Best toilet for boats

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FWIW we have two Tecma units on board.

They have been in operation for 15 years. Over that time we have gone through two control units,one motor & had them clog up twice through user misuse. I have replaced the hoses once, nothing to do with the toilets as such.

When working properly they are excellent units, very quiet, though expensive.

We chose to hook them up to raw water, not fresh. When coming onto the boat after a week or so they do have that 'raw water smell' for the first one or two flushes but after that you could not tell if the units were using raw or fresh water.

Anyway, that's my experience with the Tecma's.


We also have15 year old Tecmas. No issues in our 12 years with them. We carry a spare pump/hose unit that we have never needed. I think it was around $350 when I bought it. Two hose clamps and two wires and you've replaced everything.
I live aboard and I've used Incinolet incinerating toilets for 10+ years. I will never have another standard marine toilet. If you have AC power, they're the way to go. No plumbing, just a vent. My inverter will run them, so no starting a generator just to use the toilet.
They burn anything that evaporates or burns. No clogs, smells, or excessive water use. Simple to clean with spray and a paper towel. No replacement parts in 10 years of daily use.
I have a Lavac head. Simple. Power boater's don't appreciate them as they are not usually installed in power boats. Amongst sail boaters the are well known.
I live aboard and I've used Incinolet incinerating toilets for 10+ years.

You've never had to clean the catalytic converter???

Great thread. Now you have me debating the replacement of our jabsco 37010. Looks like the po installed in 2016-2017. Since I am replacing the plumbing anyway...
I chose the Tecma over the Raritan when I replaced the original Vacu Flush two years ago and am not sure I made the right decision. The Tecma has noticeably lost flushing power recently and the repair guy can’t seem to figure out the reason.

We had the same problem and it was only after changing the hoses that the issue was rectified. Once we got the old hoses off and had a look at them we saw the issue.

The internal diameter of the hoses in some places was about a third of the external diameter such was the build up. This build up was hard and rock solid, no amount of chemical was going to clear it.
After many years (about 40) of dealing with marine toilets, we have decided that a traditional electric macerating toilet, that goes into a large holding tank, with PVC and Triton 101 hose, is about as good as it gets.
Great thread. Now you have me debating the replacement of our jabsco 37010. Looks like the po installed in 2016-2017. Since I am replacing the plumbing anyway...
Used at night, the 37010 can wake an entire anchorage. The "Quietflush" version is an improvement.
I prefer a simple manual head rather than anything electric. If you cruise in out-of-the-way places where parts are not available, it is nice to know that you can repair a manual.

I found the Rarity El. unit quite noisy. It certainly wakes up the crew when someone uses it. Sort of like a lion's roar. It was advertised as being quiet but I don't know what the comparisons are.
I have an ElectroScan processor and Dometic toilet. It replaced my Raritan. Bigger seat a bit quieter. No stinky tank. I do not put paper in the tank. The processor nakes acid that sterilizes the effluent and flushes directly over board below the waterline. . Dont want telltale tissue scraps floating up. I found potty smells may be caused by the petri dish environment if the salt water feed hose. Especialky if it has a long run from the through hull
Occasional chlorine back flow will eliminate the smell.
Raritan Marine Elegance. Hands down, or maybe butts down.

Agreed, just installed 4 of these and absolutely love them. One note though, be sure to check the size/height of the unit before ordering. I had to make a base since I ordered standard and it was too low.
Compost Head works great and no holding tank or smells
First one Marine Elegance Fresh water Smart Flush forward then added a second in the aft cabin as we liked the first so much.
Scotts Comfort Plus single ply - available at any Dollar General.

Jabsco 37010 = Submarine Dive alarm plus the single seal between the good and evil sides fails causing mucho harsh language.
Best Toilet for Boats

Save your $$$ and just buy Scott's single ply TP. It dissolves as quickly as RV at a fraction of the price and available just about anywhere.


I agree with Ted on the Scott's single ply. I've tested the TP sold as Marine and RV TP at over a buck a very short roll. Hold a sheet in your hand, run it under some water, and it dissolves. The girls don't like it because it doesn't feel like Charmin but it doesn't clog either.

So that became my model. I've tested some very cheap Chinese TP ($4.50 for 24 rolls) and it does the same. After lots of complaints from the Admiral, I tested other choices. Again, the test: Take a single sheet and wet it. If it immediately dissolves, you have an acceptable choice. Scott's single ply fits the bill perfectly. It is inexpensive, available almost everywhere, and hasn't clogged in my Jabsco manual marine head in six years! If it will work in a Jabsco, it should work anywhere.
IF you have the space below then use a normal toilet as you use at home

IF you have to use a Marine toilet, provide a manual one to the visitors, give them instructions, and put a nice notice in the bathroom "IF the toilet gets stuck when you use it, it will cost about $750 to fix, so follow instructions"

the top one worked for us.....
No love for the Tecma Silence Plus 2G’s? Fleming’s spec.

We favor the Tecma Silence Plus freshwater self macerating toilets as spec'd on a lot of Nordhavns. I have only worked on mine once and that's with two units over 11 years and that was to clear a vent line.

David Evans
N4310 Mary Pearl
Keyport, WA
Raritan Marine Elegance. Comodave and Headmistress both recommended it to me as a replacement for my raw water heads. I like it because you can use regular tp, it looks and feels like a dirt home toilet AND Raritan gives absolutely incredible customer service support. (As an aside, I accidently had a wippie flushed the other day and it took it without issue. I'm sure I was just very very lucky and there won't be a recurrence, but it's nice to know they're engineered so well.) I had an issue installing a replacement Raritan water heater once and they really stepped up the plate and did exactly what I'd requested they do without hesitation. Solid company.

My attempt at going paperless.. For the most part. A flushlet bidet seat.

Apologies for the angle.


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Raritan Marine Elegance is an awesome toilet and I haven't had ANY maintenance issues in over 8 years of use.
Also, my model: pull the handle towards you and it just empties the bowl WITHOUT adding any new water to the bowl (this is great for "number 1" so you don't fill up your holding tank too fast). Push the handle away from you and you get a full flush (for number 2). I really like this feature.
Lastly, be sure to change your head discharge hoses while you're at it. The hose's do tend to emit a smell after awhile. Since you're changing the toilets, you may want to change the hose while you're at it:). Buy the best hose you can.
Raritan Marine Elegance is an awesome toilet and I haven't had ANY maintenance issues in over 8 years of use.
Also, my model: pull the handle towards you and it just empties the bowl WITHOUT adding any new water to the bowl (this is great for "number 1" so you don't fill up your holding tank too fast). Push the handle away from you and you get a full flush (for number 2). I really like this feature.
Lastly, be sure to change your head discharge hoses while you're at it. The hose's do tend to emit a smell after awhile. Since you're changing the toilets, you may want to change the hose while you're at it:). Buy the best hose you can.

Everything will be brand new.

Any thoughts on running rigid pvc pipe for a length of the line? Perhaps with flexible tube from the toilet to the pvc and pvc to the tank?
I put bidet inserts in both my ME's. They fit under the stock seat. Less than $50 each.
Everything will be brand new.

Any thoughts on running rigid pvc pipe for a length of the line? Perhaps with flexible tube from the toilet to the pvc and pvc to the tank?

PVC will work if you have straight runs. Our last boat had that for the long run from the forward head to the holding tank. No problems.
I have an ElectroScan processor and Dometic toilet. It replaced my Raritan. Bigger seat a bit quieter. No stinky tank. I do not put paper in the tank. The processor nakes acid that sterilizes the effluent and flushes directly over board below the waterline. . Dont want telltale tissue scraps floating up. I found potty smells may be caused by the petri dish environment if the salt water feed hose. Especialky if it has a long run from the through hull
Occasional chlorine back flow will eliminate the smell.

Where do you boat that allows electrosan discharge. I had forgotten about this system which we had back in the 70-80's. I see the new model, same principle has a measure of fecal discharge. But the price equals two Marine elegance which I have.
PVC will work if you have straight runs. Our last boat had that for the long run from the forward head to the holding tank. No problems.

Thank you for the information. I was hoping it would be the case, but did not want to make any assumptions.

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