Australia bound?

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RT Firefly

Oct 21, 2007
I may have the opportunity to visit Sydney next fall. Any volunteers for a boat ride? Thanks...

Mr Firefly ,
When is Fall exactly your fall or our fall, that is spring isn't it. Sept to November.
I would like to offer you a cruise but fear I will be further north.
There are a fair few Sydney siders on the forum who should be able to help.

By the way how long are you coming out for.
The excellent ferry system covers the entire harbor. If you can stay near the circular quay, the central ferry hub, you can walk to ferries to all the harbor towns and be forced to tour and dine in different locations each with its own character each day.
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Mr. T. Apologies. September of 2015 and the itinerary is to be decided. Mr. b. thanks for the suggestion but will I get free beer on the ferries?
No, not real beer.....they will probably give you a Fosters....which should be free :)
Mr. d. What you said...oh my. Next thing you know you'll be wearing an All Blacks jersey...


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It's OK nobody down here drinks Fosters.
It's our joke on the rest of the world.
Pity it's not a little later ( weather wise)- I just had a great weekend on the water at Lake Macquarie - about an hour north of Sydney. I'm a sydney boy mr firefly - happy to point you in the wrong or right direction
RTF, I would rather keep my Springbok jersey thanks! I used to work out of Sydney, Perth, Rock Springs and Darwin for years. Loved it!
I may have the opportunity to visit Sydney next fall. Any volunteers for a boat ride? Thanks...


No problems RT(assuming nothing untoward occurs between now and then) I would be very happy to show you around beautiful Pittwater. Although not in the harbour itself it is a magnificent boating area, about 45 minutes north of the harbour, lots of little bays and a few good waterside eateries.

Let me know your itinerary closer to the time and we will sort things out, should be fun.
RTF-- While it's not Sydney we're shooting in Brisbane this week. Just had dinner at a fabulous riverside seafood restaurant (they have fabulous ones in Sydney, too). The things they know how to do with fish and seafood down here are worth the visit even if you don't get a boat ride.

And make sure you watch for the huge fruit bats than fan out over Sydney harbor at dusk on their way inland to feed. It's like watching an armada of B-52s head out. They roost during the day in the botanical gardens just beyond the opera house. Worth a walk in the park to see them.
Mr. Marin. I AM taking notes. Is there bat curry available in Sydney? Seems I missed out on it when visiting the Seychelles. It was either..."We had some yesterday or we'll be cooking it tomorrow." Kinda sorry I missed tasting it about as much as scorpion in Shanghai...Looking forward to the culinary treats...
We filmed the bats in the Seychelles when we're shooting there in the early 2000s but we didn't eat any. However, I have eaten fruit bat on Guam a long time ago when I was shooting for an ad agency in Honolulu that was handling the gubernatorial campaign for a fellow who was trying to unseat the incumbant. Some of his constituents threw him a big party and one of the featured dishes was fruit bat, which they prepared by cooking the whole bat and presenting it on the table, head, wings, and all. They carved meat off them like little turkeys. No curry, though.
Are you able to tell us a wee bit about what you are filming here in li'l old Brissy, Marin..?
Sorry we are having a bit of a minor heatwave right now.
Are you able to tell us a wee bit about what you are filming here in li'l old Brissy, Marin..?
Sorry we are having a bit of a minor heatwave right now.

It's for BDS (Boeing Defense & Space) and that's all I can say about it.

And yes, it is bloody hot. We were hoping it would be "spring" but apparently that's not to be.
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