD in Juneau and took the fast ferry. 2.5 hours @40kts versus 10-11 hours with nasty following seas and wind. WE MADE IT!!!!

It appears using my phone i cannot download a picture....
Take the train to White Pass!
I have Updated the blog with Juneau and Skagway. We have traveled 1562 miles to Juneau Alaska in our boat. Tomorrow, we start the track back home. It has been such a great time. Mixed feeling about tomorrow, but we now have a list of places we want to explore and revisit!


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