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Bertram 25 flybridge cruiser - Very Nice Shape

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Jan 16, 2011
1967 hull, Bertram 25, flybridge.

Twin Marine Power gas engines, new in 1996, 400 hours, 165hp each, with Alpha outdrives.

Boat is in perfect running condition, and in really nice shape - hull is perfect, not a single blister.

Interior is all original, and MINT.

All new canvas last summer.

New fuel tank, and has water tank too.

Comes with custom trailer.

$25,900 or best offer - will consider trade for smaller cuddy cabin or center console.




http://s529.photobucket.com/albums/dd340/psilitschanu/Bertram 25/

That is one of my all time favorite boats! Is it here in Florida or somewhere near you?

What size cc are you looking for?* I have a classic seacraft.....just sayin'.

the Bertram is in Boston, but she is on a trailer. Ideally I'd like a 20-22' CC, but might go for 18' or 24' maybe.
Where in FL are you?
Yes, but I have trailered it, and never had an issue - even in Mass, where the State Police will find any reason to pull you over...
Yes, but I have trailered it, and never had an issue - even in Mass,

Anyone in there home state has a huge advantage when breaking the law.

With an RV , that is "out of state" 95% of the time , be assured you have a huge bulls eye of a dollar sign on your vehicle.

There is no local heat from giving "lawbreakers" from out of state huge fines.

WE hope to find a "pocket cruiser" that can go behind our RV .

Plenty of them out there from Bayliners , Carver , on up to Euro overpriced imports.

The biggest decision we haven't yer made is speed.The Inside Passage a major goal.

Weather to get a 6K boat or a 20K cruiser is the question. Gas is just fine with me.

Biggest hassle so far is the quick boats are IO or Outboards , and the LOA of the tow grows by the hanging parts.

Over 8.6 and permits are required in many states.

Sitting on the trailer , ball to end,* 28.5 is IT!!!

-- Edited by FF on Saturday 16th of April 2011 04:46:54 AM
FF wrote:

Weather to get a 6K boat or a 20K cruiser is the question.

If it was me, doing the type of PNW cruising you have in mind, I'd opt for the 20 knot boat. Trip planning is a lot easier when you don't have to plan for sailing on the tide. ( I know I'm telling you something that you already know but having cruised that part of the world a few times in an 8 knot boat, I was constantly wishing we were on something that would cruise in the mid teens+.) Carey would be a good one to respond to your post.

SeaHorse II wrote:
FF wrote:

Weather to get a 6K boat or a 20K cruiser is the question.

If it was me, doing the type of PNW cruising you have in mind, I'd opt for the 20 knot boat. Trip planning is a lot easier when you don't have to plan for sailing on the tide. ( I know I'm telling you something that you already know but having cruised that part of the world a few times in an 8 knot boat, I was constantly wishing we were on something that would cruise in the mid teens+.) Carey would be a good one to respond to your post.


Did I hear my name? I must say, that given the extreme tidal currents encountered frequently up the inside passage, my patience would wear thin waiting for tides to allow reasonable speeds. Currents can run six to eight knots, thereby negating any forward speed of a displacement boat. If you don't mind calculating and timing every move along the way, then slow is good. The other aspect of having speeds in the teens, is the ability to maintain better control in heavy currents, such as Dodd Narrows in the Gulf Islands of BC. A slow boat dare not run that narrows and many others at much beyond slack. A boat that tracks well and handles seas well throughout the range from 6-20 knots would be my choice. The Rosborough 25 would be a great boat for that. I can't seem to get away from having a full keel. I'm pretty sure FF is aware of this boat, but for those that aren't, here is a link.http://www.rosboroughboats.com/sedan_cruiser.html


I am in your "PNW". I drive an 8 knot boat. I have never had to wait for a tide.
If your want to get somewhere more quickly, the 20 k boat will do it. But don't use the tides as an excuse. the only place tides are a factor, guys with 20 knot boats will wait. Like Skookumchuk, which runs to 16 knots. nobody is going except at slack water.
Dent rapids, Arran rapids, Hole in the wall, all will hold the 20 knot boats just as much as they hold the 8 k boats.
When I had a 6.5 knot sail boat, I had to get the other side of Dodd narrows against a 7 knot flood. With a little overheat of the 50 hp Lehman, no problem. So now with my 8 knot boat, I look at the tide book out of curiosity, not necessity.
Bear in mind that the distance you are subject to the adverse current is very short. In Gabriola passage, 100 yds, Dodd narrows, maybe 200 yds. Porlier pass, 200 yds, Active pass, 1/2 mile, hole in the wall, 200 yds, Dent, 1/2 mile, etc. Nothing an 8 knot boat will worry about. Now if you can only make 6.5.....
koliver wrote:
I am in your "PNW". I drive an 8 knot boat. I have never had to wait for a tide.
If your want to get somewhere more quickly, the 20 k boat will do it. But don't use the tides as an excuse. the only place tides are a factor, guys with 20 knot boats will wait. Like Skookumchuk, which runs to 16 knots. nobody is going except at slack water.
Dent rapids, Arran rapids, Hole in the wall, all will hold the 20 knot boats just as much as they hold the 8 k boats.
When I had a 6.5 knot sail boat, I had to get the other side of Dodd narrows against a 7 knot flood. With a little overheat of the 50 hp Lehman, no problem. So now with my 8 knot boat, I look at the tide book out of curiosity, not necessity.
Bear in mind that the distance you are subject to the adverse current is very short. In Gabriola passage, 100 yds, Dodd narrows, maybe 200 yds. Porlier pass, 200 yds, Active pass, 1/2 mile, hole in the wall, 200 yds, Dent, 1/2 mile, etc. Nothing an 8 knot boat will worry about. Now if you can only make 6.5.....
*One may not have to wait for a tide, but if you have an eight knot boat going against an eight knot tide, I would recommend a plan that excludes the two going heads up. The result will be nothing but lost fuel. With an eight knot boat, and totally lacking a plan to work with the tides, you will spend two or three times the necessary time at the helm, and two or three times the necessary fuel burn given the resulting time underway. With my boat, I just go when I feel like it, and yes, I may pay more at the pump, but don't spend my summer waiting.

I found a really nice Rossboro that is in Canada , but alas it has a tiny Perkins and is one of the 6K versions.

Its about $40K , so it would be pri$y to purchase and re power with a 305 Chevvy .

And we were hoping this time not to get a "project" .

Installing a 320HP DD ser 50 engine & ZF Auto tranny in our 56 Flxible VL 100 has taken 2 years , and gas 3-4 months to go!

It may end up a cheapo Bayliner , but its time for VACATION!
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