Can You Name This Place ?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Close, but your further south.
Well I'm beginning to think it might have been one of those lost weekends.

If it's not Yakuina Bay, aka McCullough Bridge near Newport, then I don't know, unless it is way inland.
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Well I'm beginning to think it might have been one of those lost weekends.

If it's not Yakuina Bay, aka McCullough Bridge near Newport, then I don't know, unless it is way inland.

Ive never heard it referred to as Yakuina Bay, But it is the entrance to Newport. That’s 2 for 2, you’re on a role!

Roque Island is beautiful. There in August.

St Martin?

St. Barts but think they also race around st.martin, and know BVI. Got that shot from the committee boat. Amazing to see a dozen or more 100’+ sailboats with all the rags up.
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Mr. SC. Yes! Access from here to Lake Ontario (via the Rideau Canal) and/or the Atlantic (vial the Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Rivers). Those undertaking the "Great Loop" can add the Canadian "Loop" to their itinerary. VERY much worth it IMHO.
This one's in the Caribbean and is a bit tricky to enter with a guided missile destroyer what with its floating swing bridge. You can cheat and look at the photo's info. :)


  • Curacao canal 1.jpg
    Curacao canal 1.jpg
    98.3 KB · Views: 37
Curacao. Have walked over that swing bridge several times, between the two sides of the town. The swing bridge actually floats on a series of small boat hulls. Its quite an experience to sit at one of the waterfront restaurants when a large ship enters or leaves the port.
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Where is this?

Originally Posted by PNK View Post
TT, you need to be looking about 120º or so further south!

Not Grytviken?

Alaska Prof;

Your photo is certainly similar, and I guess is an abandoned whaling station. My photo is as well, but to give you a hint it is in Antarctica.

Mr. SC. Yes! Access from here to Lake Ontario (via the Rideau Canal) and/or the Atlantic (vial the Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Rivers). Those undertaking the "Great Loop" can add the Canadian "Loop" to their itinerary. VERY much worth it IMHO.
Departing from Rochester, I did the Rideau canal / Champlain / Erie canal "triangle" with my Dad on his boat ~1974. One of my most memorable trips, ever!
This has been called the most painted building in the US. The town paints it with new paint that looks weather beaten to preserve its look.
Maine? Boothbay Harbor? Bar Harbor??
This has been called the most painted building in the US. The town paints it with new paint that looks weather beaten to preserve its look.

That's 17 nautical miles from my slip. One of our favorite places.
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