Breaker panel 'cover'?

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Feb 17, 2018
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Grand Banks 47 Eastbay FB
Are there such things as covers for these BEP Marine breaker panels?

Note the placement of the bow/stern thruster controllers. Lower station on the left, upper station middle, and the breaker panel for the engines that's just barely visible on the lower station.

I had a problem with my upper station control and had to quickly switch to the lower. While operating from the lower station I mistakenly reached for where the thruster controllers are at the UPPER station and managed to flip one of the engines OFF. Thankfully they come back online in seconds, so the situation didn't get THAT MUCH WORSE. But it tells me this needs addressing as to avoid future confusion.

I could probably move the controls around a bit on the lower station to better match those of the upper. Though I'm not sure there's enough slack in the cabling to allow for it (because of course there won't be).

So an interim solution would be some sort of cover that made it harder to make that mistake again. I'd still need control of the breakers, as they're the off/on for the engines. I'm thinking maybe something acrylic and hinged?

Anyone seen or created something that might be suitable here?


  • lower upper breakers.jpg
    lower upper breakers.jpg
    75.4 KB · Views: 45
You should ask BEP if they offer covers.

A piece of acrylic or polycarbonate would also make a good cover. Just have to hinge it, bend it so a leg of the cover holds it up a bit.
Some black Starboard attached to the panel with a hinge for clear plexi.
I haven't seen them specifically for a panel like that. Looking at the breakers, I'm guessing you want to protect all of them from accidentally getting turned off? In a similar situation I had a guy make a clear plexi cover plate that is the same dimensions as the whole panel, then mount it using the existing mounting holes, but longer screws and standoffs. With an appropriate standoff gap, you can get your fingers behind the plate and operate the breakers, but you can't brush against them and trip them by mistake. It worked very well.
I haven't seen them specifically for a panel like that. Looking at the breakers, I'm guessing you want to protect all of them from accidentally getting turned off? In a similar situation I had a guy make a clear plexi cover plate that is the same dimensions as the whole panel, then mount it using the existing mounting holes, but longer screws and standoffs. With an appropriate standoff gap, you can get your fingers behind the plate and operate the breakers, but you can't brush against them and trip them by mistake. It worked very well.

Yep, it's the 'accidental off' that I want to avoid repeating. Next time I'm at the boat I'll mock up a test of just a clear plate with stand-offs on the existing mounting holes. The trick will be finding a reasonable height that allows effective use.

I suppose it'll complicate the job switching from wood screws to machine threaded for the stand-offs. Because it's always just such fun dealing with putting machine thread adapters into wood. Exponentially so when there's more than one hole to be made. Invariably the first few fit fine, then the others strip out or otherwise won't hold...

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