Cayenne pepper in bottom paint?

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we here in the Baltic Sea, antifouling paints imposed on the ecologically friendly so the power is not as good as in the past. some thought the matter could be solved with a washing machine and then. do you have something similar to "new tune" Cleaning robootin I've seen.

If putting cayenne pepper in your bottom paint makes you feel better go right ahead and do so. I like my tequila with a worm in the bottle, nobody gives me any grief for it. I also drink my scotch neat so what do I really know?'re not drinking tequila, if it comes with a worm in it. It's Mezcal.
You can always dig up some earth worms and drown them in your favorite bottle of Patron, though.
Upside-down carwash!!
How well did it work?


Hi, you can read this machine this link. here's how it works ok if you wash at appropriate intervals. you can not be there in different vegetation, etc. because of our water is not as salty and it is never too warm, max 21 ° C maybe one month of the year. the service is not yet available from multiple locations, the future may still be at some of this type, when environmental issues are progressing.

BIGWASH | Rentunder

Youtube video
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Hi, you can read this machine this link. here's how it works ok if you wash at appropriate intervals. you can not be there in different vegetation, etc. because of our water is not as salty and it is never too warm, max 21 ° C maybe one month of the year. the service is not yet available from multiple locations, the future may still be at some of this type, when environmental issues are progressing.

BIGWASH | Rentunder

Youtube video
This is a very clever idea! Wish to have that at fuel dock. Each time you refill you give her a little scrub, that would be nice.
If you want to check if it is working or not you will need to test it in an ablative paint that has no antifouling properties...

Such a product does not exist. What would be the purpose of an ablative paint with no anti fouling properties?
I'll tell you what guys,
I doubt that the cayenne pepper wold work with a "hard" bottom paint, I don't know'
I don't use it.

But until YOU actually try the cayenne in an ablative bottom paint, YOU don't know.
All you're doing is "passing gas".

Try it , then tell us whether or not it works for your area and boat.

I have tried it in BC waters on my boat, operating year round, and not just for
one year.

It worked!!

Now that's experience, not "hot air".

What's yours???


How did you do the testing? Use pepper on one side but not the other and turn the boat around in the slip every week? Weigh the amount of barnacles scraped off each side?? Same amount of paint on each side and same application?

I just don't understand why the commercial paints don't contain cayenne pepper if it actually works.
I just don't understand why the commercial paints don't contain cayenne pepper if it actually works.


It's ridiculous to assume that the anti fouling paint manufacturers, who tend to be mutli-national, multi-billion dollar corporations and have poured decades and hundreds of millions of dollars into anti fouling paint R&D, would have failed to test what some here would have you believe is an effective, relatively cheap ingredient like cayenne pepper.

It's ridiculous to assume that the anti fouling paint manufacturers, who tend to be mutli-national, multi-billion dollar corporations and have poured decades and hundreds of millions of dollars into anti fouling paint R&D, would have failed to test what some here would have you believe is an effective, relatively cheap ingredient like cayenne pepper.

Of course and that's my point.
Some organic gardeners do sprinkle cayenne pepper around their gardens to repel pests, but they are talking insects, not barnacles and the pepper only works for a few days or until it rains.
Well out of interest I put this question to a friend(industrial chemist ) who has been involved in manufacturing printing ink for 40 years .His thoughts were encapsulating a low content organic powder in a paint base product would render any benefit if any ineffective due to the fact the pepper would be prevented from leaching to the surface ..
Well out of interest I put this question to a friend(industrial chemist ) who has been involved in manufacturing printing ink for 40 years .His thoughts were encapsulating a low content organic powder in a paint base product would render any benefit if any ineffective due to the fact the pepper would be prevented from leaching to the surface ..

I'm fairly certain your friend doesn't understand how anti fouling paints work. In any event, the reason cayenne pepper is an ineffective ingredient in anti fouling paint is not because there is no delivery mechanism, it's because cayenne pepper simply does not retard fouling organisms from colonizing a submerged surface. Why would it?
Am I guessing correctly that hot pepper is only effective on mammals. That said, we buy hot pepper suet that the birds eat and the squirrels won't touch. I wouldn't think that hot pepper, in any concentration, would repel sea creatures (I want to say invertebrates, but I don't know if that is correct).
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Such a product does not exist. What would be the purpose of an ablative paint with no anti fouling properties?

Sure it does.

Cheap water based paint.

Now if we can just get someone to try it out. :)
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Am I guessing correctly that hot pepper is only effective on mammals. That said, we buy hot pepper suet that the birds eat and the squirrels won't touch. I wouldn't think that hot pepper, in any concentration, would repel sea creatures (I want to say invertebrates, but I don't know if that is correct).

It is only effective on animals that eat it or somehow otherwise get the capsasin onto sensitive body parts, like eyes. First and foremost, fouling organisms are not ingesting anti fouling paint or any ingredient being leached out of it. That is why adding pepper to your anti fouling paint is a ridiculous idea.
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If putting cayenne pepper in your bottom paint makes you feel better go right ahead and do so. I like my tequila with a worm in the bottle, nobody gives me any grief for it. I also drink my scotch neat so what do I really know?

Who came up with the theory? The cayenne pepper sellers? And what about all the bland food being served? Excluding of course, spiced barnacle stir fry. Yum!
I'm sure you would have told the Wright brothers it was a ridiculous idea too.

You obviously have never tried it, but know all about it.

I had teachers that taught us man would never get into space and
had all the reasons why it was impossible.

I'm sure you would have told the Wright brothers it was a ridiculous idea too.

You obviously have never tried it, but know all about it.

I just told you why it's a stupid idea, but hey, knock yourself out chief. You know, with all your anti fouling expertise gained on a river in British Columbia and your anecdotes from 80 years ago.

Holy christ, effing ponderous.
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I'm sure you would have told the Wright brothers it was a ridiculous idea too.

You obviously have never tried it, but know all about it.

I had teachers that taught us man would never get into space and
had all the reasons why it was impossible.


Next time you paint your bottom paint one rudder with paint with pepper in it and one without pepper using the same paint.

Then have the diver take pictures every month or so.
If cayenne pepper worked, I'd think they'd market it. On the other hand, they might just profit from the unknowing.
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I'm sure you would have told the Wright brothers it was a ridiculous idea too.

You obviously have never tried it, but know all about it.

I had teachers that taught us man would never get into space and
had all the reasons why it was impossible.


I say you get a patent on the idea and then sell it to one of the big paint companies. Obviously, they never thought of it.
I just told you why it's a stupid idea, but hey, knock yourself out chief. You know, with all your anti fouling expertise gained on a river in British Columbia and your anecdotes from 80 years ago.

Holy christ, effing ponderous.

[FONT=&quot]Stupid idea? I’m curious to know what your credentials are to make that kind of rude statement chief? Are you a biologist, a paint research scientist, or just a rude bottom cleaner (ass wipe)?

[FONT=&quot]Wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a geography lesson either chief, so that you would know what type of waters are around Campbell River.

[FONT=&quot]By the way, has anybody else noticed that by far (with very few exceptions) the rudest people on this forum are arrogant, know-it-all Americans? You know who I’m talking about - the ones that ruin for others and drive them away from here.[/FONT]​
I’m curious to know what your credentials are to make that kind of rude statement chief?

22+ years in the hull cleaning industry
30,000 hulls cleaned
Board member- California Professional Divers Association
Consultant in Interlux anti fouling paint trials
Testified before the State Senate regarding anti fouling paint legislation
Co-authored an amendment to that legislation
Trained over 200 hull cleaners, harbor staff, LEOs and water quality policy makers in state-approved in-water hull cleaning Best Management Practices

I know some of you have a real hard-on for a diver who tries to tell you what's what regarding anti fouling paint. But I have spent most of my professional life educating myself on this topic and when I tell you that cayenne pepper is a wive's tale, you can take that to the bank.
[FONT=&quot]Stupid idea? I’m curious to know what your credentials are to make that kind of rude statement chief? Are you a biologist, a paint research scientist, or just a rude bottom cleaner (ass wipe)?[/FONT]​

[FONT=&quot]Wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a geography lesson either chief, so that you would know what type of waters are around Campbell River.[/FONT]​

[FONT=&quot]By the way, has anybody else noticed that by far (with very few exceptions) the rudest people on this forum are arrogant, know-it-all Americans? You know who I’m talking about - the ones that ruin for others and drive them away from here.[/FONT]​

Well, that statement is pretty rude itself. Sometimes it takes a bit of what some might think of as rude to get people's attention. The whole idea of putting pepper in bottom paint is stupid and it's been discussed far too many times. The conclusion is always the same; it's a stupid idea.

Now, you cap it all off by insulting Americans. What do you think that's going to get you? Sympathy?
As my signature states...

Okay; that discussion stopped being entertaining.
22+ years in the hull cleaning industry
30,000 hulls cleaned
Board member- California Professional Divers Association
Consultant in Interlux anti fouling paint trials
Testified before the State Senate regarding anti fouling paint legislation
Co-authored an amendment to that legislation
Trained over 200 hull cleaners, harbor staff, LEOs and water quality policy makers in state-approved in-water hull cleaning Best Management Practices

Well that sort of blows bubbles up Nsail arse :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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