ASD and the Inside Passage

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I've been following your adventure, looks like you guys are having a great time. Feel free to reach out to me if you make it as far north as Petersburg and need anything. I check the forum once a day during the week, but I'm off the grid most weekends, so you can get me here.

Thank You:thumb:
Setting off this morning to tackle the "Trench" (Grenville Channel). I have dreamed about this for years and know we are doing it. Our plan is WE HAVE NO PLAN!!!! We are having such a great time and meeting great people.:thumb:
You might like to take a slight detour to Bishop Bay Hotsprings.
I haven't been there since 1992 but it was nice then.

Your blog is a great read. Keep it up!

One word of warning though, as you have posted in a blog available to all, your notes on fishing attrated me with another mis-identified species. You need to read your BC sportfishing guide, both to properly identify the fish you are catching, and the daily and total limits that apply to those fish. If you got your licenses (you do have Canadian Fishing licenses?) online, you will need to bookmark the sportfishing guide for easy reference.
Along those same lines: Make certain you are not fishing in a RCA (Rockfish Conservation Area). There is a lot the area you are traveling through that is closed to bottom fishing, and when it is closed to that they mean ALL fishing. Try to pick up a copy of the regulations in Prince Rupert.
...and turn off that generator :thumb:

It was nice to visit with you in Port McNeill.

aboard IRENE in Alert Bay
Tom and Kay, I'm really enjoying your blog. It's always nice to 'travel' along with other boaters, enjoying the scenery and the write-ups.
Thanks for the fishing advice. Much appreciated.

Chapters 18 and 19 are now posted.


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Tom, Where in the heck are you??? USCG vessels in Canada?? Give us the story there.
Tom, Where in the heck are you??? USCG vessels in Canada?? Give us the story there.

No story here I guess. We were in Shearwater a few days ago and in the anchorage all by our selves when the USCG Cutter Terrapin showed up and plopped his anchor. The next day they pulled up to the dock for fuel and we both left at the same time. He is bigger, so I let them go ahead of us and I got a "Thank you Alaskan Sea-Duction". They called VTS and entered into the system with a destination of Ketch. I am trying to find out if it has jet engines on it if you look real close to the exhaust.....
...and turn off that generator :thumb:

It was nice to visit with you in Port McNeill.

aboard IRENE in Alert Bay

It was fun and the genny is working fine. I start it every time I think it might irritate someone...:angel:
I am trying to find out if it has jet engines on it if you look real close to the exhaust.....

Really enjoying the blog, keep it coming!

Here are the specs for Marine Protector Class of which the USCG Cutter Terrapin belongs.


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Mystery solved Tom, It is a USCG Cutter 'Roundup" The Terrapin is on the USCG dock as we speak. I took our Polsbo Skiff out this day for a harbor cruise and passed the base. There are about 4 or 5 of these cutters there.
These rigs have two turbines in conjunction with two diesels. When they cut those turbines in things happen!!!
Looking forward to meeting your and Kay.

No story here I guess. We were in Shearwater a few days ago and in the anchorage all by our selves when the USCG Cutter Terrapin showed up and plopped his anchor. The next day they pulled up to the dock for fuel and we both left at the same time. He is bigger, so I let them go ahead of us and I got a "Thank you Alaskan Sea-Duction". They called VTS and entered into the system with a destination of Ketch. I am trying to find out if it has jet engines on it if you look real close to the exhaust.....
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Hi Mike, My response to Tom makes your data confusing. your data makes no refrence to turbines yet my conversations with crew indicate that there are turbines involved. Might it be that there are superchargers of some nature that 'Cut In' at a pre-determined RPM. I am aware that when these rigs charge to flank the exhaust is black for the most part even when approaching flank speed. Impressive even at the stated 25 knots, it does appear to be faster,
Thanks for the data and will follow up next I see one of the boats to speak to somebody.

Really enjoying the blog, keep it coming!

Here are the specs for Marine Protector Class of which the USCG Cutter Terrapin belongs.
I've saved some of that "shine" for our next gathering! We're in Hartley tonight, head to Kitimat tomorrow for a few days.

Thanks again for the package pick up while your in AK. Tracey is catching up on our blog and you and Kay are in a couple of the new ones!

See ya both in the Broughtons, first round is on me!

By the way, that Red bloom was a hell of a site, eh?
I am enjoying the trip you are on. Great job on the posting and photos. I will be in Sitka starting the 14th and going to Glacier Bay at end of the month. If you are around the area give me a call then.

I am trying to find out if it has jet engines on it if you look real close to the exhaust.....

No turbines, Tom. Diesels with conventional shafts/propellers (no CPP) just like yours. Most of the main engine exhaust departs through the bottom, underwater. Those are essentially main engine vents and generator exhausts on the side.


Aboard IRENE in Sointula, BC.
I've saved some of that "shine" for our next gathering! We're in Hartley tonight, head to Kitimat tomorrow for a few days.

Thanks again for the package pick up while your in AK. Tracey is catching up on our blog and you and Kay are in a couple of the new ones!

See ya both in the Broughtons, first round is on me!


You got it buddy!
It is not uncommon to see USCG boats in B.C. waters.

Pretty awesome how nice the crews are to.
Dropped anchor about 2 miles away from one a few years ago in a bay.
They commented via radio the wind was carrying my dinner smells to them.
And how delicious it smelled.
And they chatted some.
Seemed extremely friendly and helpful.
Chapter 20 Ketchikan Alaska!

"North to Alaska!" We departed around 7 am. We were following a 72 ft Grand Banks (GB) called "Single Malt." It take a while getting out of Prince Rupert by the main channel. We finally made the last greed buoy and we turned north. Our course would be on the east side of a bunch of islands, thus the effect of Dixon Entrance would not be fully felt. The forecast called for south winds and seas up to 3 feet, 7 seconds apart. Not bad.

As we approached the light house in Holiday Passage, it was sunny and warm. Off the tip of Dundas were sport fisherman everywhere. mmm hot spot? We rounded holiday Island and entered Dixon Entrance. 5 miles to the boarder. At 11:45 ASD crossed over into Alaska! We were home again! Kay and I were so happy. The trip now seemed different. I have been dreaming of this movement for a very very long time. Then about this time my cell rings! Scared the crap out of me. I answered and "North to Alaska" was playing on the phone! It was my friend Ron Evens. I was very surprised to get a signal way out here.

A few more mile and Dixon Entrance reminded us who was in charge. As we made our way over to Tree point the seas started to build. 5 footers at about 7 seconds apart and were hitting us square on the beam. (side of the boat). This wave action caused the boat to roll side to side. So much so, maps, books and other things were being thrown from the map table. Well this is going to be fun! After a few curling hours we rounded Tree Point and the swells were now following seas (hitting us from the back of the boat). That kinda sucked. Kay didn't like it and it made her feel a little sick.

We were going to stop in foggy bay, but it was sunny, so we adjusted our course to Ketchikan. The rollers really didn't stop until we had rounded Mary Island, but was doable. Just about this time we met our first cruise ship heading south. Man these things are big! Soon after Ketchikan in sight! There were two cruise ships tied up at the docks. We entered the waters around Ketchikan called Tongess Narrows. This was a very busy place. Float planes taking off and landing every few minutes flying cruise ship passengers around, so they could see Alaska sights. Fisherman were trolling up and down hoping to get the big one. Down town was busy with tourists. We called the harbor master and we got a slip assignment. We pulled in and some folks helped us with the lines. I called U.S. Customs and cleared in just a few minutes due to our Nexus cards. I almost forgot to call them.......

We will be here for a few days exploring the town and being tourist ourselves.

As we watch a rare event here in Ketchikan, a sunset, Kay and I were home in Alaska once more.

More pics on the blog.


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A special Thank You

Kay and I would like to send a special "Thank You" to Ketchikan Al, a member here on TF. His generosity is unsurpassed! Thank you Al for all your help.:thumb::thumb:
Welcome back to Alaska. Drop us a note if you make it to Juneau, were in Harris harbor next to the South transient dock.
Having a great time no doubt! Surprised though that you deemed it necessary to explain what beam on seas and following seas means to this crowd. Really?
Having a great time no doubt! Surprised though that you deemed it necessary to explain what beam on seas and following seas means to this crowd. Really?

It was a cut and paste of something he wrote for a more general audience. Either that or he was writing for me specifically, idiot that I am. ;-)
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