Canada extends cruise ship ban until Feb 2022

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TOTALLY agree with you. Time to open the countries and let people be responsible for themselves. The restrictions shutting down are WAY over do.
Don't worry about cruise ship passengers giving us Alaskans Covid.

Alaska just removed all restrictions on the vaccines making them available to all residents 16 years old and older.

We are the first state in the nation to remove restrictions and freely distribute the vaccine.

As of today we have vaccinated 170,000 of our 730,000 population or about 23% of the population.

OK, so 77% of the population is not vaccinated?
I'm just curious, why is it necessary to announce a ban that lasts for a solid year when the covid situation is so fluid? Is it a case of needing to plan shoreside logistics and reservations timelines? I'd think rolling 90 day windows would allow for changes in the dynamics better.

Any insights?

Because the Canadian federal government knew they hadn't procured vaccines in a timely fashion in order to vaccinate their own population, and can't open the borders until they do.

Best to nip it in the bud early, and hope either no one figures it out or remembers their incompetence.

Our best bet in BC is to have everyone vaccinated with one dose by September. But this was figured out at a Provincial level, after the ban was in place.
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Here is a Great example of a real cruise ship town.

I keep my boat in Seward Alaska. We are Cruise Ship dependent. We are a tourist driven economy.

In Seward Alaska the Covid case rate was really high in the beginning and then people learned. Now we have a VERY low case rate.

Why... That is easy to see. If you go to the store everybody has a mask on. Everybody washes off their shopping cart. Everybody seems to be making choices to minimize their personal risk.

Bring back our cruise ships and nothing will change. We know how this spreads, and we know what to do to minimize the risks.

Compare this to the Matanuska Susitna borough where I make my home. We have the highest per population case rate in the state.

Why???... Again it's easy to see. Almost nobody wears a mask. Almost nobody wipes a shopping cart down. People seem to be making choices not to protect themselves, and our case rate reflects that behavior.

But... That is their choice, and it should be. As long as so many are not sick in the hospital as to deny someone with a non Covid related issue medical care or a hospital bed, then it's frankly their choice to make.

Even though I choose to protect myself it is not any of my business what they do.

What is with you and saying choices! There isn’t a choice when your bloody stupid decision effects my families health. Because it’s my right to not wear a mask, it does effect me it really does.

If I lived in a small town with low numbers I certainly would not want 3000 drunken idiots walking around my town slobbering where I raise my family.
Don't worry about cruise ship passengers giving us Alaskans Covid.

Alaska just removed all restrictions on the vaccines making them available to all residents 16 years old and older.

We are the first state in the nation to remove restrictions and freely distribute the vaccine.

As of today we have vaccinated 170,000 of our 730,000 population or about 23% of the population.

Do you guys have fake news up there! Taking the vaccine does not make you superman, we have health care workers here catching Covid even with shots.

My daughter works at the hospital and has been vaccinated and still when exposed has to be tested and watched for 2-3days for symptoms.
What is with you and saying choices! There isn’t a choice when your bloody stupid decision effects my families health. Because it’s my right to not wear a mask, it does effect me it really does.

If I lived in a small town with low numbers I certainly would not want 3000 drunken idiots walking around my town slobbering where I raise my family.
But you do have choices. Wear or don't wear. Stay home or venture out. Get the vaccine or don't get the vaccine.

Why are you insisted that you have the right to take away my choice and force me to follow yours?
But you do have choices. Wear or don't wear. Stay home or venture out. Get the vaccine or don't get the vaccine.

Why are you insisted that you have the right to take away my choice and force me to follow yours?

That's a bit of rhetoric because the Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver filed a lawsuit recently against the Province of BC.

They're getting ready to capitulate, if need be, on the church restrictions.
And the three churches that won in court also are back in court against the church restrictions. Dr Bonnie may be spokesperson for the gov, I had noticed Dix speak out of sync with her.
What is with you and saying choices! There isn’t a choice when your bloody stupid decision effects my families health. Because it’s my right to not wear a mask, it does effect me it really does.

If I lived in a small town with low numbers I certainly would not want 3000 drunken idiots walking around my town slobbering where I raise my family.

3000 slobbering fans? The Canucks wish for them and more in the stands ASAP. It's been a tough season. When they were winning big that crowd put 5 cruise ships to shame with their raucous behavior. Great fun it was.
Like always the numbers can be slanted to support what you want them to say. In this case a large number of Alaskans are under 18 and vaccines are not recommended for them. Google says 24.6% of Alaskans are under 18 and should not be included in the count. Also it was just opened up to all so the numbers should go up quickly.
I know of one mom and pop business that specialized in pheasant hunting. It was not too far from Detroit. The season was always booked solid. The bird’s had their upper beak clipped so they could not feed in the wild. Make a reservation, they would release the necessary birds for one to shoot. If the group did not shoot their quota, over time the birds would die.
This season, no folks from the US. I suspect, next season they will not be in business.
Let’s hope the pheasant figure out a way to peck until the very end will grow back quickly. The local population of eagles loved to feed on these birds. Those eagles were magnificent birds, flying overhead, blocking out the sun.
Evolution has many forces.
But we shouldn’t be part of it.
We’ve got enough eagles now.
I hope the Pheasants flourish.
Interesting that the new definition of Socialism, seems to someone who posts anything you don't agree with. I guess then there are quite a number of Socialists here (pleased to meet you).

I think what you are saying sounds like "If you don't want to be killed by a drunk diver, then stay home." (My "socialist" view would be that drunk drivers should not be allowed to drive freely with my only recourse being to stay home. IOW, the drunk drivers get their freedom while I have to curtail mine to avoid them.)

Let's take another example: There is a speed limit in your residential neighborhood of 25 mph. Well for starters, that encroaches on my freedom! I should be able to drive 80mph down your street. Your children/grandma/dog would be much more likely to be killed, obviously. But you could just keep them all indoors 24/7 so my freedom could be indulged. (I think that would be totally wrong; speed limits exist for the common good, even in a capitalist society.

Anyway, it sounds like cooperating for the good of fellow citizens, even to the point of trying to end a pandemic is "socialism"?

While we're at it, we should get rid of public schools, social security, public safety services (e.g. fire departments), etc. Having these provided by the government is certainly socialist. Taxes too! Let everyone fend for themselves.
Ah yes. Collective values. I vaguely remember them from about 15-20 years ago. Before special interest groups started claiming that their shared values were part of the collective.

Society lost their much of their sense of collective value as they had been watered down by the force feeding of non-core values.

Hence the rise of individual values.
With a great amount of weight placed on the “individuals”.

I’ve always said “a kingdom is the best depending on the king”.
Back to Boating

The posts regarding COVID are getting ridiculous and off track and so redundant. So I again post the following from post #111 in an attempt to bring us back to boating and those things directly related to boating.

As of now, the boarder by boat has not changed.

So to get back on track.

Sea Venture made it to Alaska last spring doing the "Transient B.C." thing. They posted a video of their experience.

It will be interesting to see what happens when they head back to Washington this summer.
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